*Chapter 21*

Justin got up from where he’d been lazily watching tv in his den when he heard his doorbell ring. “This better not be some crazed fans that found out where I live again,” he grumbled to himself as he walked to the door. He was surprised to see Julia standing on his doorstep with a pizza. He gave her a questioning look, “Hey Jewel, come on in,” he offered, opening the door wider for her to come in.

“I’m sorry to barge in on you like this, but Lance said you were all just hanging out at home tonight so I figured you’d be here. And we haven’t really hung out that much lately,” Julia said as they walked to the kitchen. Justin chuckled lightly, grabbing some napkins off the counter, “Well I know of someone that’s been occupying most of your time lately,” he replied. Julia blushed, setting the pizza down on the island in the middle of the kitchen and sitting on a stool.

“Yeah, I kind of wanted to talk to you about that, too,” she said hesitantly. “What about it?” Justin asked casually, bringing her a soda. “I know JC talked to you about it, but you just seemed kind of mad at us the other day at the studio.” “Yeah, I was kind of mad,” Justin admitted, “I just really hate lying to the guys, and I hate that both of you are lying too. It just doesn’t make sense, I think Lance and the guys would be okay with all of it.”

Julia gave him an unsure look, “I don’t know, he’s always been so protective of me with normal guys, and him and JC are so close. I think in a way JC thinks that he’s betraying Lance. He hasn’t come out and said it, but I think that’s how he feels.” Justin shrugged, “He cares about both you and Lance alot, and he doesn’t want to hurt either one of you. He’s torn between one of his best friends and the girl he loves, it’s gotta be tough.”

Julia’s head shot up from where she’d been looking down at her piece of pizza, “Girl he loves?” she asked quickly. Justin’s eyes widened as he fumbled for an excuse, “I mean, um, girl he’s dating, the girl he cares alot about, um.” Julia’s expression turned serious, “Did he tell you he loves me?” she asked hopefully.

Justin swallowed hard, “He didn’t use those exact words, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to say that. But I do know he cares about you alot,” he replied. Julia’s head lowered sadly, “No, it’s okay, I understand,” she mumbled. Justin sighed and grabbed one of her hands from across the island, “You know JC just as well as I do, and you know he’s not one to give his heart away very easily. He’s been hurt pretty badly a few times, and he’s really cautious,” he explained.

Julia nodded, “I know, I know he is, I don’t know why I got so worked up over it,” she said shaking her head and rubbing her eyes. “You love him, don’t you?” Justin asked in a soft tone. She looked up to him slowly before nodding, “I’ve loved him since the first second I laid eyes on him,” she answered, a single tear falling down her cheek. Justin smiled tenderly and reached over to brush the tear off her cheek with his finger, “I think he’s getting there, Jules,” he said and she gave him a questioning look so he explained, “I think he’s falling, he’s falling hard for you and he’s just scared. Just give him time.”

She smiled softly, “I will,” she whispered, “I’ll give him all the time he needs.” Justin smiled back at her, “Hey the pizza’s getting cold, let’s eat!” he said and she agreed.


The alarm clock beeped in Julia’s ear loudly and she groaned to herself before hitting the snooze button. She was starting to fall back asleep when she was awoken again by Lance, “Good morning, birthday girl!” he exclaimed, carrying in a tray of french toast, eggs, and orange juice. Julia rubbed her tired eyes and tried to control her crazy hair, “James, it’s nine a.m. on a Saturday morning. I should be able to sleep in on my birthday,” she grumbled, rolling over to avoid him. “Come on Jules, I made you this nice breakfast in bed, so you have to eat it,” Lance said pushing at her shoulders. She sighed loudly, “Fine, I’ll eat the breakfast, then I’m going back to sleep,” she said sitting up.

“Nope, you can’t do that either,” Lance replied. She gave him an annoyed look, “And why can’t I do that?” “You’re going shopping today,” he stated. “I am?” she asked in surprise. “Yes, JC’s going to take you shopping.” “He is?” “Yes, don’t ask any more questions, Jules. You can take my Master Card and get yourself a few things for your birthday if you don’t ask any more questions,” Lance offered. Julia’s eyes perked up, “Okay, no more questions from me!” she said happily, digging into her breakfast as Lance laughed at her.


A little before eleven later that morning, Julia sat in the den waiting for JC to come get her. Lance had been waiting anxiously for her to leave, so she knew he was up to something. He kept peeking his head into the room to see if she had left yet. She just shrugged it off and played along, pretending she didn’t notice that he was acting weird.

Finally, a few minutes after eleven, Julia heard the doorbell. She got up from her seat on the couch and yelled to Lance upstairs, “Hey JC’s here, I’m leaving!” she called to him and Lance came rushing down the stairs. “Okay, you have a good time, and try not to max out my credit card too much,” Lance said. JC laughed from where he was standing in the doorway, “You gave her your credit card? Big mistake,” he laughed and a worried look came over Lance’s face. Julia giggled at him, “Bye James!” she said with a wave before walking outside with JC.

As soon as they were in the car on the way to the mall, Julia had to ask JC what was up. “Okay, I know you guys are up to something,” she said. “Us? Up to something? What are you talking about, Jules?” JC asked in surprise. “Come on, Josh, is Lance throwing me a surprise party or something? I thought me and you were gonna do something tonight. I took all that time making up this huge story to tell Lance about going out with my friends tonight, and now me and you aren’t even gonna be able to do anything?!” Julia rambled.

JC laughed lightly at her, “Calm down Jules, everything will be fine, I promise, and I’m still cooking you a special birthday dinner tonight,” he said patting her hand. She smiled in reply as he held her small hand in his.


JC and Julia actually had a great time at the mall. Of course they couldn’t act like a couple, but they still had fun hanging out and shopping. They were only bothered by a few fans, the two bodyguards with them kept most of the fans away from them for the afternoon. Julia bought herself a few outfits with Lance’s credit card and JC bought himself a few things too.

Julia was looking through a rack of tank tops when JC came up to her urgently. “We gotta get outta here,” he said. She looked at him with worry, “Why, are there a bunch of fans here or something?” she asked. “Um, no, um, we just gotta get outta here,” he said looking to his watch. Julia tried to hold back her giggle, he was supposed to have her back at her house by a certain time for the surprise party and he was running late. She didn’t want to ruin his act so she played along, “Okay, I’m done shopping anyway,” she replied. “Good, let’s go,” JC said grabbing her hand as he rushed to the car.

*Chapter 22*
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Email: justinsangel81@hotmail.com