*Chapter 17*

Julia knocked on JC’s door lightly and ran a hand through her hair nervously. A minute later JC opened the door slowly and grinned at Julia as she walked inside. She was wearing a short black skirt and a dressy red tank top and she bit on her bottom lip nervously before smiling shyly back at JC. She admired him for a second, he was wearing black dress pants and a tight fitting dark blue dress shirt that was untucked with the first few top buttons unbuttoned. “You look beautiful, Jules,” JC said softly, kissing the back of her hand. “Thanks,” she whispered back with a blush.

“You’re right on time, I just finished dinner,” JC said leading her to the small candlelit table in the dining room. He pulled a chair out for her to sit down before going to the kitchen to get the rest of dinner. “I don’t know how to make very much, so I hope chicken and rice is okay,” he said setting it down on the table. “It’s fine, better than anything I could make,” Julia replied with a nervous laugh. For some reason she felt really nervous being all alone in this big apartment with JC, and he immediately sensed her nervousness. He grabbed her hand from across the table, “Don’t be nervous, Jules, it’s just me,” he said with a reassuring smile. “That’s the problem,” she thought to herself. She gave him another nervous smile, “Okay,” she replied before taking a drink of water.

Julia started to relax and feel more comfortable as the night went on. She and JC talked the whole time during dinner, and for what seemed like hours afterwards. They talked about his new album, about her school, and everything else they could think of. “You want some dessert?” JC asked after they’d been done eating for awhile. “Sure, what is it?” Julia asked. JC got up and walked to the kitchen, “Actually I worked so hard on dinner that I didn’t have time to make a real dessert. But I have some mint chocolate chip ice cream,” he offered. “Okay,” Julia replied. JC walked back into the dining room a minute later with a carton of ice cream and one big spoon. Julia giggled lightly at him, “So civilized, Mr. Chasez,” she said. JC shrugged, “I try,” he replied.

He dug the spoon into the ice cream, pulling out a huge bite of it and bringing it to Julia’s lips slowly. She closed her eyes slowly and opened her mouth slightly to let JC put the spoon in. She ate some of the ice cream off slowly before opening her eyes and grabbing the spoon out of his hand and moving it to his mouth. JC also closed his eyes and took a bite of the ice cream before licking his lips slowly. “I think you missed a spot,” Julia whispered, leaning closer to him and putting some of the cold ice cream on his lips. She heard him moan quietly as she leaned forward and started licking the ice cream off his lips. JC tried his hardest not to do anything back, but it was impossible. He soon gave in and let his lips respond to her tongue on them.

After a few minutes, JC grabbed Julia’s hand and stood up. She looked up at him questioningly as he blew out the two candles on the table and pulled her up to stand next to him. He kissed her forehead softly before leading her to the bedroom. She sat down on the huge bed slowly and looked at JC nervously. He gave her a small smile to try and calm her nerves. He leaned down and started kissing her as he gently pushed her to lay down and he laid down on top of her. He pulled away after a minute to catch his breath and he started kissing along her collarbone slowly.

Soon both JC and Julia’s shirts were off of them and thrown on the floor carelessly. Julia felt JC’s hand wander up her skirt slowly and rest on the top of her thigh. She pulled away slowly and JC looked down at her in confusion, “Are you okay?” She took a few deep breaths before answering, “Yeah, I’m okay, but can we just slow down a little bit? It’s just that his is all happening so fast,” she said looking up into his blue eyes.

JC smiled softly as he looked down into her bright green eyes that were full of nervousness and fear, “Yeah, I’m sorry for rushing it,” he said kissing her forehead lightly. She swallowed hard and struggled to give him a small smile. JC rolled over onto his side so he was now laying next to her, “You’re just so beautiful, Julia,” he whispered, running a hand over her cheek gently and remembering what she looked like when he first met her so long ago. “I always used to think of you as this cute little kid, Lance’s little sister, and I never realized how grown up and beautiful you are now,” he said seriously, looking her in the eye.

Julia smiled nervously and blushed slightly, “Thanks,” she whispered, “You’ve always been so beautiful to me, Josh,” she said. JC smiled at her and kissed her, “You want to stay here tonight? We don’t have to do anything you’re not ready for. I just want to hold you in my arms like this all night,” he said. Julia’s heart soared at his sincere words, “Yeah,” she choked out, “I want you to hold me in your arms like this all night,” she said snuggling up against his chest.


Julia let out a groan as she rolled over the next morning and the bright morning sunlight hit her in the face. She rolled back over quickly and wrapped her arms around JC’s waist and rested her head against his chest. JC smiled in his sleep as he felt Julia snuggle close to him as he pulled her closer to him. A few minutes later the bright sunlight shining on his face woke JC up. He kissed the top of Julia’s head lightly and she groaned slightly before looking up to him and rubbing her eyes. “Did you sleep good?” he asked. She nodded, “Yeah, it was especially nice being in your arms all night,” she said before leaning up and kissing him.

A loud knock on the door pulled JC away from the kiss. He looked at his watch, “Who would be here at ten a.m. on a Saturday morning?” he asked angrily. Julia sat up quickly and began to panic, “What if it’s one of the guys?” she asked frantically. “No, it’s not one of the guys, I just remembered they’re supposed to deliver my new tv this morning, it’s probably that,” JC said getting out of bed and grabbing a t shirt and throwing it on.

JC opened the door quickly, ready to let the delivery man drop off the tv, when he was surprised by Justin standing in the doorway. “Justin!” he exclaimed, “I wasn’t expecting you,” he said nervously. “Yeah you were, remember you asked me to come over and help you set up your tv when they delivered it this morning?” Justin reminded him, walking inside. “Well they’re not here yet, so you can go home and I’ll call you when they bring it,” JC said quickly. Justin rolled his eyes, “Didn’t they say they’d be here sometime this morning? I’m not driving all the way back across town just to come all the way back in a half hour,” Justin replied, “You got any cereal?” he asked walking into the kitchen.

JC followed right behind him, “But you know how delivery people are, I mean, they say they’ll be here at ten and that really means three o’clock. I don’t want you wasting your day here when I’m sure you have alot more important things to be doing,” JC said nervously. “Geez JC, it’s like you don’t want me here or something,” Justin said looking through the cupboards.

Just then Julia emerged from the bedroom, wearing a pair of JC’s boxer shorts and one of his t shirts, “Where’s the tv, Joshie?” she asked, not knowing Justin was there. JC closed his eyes slowly and took a deep breath before turning around to look at her. She stopped in her tracks when she noticed Justin’s back to her as he looked through one of the cupboards. Her eyes widened as she turned around to go back to the bedroom quickly, but it was too late. Justin turned around slowly with a confused expression on his face, “Joshie?” he asked.

Justin’s eyes also widened when he saw Julia standing there in JC’s clothes. “What are you doing here so early, Jules?” he asked. JC looked at her with a panicked look on his face and she tried to give him a reassuring smile. She swallowed hard before looking to Justin, “I came over last night to watch movies with JC and I fell asleep on his couch. I didn’t wake up until really late so he offered to let me stay here,” she explained. Justin’s eyebrows furrowed in more confusion, “But JC doesn’t have a tv here yet, they’re delivering it this morning, how did you guys watch movies?” JC closed his eyes and covered his face with his hands as Julia looked at him nervously, biting her lip with a scared expression on her face.

Justin noticed the dining room table and the place setting for two, the two candles, and the carton of now melted ice cream with only one spoon sitting next to it. He walked towards them slowly, “Busted,” he whispered, “You guys have some explaining to do.”

*Chapter 18*
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Email: justinsangel81@hotmail.com