*Chapter 14*

Lance, Chris, Joey, and Justin were all goofing off at the studio the next morning, waiting for JC to arrive. He was usually the first one at the studio and for some reason he was half an hour late today. “You didn’t even see him at your house this morning?” Chris asked, getting impatient. “I told you, I went to my office early this morning to finish some paperwork. He was still asleep when I left,” Lance explained. “I swear I’m not letting him lecture me for being late for a very long time,” Joey pouted, plopping down onto the couch in the lobby of the studio. “Could you try his cell phone again?” Justin asked. “I just tried, he must not have it turned on,” Lance replied.

Just as Lance was about to go call his house, JC stumbled into the lobby sleepily. He was wearing blue Adidas pants and a white t-shirt. A tan baseball cap covered his head and his face was stubbly, like he hadn’t shaved in days. “Sorry guys, I overslept. I came as soon as I woke up,” he apologized immediately. “Eww, you didn’t even take a shower?!” Chris exclaimed. JC rolled his eyes at him angrily and mumbled something that came out sounding like a growl. Chris stepped back with his hands held up in surrender, “Sorry man,” he said before whispering to the other guys, “The sleepy one is a little grumpy today.”

“I’m fine, Chris,” JC said glaring at him, “I just didn’t get much sleep last night so I’m a little tired. Let’s just please get started, we’re already behind schedule.” The other guys quickly agreed and they prepared to start recording.


The rest of the guys had left as soon as they were done recording but JC stayed behind to work on mixing a couple songs. Justin came back to the studio a few minutes after he’d left, “I forgot my jacket,” he explained, grabbing his jacket from the back of a chair. JC didn’t say anything, he just sat at the mixing board messing with switches. Justin started walking towards the door but stopped halfway there and turned around, “Are you sure you’re okay JC?” he asked slipping his jacket on.

JC looked up at him like he didn’t even know he was there, “What? Yeah, I’m fine,” he answered quickly. Justin sighed loudly and pulled a chair up, “No you’re not. Come on, JC, you always make me spill all my problems to you.” “I don’t have any problems,” JC said quickly, pulling his baseball cap further down over his eyes. “Don’t like to me, Joshua Scott,” Justin said sternly.

JC sighed and took his hands from the mixing board and crossed them over his chest, “Have you ever had to lie about having a relationship with someone?” he asked. Justin almost laughed out loud, “Um, yeah, my whole relationship with Britney. You know how long I had to lie about that.” “Yeah, I know, I mean, with someone that isn’t famous. Did you ever have someone you couldn’t even tell us guys about?” Justin’s eyebrows furrowed in confusion, “No, why would I have to do that?”

JC sighed again and shook his head, “Never mind, I can’t explain it.” “Come on, just tell me,” Justin pestered him. JC swallowed hard and thought about actually telling him. Justin had a big mouth sometimes, but sometimes he could keep secrets pretty well. And JC felt like he was going crazy keeping all this inside and not telling anyone. Then he thought of Lance and how angry and betrayed he might feel about this. He didn’t want to risk his whole relationship with Julia before it had even started.

“Never mind, forget I said anything, please,” JC pleaded with him. Justin looked at him closely, “Are you sure?” JC only nodded slowly in reply. “All right,” Justin said reluctantly, “But remember I’m here to talk whenever you want.” “I know, thanks.” Justin nodded and stood up slowly before leaving.


Julia was studying at the kitchen table later that night when she heard the doorbell ring. “Did JC forget his key again?” she wondered to herself as she got up and headed to the front door. She opened it slowly and saw Justin standing on the other side. He smiled brightly when he saw Julia, “Hey Jules!” he exclaimed stepping inside and hugging her. “Hey Justy, what are you doing here?” she asked in confusion, shutting the door and walking back to the kitchen.

“Lance invited me over to watch a football game,” Justin replied grabbing a soda from the refrigerator and sitting across from Julia at the table. “Oh, he isn’t back from the office yet, he should be back soon,” Julia said looking at her watch and going back to her studying. “What are you working on?” Justin asked grabbing her notes and looking them over. She sighed and rolled her eyes, “Western Civ.” Justin made a face and put the notes down, “I’m glad I decided to take a little break before starting college,” he said with a small smile. Julia nodded grabbing her highlighter from her bag, “That was a good idea.”

They sat at the table in silence as Julia studied and Justin looked at one of her magazines he had grabbed out of her bag. Julia sighed, put her pen down, and looked up at Justin, “Justy, I can talk to you about anything, right?” Justin looked up from her magazine quickly, “Um, yeah, I guess so,” he replied. “You had to lie about your relationship with Britney, didn’t you? You guys had to sneak around alot, how did you deal with that?” she asked.

Justin looked up at her confused, trying to remember where he’d heard this before, “Yeah, we pretty much just had to stay away from fans, it was hard, but it made actually admitting it so much better. Now I can hold her hand in public or take her to a movie and no one makes a big deal about it,” Justin replied. “But you could tell all the guys and your family and close friends you were with her. What would you have done if you couldn’t have even told them?” she asked and suddenly Justin remembered the conversation he’d had with JC earlier that day.

“Did you ever have someone you couldn’t even tell us guys about?” Justin remembered the question JC had asked him that confused him. Justin shrugged, “I don’t know, I probably would’ve had to tell one of them eventually,” he replied, “What makes you ask all this? Are you interested in someone you can’t tell anyone about?” he asked, thinking of JC.

Julia looked down to her book quickly, “No,” she said quietly. “Come on, Jules,” Justin urged her, “Who is it?” Julia looked up at him slowly and opened her mouth to say something, but just as she did, Lance came walking in the door from the garage carrying a pizza. “Hey, sorry I’m late Justin, but I brought us dinner,” Lance apologized setting the pizza down on a counter. “It’s okay,” Justin replied before looking back to Julia and giving her a questioning look. “Never mind, forget I said anything, okay?” she asked in a pleading voice, gathering up her things and running out. Justin watched her leave and tried to put the confusing two and two together.

*Chapter 15*
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Email: justinsangel81@hotmail.com