*Chapter 18*

Julia sat at one end of the couch with her head in her hands as she cried. JC sat on the other end of the couch, leaning forward with his elbows resting on his legs and he also sat with his head in his hands. Hearing Julia softly sobbing behind her hands was breaking his heart, he wanted to hold her and comfort her, but he couldn’t with Justin there. Justin sat in a chair across from the two with his arms crossed against his chest, a stern look on his face.

Justin finally broke the silence when Julia calmed down, “So what’s going on?” he asked seriously, glaring at the two of them as if he was their parent. JC glanced over to Julia quickly and saw that she still had her head in her hands, “Nothing’s going on,” he lied. Justin rolled his eyes dramatically, “Come on, Jace, don’t lie to me,” he said. Julia finally lifted her head and rubbed her eyes. She looked up and her eyes met JC’s and he tried to tell her with his eyes that it would be all okay.

“You can’t tell the other guys,” JC finally said after a few minutes. “Tell the other guys what? That you’re sleeping with Lance’s little sister?!” Justin asked angrily. JC sat up quickly, “We’re not sleeping together!” he exclaimed. “Then how would you explain her coming out of your bedroom early in the morning, wearing your clothes? What am I supposed to think here?” Justin asked. JC sighed and ran his hands through his messy hair, “All right, we slept in the same bed, but we’re not having sex,” he answered.

Justin looked down to Julia on the other end of the couch. She sat with her knees pulled up to her chest and she was biting her nails nervously. JC tapped his feet on the floor to show his nervousness; he felt like he was being interrogated by one of his parents. “Fine,” he finally said with a sigh, “Me and Jules have been secretly seeing each other for about a month or so.” Justin’s eyes widened in surprise, “A month or so? Was she the girl you were trying to ask me about the other day? The girl you couldn’t tell the other guys about?”

JC looked down to Julia before nodding slowly. Justin looked over to Julia, “And he’s the guy you were asking me about. I can’t believe I didn’t figure this out,” he said hitting himself on the forehead lightly. JC scooted down the couch to sit closer to Julia and grabbed her hand, “Look J, me and Julia really care about each other alot. We’re gonna tell Lance and the rest of the guys, we’re just not ready yet. Can you just give us some time?” he pleaded with Justin.

Justin looked at the two of them and it was obvious there was something serious between them, even if neither one of them really knew it yet. He let out a deep sigh, “Fine,” he said, “But only a month or two. I’m terrible at keeping secrets, and I hate lying to the other guys.” JC squeezed Julia’s hand and gave her a small smile, “Thanks so much J, we only need another month or two.” Justin rolled his eyes, “All right, but if you don’t tell the guys in a couple months, I’ll do it,” he said seriously. Julia nodded, “We’ll do it by then.”

Justin stood up and headed towards the kitchen, “Where do you keep your cereal, I’m starving,” he said.


A couple hours later the tv had been delivered and Justin was gone. JC and Julia sat watching a movie in silence. They both felt a little different now that Justin knew about their relationship. Even JC had to admit that it felt good to at least have one other person know. He wished he could tell the whole world about his feelings for her, but unfortunately he couldn’t. He held Julia’s small hand in his and rubbed his thumb back and forth across the back of her hand. “It’s all gonna be okay, Jules,” he whispered before kissing her hand.

She looked up to him slowly and tried to give him a small smile. He looked back to her with a concerned look on his face, “I know this all seems pretty bad, but it could be alot worse,” he tried to reason with her. Julia sighed deeply, “I know,” she replied, “I just wish it could all be different.” JC continued to play with her hands gently as he said, “I know, me too. But just think, if I wasn’t in *NSYNC I never would’ve met Lance, and I never would’ve met you,” he said sincerely. Julia smiled slightly, “I guess that’s true. But I think we would’ve found each other anyway,” she replied.

JC looked at her questioningly, “Found each other?” he asked. Julia nodded, “Yeah, I think if you’re really meant to be with someone, you’ll somehow find your way to each other,” she answered quietly, looking away. JC brought a hand up to gently move her face to look at him, “You think we’re really meant for each other?” he asked in soft whisper. A small blush formed on her face and she bit her bottom lip nervously before nodding slowly, “Maybe, yeah, maybe I think that,” she whispered back.

JC smiled as he stared into her bright green eyes and pushed a few stray hairs off her face. He leaned down and kissed her lips gently, barely even touching them at all. Julia closed her eyes slowly and let her head rest on his shoulder. JC leaned his head down to whisper in her ear softly, “I think maybe we are too.”

*Chapter 19*
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Email: justinsangel81@hotmail.com