*Chapter 22*

Julia gave JC a curious look when they pulled into her driveway and there were no other cars there. She figured Lance must have had the other guys park in the garage or down the street so she wouldn’t see their cars and get suspicious. JC helped her get her shopping bags out of the trunk and carried them to the door for her. Julia opened the door, expecting everyone to jump out and yell “Surprise!” but she was more surprised to walk into an empty living room.

She walked around the living room carefully, looking behind the couch and chairs for any sign of the guys. “What are you looking for?” JC asked. She looked up from where she’d been looking behind the couch, “Oh, me? Um, nothing, I’m not looking for anything,” she replied pushing some hair off her face. JC gave her a funny look, “Okay, I’m gonna take your bags up to your room for you,” he said heading upstairs.

“Thanks,” Julia replied, walking into the kitchen and not seeing any birthday cake or snacks for a party. “Is Lance even here?” she asked herself out loud, opening the door going to the garage and peeking in. Lance’s car was there, sitting next to hers, so she closed the door with a confused look on her face. JC stepped up behind her, “What’s up with you?” he asked and she jumped when she heard his voice.

“Nothing’s up, you just scared me, that’s all,” she fumbled for an excuse. JC chuckled at her, “Okay, let’s go watch some tv, I’m tired from all that shopping,” he said grabbing her hand and leading her to the den. She gave him another confused look as he practically dragged her to the den.

The shades were drawn, making the room look completely dark in the middle of the afternoon. “Why does he have the shades down?” Julia asked out loud, reaching for the light switch by the door and flipping it on. The second the light was turned on, Lance, Chris, Joey, and Justin all jumped up from their hiding places, “Surprise!” they all yelled and Julia had to admit she actually was surprised.

“I thought you guys forgot about my birthday!” she exclaimed. “We would never forget about your birthday, Jules!” Joey exclaimed, running up to her and giving her a big bear hug. She giggled into his shoulder as he picked her up and spun her around. She hit his shoulders so he’d put her down and as soon as he did, Chris scooped her up in his arms. “Happy birthday, Shorty!” he yelled loudly. She gave him a dirty look and hit his chest lightly, “Don’t call me Shorty!” she retorted.

She turned around and saw Justin holding his arms out to her, “Happy birthday, Jewel,” he whispered to her, hugging her tightly. She pulled back and gave him a small smile, “Thanks, Justin,” she whispered back, “I’m finally your age again!” she said with a little laugh. “Only for a couple months, then I’m older than you again!” Justin replied with a laugh. She giggled at him again before Lance came up to the two and pulled Julia into his arms.

“Happy birthday, little sis,” he said softly in his deep voice. She smiled to him, “Thanks, James,” she replied, “And thanks for this little party, it’s really sweet.” “Well I knew you would miss Mom and Dad and everyone back in Mississippi today, so I thought I’d throw you a little party with your Orlando family,” Lance replied.

“What are we waiting for?! Let’s eat!” Joey shouted and everyone laughed at him and followed him to the table with tons of food laid out on it. They sat around the den and ate while watching some old home movies of Julia that Lance had his Mom send him for the occasion. “I can’t believe we’re watching a movie of my first bath,” Julia said in horror, covering her face in embarrassment.

JC turned to whisper something in her ear lightly and she giggled and blushed at whatever he said before he poked her in the side, making her giggle even more. No one noticed them flirting since they were all too busy eating and watching the movie, but Justin noticed from his seat across the room. He had to admit they did look really adorable together, and he hadn’t seen JC this happy with someone in a long time. Even though he had been with Rey for a long time and he had loved her, he was never this happy with her. Justin smiled softly at the couple before taking a drink of his soda.


After watching Julia’s first day of kindergarten all the way through her senior prom, she finally made them stop the tape. “Is it time for the cake and ice cream yet?” Joey whined and Lance laughed at him before getting up to get the cake. He lit the nineteen candles on top and carried it over to set it on the coffee table in front of Julia’s spot on the couch. They sang Happy Birthday to her and it was so beautiful it brought tears to her eyes. “Make a wish,” JC whispered after they were done singing.

She turned to him and gave him a small smile before closing her eyes and blowing out the candles. The guys clapped loudly for her and started to cut the cake, so they didn’t notice Julia turn to JC to smile at him and blow him a kiss quickly. He blushed and smiled back at her quickly.

After they were done eating the cake, Chris jumped up from his seat and ran to his jacket that was across the room. “Time for your present!” he exclaimed, grabbing a small box out of his jacket pocket and bringing it to her. She looked at the small black box with a red bow on top in surprise, “You guys didn’t have to get me anything, this party was enough,” she said. “Come on, Jules, you always need presents on your birthday,” Justin said rolling his eyes.

She smiled to all of them before opening the box slowly to reveal a small, silver charm bracelet inside. Her mouth dropped open in surprise as she pulled it out of the box and held it in front of her to look at it better. It sparkled brightly in the light and there was one single charm on it, a small music note. Tears filled her eyes as she stared at it in awe, “It’s so beautiful, thank you so much, guys,” she whispered. “There’s only one charm on it for now, but we can get you a new charm for it for every birthday from now on, like a tradition,” JC said softly, pulling the bracelet out of her hand and putting it on her wrist carefully.

She smiled and ran her fingers over the bracelet and the charm slowly, “Thank you so much, guys, this is the best present I’ve ever gotten,” she said, a single tear falling down her cheek slowly. They all smiled to her and hugged her again, wishing her a happy birthday.


A little while after the guys had left, Julia and Lance were in the den cleaning up the mess. “Jules, it’s your birthday, you shouldn’t be cleaning this up. Go get ready for your night out with your friends,” Lance instructed. “Night with my friends?” she asked in confusion, remembering she told him she was going out with her friends, “Oh yeah, with my friends. Are you sure you don’t want me to help?” she asked. “No, you go ahead,” Lance said with a smile. “Okay,” she replied, “Thanks again for everything,” she said giving him a hug and heading up to her room.


Julia was just coming out of her bathroom after a shower when she heard her phone ring. “Hello?” she answered, adjusting the towel on her head so she could hear. “Hey birthday girl!” Morgan yelled out over the phone and Julia smiled at the sound of her voice. “Hey Mor! How are you?” “I’m good, but today is all about you! How has your day been so far?” Morgan asked.

“It’s been great so far, Lance made me breakfast in bed, JC took me shopping, and the guys threw me a surprise party and got me this gorgeous charm bracelet,” Julia replied. “Oh yeah, your present’s in the mail, you know how I am about sending stuff on time, sorry,” Morgan apologized. Julia laughed at her, “It’s fine, you know I don’t need anything at all.” Morgan sighed at her, “Yeah, whatever, like I’m not gonna get you a birthday present! Are you still doing something with JC tonight?”

Julia smiled at the thought of JC and sighed lightly, “Yeah, he’s cooking me a special birthday dinner. I told Lance I was going out with some friends from school and I’d probably stay over at their apartment.” “Uh oh, you and Mr. MMC are gonna have a little slumber party, huh?” Morgan asked. Julia laughed at her, “I don’t know what’s gonna happen, Mor. I saw Rey the other day,” she said, turning serious.

“What happened?” “She just asked me how me and the guys have been and I had to talk her out of calling JC and asking him to lunch,” she replied worriedly. “Oh no,” Morgan whispered. “Oh no is right, what if she does call him? He’ll find out everything.” “I doubt she’ll call him, and if she does, I doubt JC would give her the time of day anyway. It’s your birthday, don’t worry about that today! Everything will be fine,” Morgan assured her. “I hope so,” Julia whispered.

*Chapter 23*
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Email: justinsangel81@hotmail.com