*Chapter 16*

“What was wrong with that last one? It was beautiful the way it overlooked that lake,” Julia asked tiredly as JC drug her to the elevator of an apartment building. They’d been looking at apartments all day and it seemed like they’d seen hundreds of them. JC was being very picky and still hadn’t found one he liked. “It was too big for one person, Jules, and the rent was outrageous, I’ll barely ever be there to pay that much for it,” JC replied, pushing the button on the elevator as they stepped inside. “JC, it’s not like you don’t have the money,” she replied. “I know, but I just don’t want to spend that much,” JC said.

The elevator stopped on the sixth floor and JC and Julia stepped out into the hallway. “6D,” JC mumbled to himself as he opened the door to the apartment with the key the realtor had given him. As soon as he stepped inside, he knew this was the apartment he wanted, “This is it, Jules,” he whispered as he walked around slowly. Julia looked at him like he was crazy, “This is it?” she asked in disbelief. JC only nodded slowly as he walked around in awe.

The apartment was nice, but it wasn’t exactly the nicest place Julia had ever seen. It was alot older than any of the other apartments they’d been in all day. It had high ceilings and was very open. There was no carpet, only wood floors that squeaked and creaked a little when they were walked on. It had one big bedroom and a nice bathroom, and a big open kitchen that led into the living room. “I guess it is pretty nice,” Julia said once she’d walked around for a few minutes.

“Pretty nice?” JC asked in disbelief, “It’s perfect. It’s exactly what I want.” Julia smiled at how happy JC was, “Well I’m glad you finally found one you like.” JC grabbed Julia’s hand, “Come on, let’s go to the realtors and get all the paperwork done,” he said leading her back to the elevator.


A few days later, Julia and all the guys were helping JC move into his new apartment. “No Joey, move to the left,” Chris grunted as he and Joey tried to carry JC’s dresser into the apartment. “You just told me to go to the right,” Joey whined. Chris sighed loudly, “Just go anywhere, this thing is heavy!” he yelled. Julia giggled at their antics as she unpacked a box of plates in the kitchen. She turned to Lance who was helping her, “It’s times like these that I really wish your fans could see you guys,” she said with another giggle. Lance just laughed at her and nodded in agreement.

A few minutes later JC walked in carrying another big box and set it on one of the counters in the kitchen. “Hey Lance, come help us out with this!” they heard Chris yell from the bedroom. He set down the plate he had been unpacking and jogged to the bedroom. Julia turned to JC where he was opening the box he’d brought in. She walked up behind him and wrapped her arms around his small waist and leaned her head against his back. He turned around in her arms and pulled away from her a little bit, “We gotta be careful, Jules, the guys are just in the bedroom,” he whispered quickly.

Julia rolled her eyes, “I think they’ll be struggling with that dresser for awhile,” she replied. JC sighed and rubbed his face tiredly, “I’ll be so glad when this is all over with and I’m all settled in.” “Well, things are going pretty fast, we should be all done tomorrow probably,” Julia replied, pulling off the baseball cap he had on his head and messing up his hair. He smiled slightly at her and brushed a few strands of hair that had fallen out of her ponytail off of her face. His hand remained on her cheek as he leaned down slowly and placed a soft kiss on her lips, “As soon as I’m all moved in I’m gonna cook you a nice dinner and we can finally be alone without any interruptions,” he whispered into her ear. Julia felt a small tingle go through her body when she felt his hot breath on her ear. All she could do was nod slowly.

He moved his face over to kiss her lightly again when they heard someone opening the door and walking in. The kitchen was right by the front door and since the apartment was so open, you could see into the kitchen from the door. Julia pulled out of JC’s grasp quickly and JC pulled his baseball cap on and pulled it down to cover his eyes. Justin walked into the kitchen slowly and looked at them curiously. “Jules had a piece of dust in her eye, I was just trying to help her out with it,” JC said before coughing nervously. Julia rubbed her eye quickly, “Yeah, I think you got it, JC, thanks,” she said. Justin continued to stare at them suspiciously for a few seconds, “Okaaaay, I think I’m gonna go put this box away in the bedroom,” he said walking to the bedroom quickly.

Julia let out a deep breath once Justin was out of sight and turned back to the box of plates, “Do you know how much easier this would all be if they just knew about us?” Julia whispered angrily. JC sighed loudly, “Not yet, Jules,” he urged her. “Fine, whatever, I’m gonna go help them in the bedroom,” she said with an annoyed sigh.


“Keeping this all a secret is alot harder than I ever thought it would be,” Julia said to Morgan over the phone a few days later. “Didn’t you say Lance would be mad if he knew you guys were dating?” Morgan asked. “Well yeah, he’d probably get kinda mad, but dealing with that would be so much easier than always having to sneak around with JC.” “JC’s probably just really confused about all these new feelings for you, and he doesn’t want to talk about them very much or tell other people about them until he has them all figured out for himself. He’s just a private person like that. I’m sure as soon as he has everything figured out in his head, he’ll tell all the guys,” Morgan tried to reassure her. Julia sighed, “I hope so,” she said.

“What are your plans for tonight?” Morgan asked. “I’m going over to JC’s. He said he wants to cook me dinner to celebrate his first night in his new place,” Julia replied. “Ooh, cooking you dinner, huh? What are you telling Lance?” “I’ll probably just tell him I’m going out with a friend from work or school.” “That’s a good idea. Hey, my mom’s calling me so I gotta go, but call me with details about tonight!” Morgan insisted. Julia giggled slightly at her, “Okay, sure, I’ll call you tomorrow,” she said before hanging up.


Once Julia was all ready to go over to JC’s later that night she grabbed her purse and headed downstairs, hoping Lance wasn’t home so she could just leave him a note, but she wasn’t that lucky. He was in the den watching tv and looking at some paperwork. He turned around when he heard Julia walk in, “You look nice,” he commented, “Where are you going all dressed up?” Julia let out a deep breath, “I’m just going out to a club with a girl from school. I’ll probably just end up crashing at her apartment,” she said, trying not to sound too suspicious, she was never a very good liar.

Lance turned back around and looked down to the papers he was holding, “Okay, have fun and be careful,” he said. Julia smiled that she was getting away with it, even though she felt awful for lying. “All right, bye!” she called to him before leaving.

*Chapter 17*
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Email: justinsangel81@hotmail.com