*Chapter 15*

Julia parked her car in the garage and grabbed her backpack and purse out of the backseat. She walked to the door slowly, as she was tired from school then a long shift working at the radio station. She walked into the kitchen and set her keys down on the counter then walked to the hallway to see if JC was home. His car was in the garage but she figured he must’ve gone somewhere with Lance because the house showed no signs of life other than her. She glanced up to the top of the stairs to see his bedroom door open with the light off. She looked into the den quickly but he wasn’t there either.

Julia sighed sadly, she had barely seen JC at all for the past week and she was beginning to miss him. If he wasn’t at the studio he was somewhere with one of the guys and she was beginning to think he was trying to avoid her. She was hoping he was just taking some time away from her to try and figure out what exactly he wanted, but she didn’t know. “Oh well,” she whispered to herself, throwing her backpack over her shoulder to head upstairs and study. Just when she got to the stairs she felt someone grab her arm and pull her into the dark den around the corner. She tried to scream but the person covered her mouth before she could get any sound out.

Her attacker backed her up against a wall but she couldn’t see his face because the room was so dark. Tears formed in her eyes quickly but they vanished instantly when the person lowered his head to hers and kissed along her cheek slowly. His face was stubbly but his lips were soft and Julia recognized them as JC’s right away. She moaned softly against his hand as he kissed up and down her cheeks and he removed his hand from her mouth when he felt her relax against him.

“Oh my God, Josh, I’m gonna kill you,” Julia threatened, hitting his arms. JC laughed lightly at her, “Sorry, but I just wanted to surprise you.” “You surprised me all right, almost surprised me into a heart attack!” she yelled, her deep southern accent coming out. He laughed at her again, “I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you, I thought you would know it was me. Will you forgive me?” he asked, leaning his forehead against hers. Julia looked up into his shining blue eyes and knew she couldn’t stay mad at him, “I guess so,” she whispered. She leaned up to try and kiss him but he pulled his face away from hers quickly.

He grabbed her hand and turned on the lights before leading her to the couch. She looked at him in confusion but he only smiled at her. He reached around to the other side of the couch, “Here, these are for you,” he said shyly, handing her a bouquet of wild flowers. She looked at the flowers in shock, “Thank you, but what are these for?” she asked, smelling the flowers and smiling.

“Well I haven’t been around much lately, I guess I wanted to show you I’m sorry,” JC explained. Julia shrugged, “It’s okay, you’ve just been busy recording.” “I know, but I missed you,” JC said bashfully, lowering his head to try and hide his small blush. Julia’s heart completely melted when she heard his words, ‘he is too good to be true,’ she thought to herself.

Julia leaned over and tilted his head up gently before placing a soft kiss on his lips. “Thank you,” she whispered. JC smiled slightly before reaching up and pushing some of her hair behind her ear gently, “You’re welcome,” he whispered back. Julia set the flowers down on the coffee table and held both of JC’s hands in hers before leaning her forehead against his. She sighed softly as she closed her eyes slowly. JC sat there and stared at her peaceful face for what seemed like forever.

He still didn’t really know what to think about all these new feelings for Julia. Whenever he tried to think about it or analyze it, he only got more confused. It kind of scared him how all these feelings seemed to come from nowhere and how they had grown so strong in such a short amount of time. He didn’t understand it, but he always followed his heart, and right now his heart was leading him towards Julia.

“What are you thinking about?” JC whispered, startling Julia a little. She kept her eyes closed as she answered, “You,” she said simply with a shy smile. JC rubbed his thumbs across the back of her hands slowly, “What about me?” Julia still kept her eyes shut, “I’m thinking about your beautiful smile and how whenever you laugh your smile reminds me of when you were younger. I’m thinking about your voice and how passionate it is. And your eyes,” she whispered, opening her eyes slowly to look straight into his, “How blue they are. How whenever you look at me with them I feel like you can look straight into me, straight into my soul,” she finished, not moving her eyes from his.

“That’s funny,” JC began, “I think the same thing about your eyes.” Julia blinked slowly then looked back to JC, her bright green eyes sparkling. “I love your eyes too,” JC whispered scratchily. “Why?” He smiled, “Whenever you look at me, it seems like your eyes are sparkling and that they can’t get any brighter.” Julia only smiled slowly before closing her eyes again.

They sat like that in silence for awhile before JC brought one of her hands to his mouth and kissed the back of it gently before kissing up and down all her fingers slowly. He heard Julia whimper softly so he finally leaned forward and kissed her softly on the lips. Their kiss remained soft and light until Julia leaned forward and placed more pressure against JC’s lips. She pushed on his chest to make him lay down on the couch and she laid down on top of him, not breaking the contact of their lips.

Julia fumbled with the buttons on the front of his shirt as she kissed him. She finally got them all unbuttoned and rested her hands on his hard stomach. JC pulled away from their kiss to catch his breath so Julia dipped her head down to kiss along his chest softly. JC’s hands found her hair and he played with it as she continued to kiss his chest. A few minutes later Julia raised her lips to his again and felt him tugging on the bottom of her tank top. She raised her arms and let him pull it off her quickly. He ran his fingers along her back slowly before rolling her over so he was laying on top of her.

Julia gave him a funny look as he kissed down her stomach slowly. JC heard her moan softly when he let his tongue peek out a few times. She dug her fingers into the back of his hair and sighed when she felt him lick all around her belly button and her belly button ring. “JC,” she sighed and he raised his head to look at her and saw her with her eyes closed, biting her bottom lip. He smiled slightly and took his hands from the sides of her waist to unbutton her pants slowly.

JC stopped when he felt Julia sit up quickly, “What was that? Was that Lance?” she whispered frantically. “What?” JC asked. “That noise, I heard a noise, I thought it was Lance coming home,” Julia whispered nervously. JC looked at his watch before looking up to her, “Lance is out at some club with Joey and it’s only 10 p.m. I doubt he’s home already,” he replied. “Oh, sorry,” she said biting her lip. JC sat up and pulled Julia into his arms to hug her, “It’s okay, you were just being careful,” he replied.

Julia sat in his arms for a few minutes to try and calm her nerves. JC rubbed her bare back gently and hummed into her ear. “I’ve been looking for an apartment for the past week,” he finally broke the silence. “What? Why?” Julia asked raising her head from his shoulder. “I think I’ve kind of worn out my welcome here.” “I think your welcome is just fine,” she said with a small giggle, kissing his cheek. “Of course you think that,” he said laughing slightly at her, “But I feel bad for staying here so long. I’ve just been looking around but I haven’t found anything yet. You can come help me look this weekend if you want.” Julia looked down to her lap, “All right,” she said sadly, not wanting him to leave yet.

JC pulled her closer to him again, “I don’t want to leave you, but think how much easier all this will be if I get my own place. You can come over whenever you want and we won’t have to worry about Lance catching us, and we won’t have any interruptions,” JC said with a sly smile. Julia smiled slowly, “Okay,” she replied before JC kissed her.

*Chapter 16*
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Email: justinsangel81@hotmail.com