*Chapter 24*

Julia awoke the next morning when the bright sunlight started shining on her face. She rubbed her eyes sleepily and smiled to herself when she felt JC’s arms wrapped around her waist tightly. She rolled over to avoid the bright light and was face-to-face with JC.

She smiled at his sleeping form, he looked so peaceful lying there and she noticed a slight smile across his lips as he dreamt. She draped an arm up around his neck and dug her fingers into the back of his hair. She massaged the back of his head gently and snuggled closer to his chest. JC growled lightly in his sleep and his smile became a little bigger.

Julia felt JC’s arms tighten around her waist and she giggled when he started tickling her side. She hit his bare chest lightly to try and get him to stop his tickling. His fingers finally stopped their attack on the bare skin of her waist and he opened his eyes slowly to look right into Julia’s.

JC reached up to brush a few stray hairs off her face and pushed her hair behind her ear, then let his hand rest on the top of her back. Julia sighed softly at his gentle touch and closed her eyes slowly, but opened them again to look back into his.

They laid there in silence for awhile, just holding each other before JC finally spoke, “Good morning,” he whispered, leaning down to kiss Julia’s forehead. She smiled shyly up at him, “Morning,” she whispered back. “So did you have a good birthday yesterday?” JC asked. Julia wrinkled her forehead in thought before answering, “Eh, it was okay, I guess.”

JC’s eyebrows raised in surprise, “Just okay?” “Yeah, just okay. I mean, I only had the biggest music group in the world throw me a surprise party, I just got a couple of little bracelets for presents, and I only made love to the man of my dreams. You know, nothing big, it was just okay,” she answered, trying to hide her smile.

JC gave her a pitiful look, “Wow, I’m sorry it was that bad,” he replied before changing his expression to an angry one, “And who’s this man of your dreams you were making love to?” he asked. Julia couldn’t help but giggle and smile shyly at him again, “It was you, silly,” she said kissing his nose. He laughed at her before he looking at her seriously, “Am I really the man of your dreams?” he asked softly.

Julia looked down in embarrassment and she could feel her face turning red. She nodded slowly before raising her head up to look at him, “Yeah, you are,” she whispered. JC smiled, “Well you’re the girl of my dreams,” he replied. “I am?” Julia asked in surprise. He smiled at her again, “Yeah, it just took me a little while to realize it, that’s all,” he said before leaning down to kiss her.


JC and Julia stayed in bed for awhile, just holding each other and enjoying being together. JC heard a grumble come from Julia’s stomach and laughed at her before patting her stomach gently, “You hungry?” he asked. Julia giggled shyly and nodded her head. JC smiled to her, “Well, we’ll just have to do something about that,” he said getting up and throwing on some flannel pajama pants and a white t-shirt.

He headed to the kitchen to see what he could fix up for breakfast. A minute later Julia emerged from the bedroom wearing JC’s oversized robe that was about three times too big for her. JC turned around from where he’d been looking in the refrigerator to see her, “That’s a nice robe you’ve got there,” he observed. “Thanks,” Julia replied with a smile, struggling to push big, long sleeves up. JC just laughed at her and turned back to the refrigerator, “Looks like all I’ve got is some milk and orange juice, and I’ve got some cereal,” he offered. “So much for a big, romantic breakfast,” Julia pouted. “Hey next time you stay over I’ll cook you the best breakfast you’ve ever had,” JC replied pulling her close to him and hugging her.

“Okay, I’ll be expecting it,” she replied. “So which one will it be? Frosted Flakes or Fruity Pebbles?” JC asked holding up the boxes.


Julia smiled to herself as she walked up the stairs to her bedroom later that afternoon. She couldn’t have asked for a better birthday or for a better night with JC. She felt like she was going to explode with happiness, and she couldn’t ever remember feeling that way before. She passed Lance’s office on the way to her room and heard him call out to her.

“Did you have fun last night?” he asked. Julia walked into the room and saw Lance sitting at his desk, typing on his laptop. “Yeah, we just went out to a couple clubs, it was fun,” she lied. She happened to look down to her wrist and noticed the beaded bracelet JC had given her the night before. Her eyes widened and she slipped it off quickly and stuffed it into her purse before Lance could notice.

“That’s good, I’m glad you had a good time. As soon as I get done with this stuff I’m gonna head over to the studio. We’ll probably be there recording all night,” Lance replied looking down to some papers on his desk. Julia nodded, “Okay, I’ve got some homework so I’ll be working on that, see ya later,” she said before walking down to her room.


JC strolled into the recording studio that night whistling happily. Joey, Chris, Lance, and Justin looked at him suspiciously as he took off his jacket and placed it on the back of a chair. “Sorry I’m a little late,” he apologized, sitting down. “It’s okay, the recording engineer still isn’t here,” Lance replied, still looking at him funny. JC noticed the four pairs of eyes on him and looked back at them in question, “What?” he asked.

Joey grinned before standing up and patting JC on the back, “Congrats, man!” he said. JC looked up at him in confusion, “Congrats for what?” Joey laughed, “You, my friend, had sex last night,” he replied. JC’s eyes widened as he looked at Joey and the rest of the guys in shock, “What are you talking about?!” he exclaimed.

Justin laughed along with Joey, “It’s written ALL over your face, man.” “So who was the lucky girl?” Chris asked, getting in on the conversation. “There wasn’t a lucky girl, I didn’t have sex last night!” JC exclaimed, trying to play dumb. “Come on, Jace, we’ve seen this look on your face before,” Joey replied. “What look?!” JC asked in confusion.

JC was relieved when the recording engineer and producer walked in right then, interrupting the interrogation. “Don’t worry, man, we’ll get it out of you later,” Justin said with a grin, standing up to go to the recording booth. “But I didn’t do anything!” JC argued.

*Chapter 25*
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Email: justinsangel81@hotmail.com