*Chapter 12*

All the guys looked to JC as if he was nuts as he walked into the studio the next day whistling. They watched as he took his jacket off and sat down behind the mixing board, still whistling happily. He soon noticed four sets of eyes on him and turned around to face them slowly, "What?" he asked. "What's up with you?" Justin asked sitting down next to him at the board. "Nothing's up with me, why?" JC replied playing with a few switches on the board. Lance jumped into the conversation, "Two days ago you were home all day moping because you and Rey broke up, yesterday you walked around like you were lost and confused out of your mind, and today you come in all happy and whistling," he said.

"What, can't a person be in a good mood?" JC asked innocently. "Well yeah, but you and Rey were dating on and off for almost two years," Chris said. "What's that have to do with anything?" JC asked still playing with buttons on the sound board. "You guys just broke up two days ago and you don't even seem very upset," Joey replied. "Whatever happened to 'Wow I'm so glad you're getting over this breakup so well, JC,' talk?" JC asked starting to get annoyed.

"Well we are glad you're getting over this so well, but are you really sure you're getting over it?" Justin asked in concern. JC looked over at him slowly, "What do you mean?" he asked quietly. "I mean, are you sure you're really getting over this and you're not just covering up the pain? You can't let it all build up inside of you forever," Justin explained. "No, really, I'm doing okay. Me and Rey had been on the verge of breaking up for awhile now so I wasn't too shocked about it. And now I'm just looking forward to being single for awhile and having some fun, is that okay with everyone?" JC said. All the guys looked back and forth between each other, "All right," they all agreed hesitantly.

Just then a big crash came from behind the door to the studio. They all watched as someone struggled to turn the doorknob and open the door, but none of them made any movement to help the person. A minute later Julia finally appeared from behind the door, carrying what seemed like 10 bags in her arms. She stood by the door with an annoyed look on her face as the guys sat there and stared at her. She blew a piece of hair off her forehead and sighed loudly, "Geez, I try to be nice to people by bringing them lunch and they can't even be polite enough to help me carry it. I bet I could find some other people around here who wouldn't mind all this food," she said before turning around to leave. All the guys jumped up at once, "No wait, we'll help!" Joey yelled as he ran to her side and grabbed some bags from her. "Yeah, that's what I thought," she grumbled as the guys grabbed all the food from her.

"Thanks Jules, you're a doll," Lance said kissing the top of her head. "I figured you guys would be hungry and I have an hour before my next class," she explained. Chris looked up from where he'd been digging through all the bags looking at the selection, "Hey Julia, you forgot the drinks!" he yelled to her. She rolled her eyes dramatically, "You're welcome for the lunch, Christopher!" she yelled back.

JC started walking towards the door, "There's drinks in the break room, we'll go get some," he said grabbing Julia's arm as he walked by her. Julia couldn't help but notice the way JC's hand gripped onto her forearm then slid down to her wrist then finally grabbed onto hers slowly as they walked down the hall to the break room. She also noticed him look around the hall to see if anyone was coming.

Once they were in the break room JC walked to the refrigerator and grabbed some bottled water. He handed her a few and they started to walk towards the door before he stopped her. "Wait, Jules, we gotta talk," he said setting the water he was carrying on a table. Julia immediately felt a sinking feeling in her stomach. He sounded so serious and she didn't have a good feeling about this at all. "Um..o..okay," she stuttered setting her water down too.

She watched as JC walked over to the window slowly and looked out to the mid-day sunlight. "The guys are suspicious," he said seriously. "Suspicious of what?" she asked confused. "Of me," he said simply. "What about you?" "They think I'm too happy for just having my girlfriend of two years just break up with me two days ago," he explained. "Oh," was all she could reply, "Well why are you so happy?" she asked curiously.

JC turned from the window and a shy smile formed on his face slowly, "You," he said simply. Julia almost felt her mouth drop open but she stopped it quickly and her eyes widened, "Me?" she squeaked out. He walked over to her and smiled, "Yes, you," he replied, "You've been keeping my mind off of Rey and helping me deal with all of it," he said standing in front of her and grabbing onto both of her hands.

She shrugged out of nervousness, "I'm just trying to be a good friend and help," she said looking everywhere but up to his face. JC tilted his face down so she had to look at him, "Do you always go around kissing your good friends the way you've been kissing me?" He laughed lightly as her face turned a bright shade of red. "I guess not," she whispered looking down to the floor. JC laughed at her again and kissed the top of her head lightly, "Let's just kinda keep all this on the down low for now, okay?" he asked. Julia nodded, "All right," she replied.

JC stepped away from her quickly and grabbed the water off the table, "They're gonna start getting suspicious again, let's get going," he said as Julia followed him.


Julia knocked lightly on JC's door later that night. When he didn't answer she opened the door slowly and peeked into the room. She saw him sitting on the bed, his back leaning against the head board, reading a book. She crept in quietly, closing the door behind her, and he didn't notice her. He must have been pretty caught up in his book because he still didn't notice when she sat down on the edge of the bed carefully.

It was late and she was getting tired, but she still felt playful. She knew JC had to know she was there but he was still playing dumb so she crawled up beside him and leaned close to the side of his head. She saw him look at her out of the corner of his eye but he still didn't say anything.

Julia giggled playfully and leaned her mouth closer to his head and blew on his ear lightly. She noticed him jump slightly but he still acted like she wasn't affecting him. She began kissing his ear softly and worked her way down to his earlobe and kissed it softly again before biting down on it slightly. She saw JC swallow hard and she smiled to herself. He looked back down to his book and acted like he was still reading.

She sighed and tried to think of another way to get him to pay attention to her. She moved her mouth to his jaw line and began to kiss along it slowly, letting her tongue peek out every now and then to brush across the stubble on his face. When she was almost to his chin she heard JC slam his book shut and put it on the night stand. He quickly grabbed her around the waist and held her close to him across his lap.

"What are you trying to do to me, woman?!" he exclaimed as she giggled at him. "You weren't paying any attention to me," she pouted and he rolled his eyes at her. "Well you definitely got my attention," he replied, "Did you come in here for a reason other than to torture me?" he asked and he had to smile at the playful sparkle in her eyes. She smiled back up at him, "I just wanted to say goodnight," she said innocently. "You were hoping for a little late night sugar," he said and watched as she blushed.

"So what if I was?" she said with a shrug, causing JC to laugh lightly at her. "I wanted to ask you something anyway," he began and Julia looked up at him hopefully. "I have tomorrow night off and there's this great new jazz club I've been wanting to check out so I was wondering if you'd like to go with me, like our first real date, I guess," he asked looking Julia in the eye but he still sounded shy.

Julia's breath caught in her throat as she realized what he was saying. JC was actually asking her out on a date. She had waited so long for this and now it was actually happening. She bit on her bottom lip nervously before looking up to him, "Sure," she whispered. JC smiled at her before leaning down and brushing his nose against hers softly. He leaned his forehead against hers and after a minute of just looking into her eyes he finally moved his lips the few inches to hers.

He kissed her softly and pulled back slowly, leaving Julia wanting alot more, but she knew he had planned it that way. "Goodnight," he whispered loosening his grip on her waist. She got up carefully and walked to the door, "Goodnight," she whispered before blowing him a kiss and leaving.

*Chapter 13*
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Email: justinsangel81@hotmail.com