*Chapter 25*

JC looked over at Julia from his seat on the opposite end of the couch from her. He raised an eyebrow at her and tried not to laugh as she mumbled something and scribbled into her notebook. “Ugh, I hate statistics!” she finally exclaimed a minute later. JC couldn’t help it anymore and he laughed out loud at her. She turned to glare at him, “I’m glad you find this so amusing. I hope when I flunk out of school and I’m homeless on the street you can give me some spare change for a cup of coffee!” she exclaimed in a frustrated tone.

“You want some help with that?” JC asked scooting down to sit closer to her. Julia rolled her eyes at him, “Sure,” she said handing him her book and notebook. “Oh this is easy, Jules. See all you do here is add up all these numbers, divide it by two, then multiply it by the variance, and that’s the answer,” he said after studying it for a minute. She glared back at him in annoyance and amazement all at once, “How did you know that?” she asked.

“Hey now, I’m not THAT dumb Jules. I took an introductory statistics class my senior year in high school,” he explained. “Okay, whatever,” she replied taking the book back from him and punching some numbers into her calculator. “Come on, Jules, you’re always doing your homework, take a break,” JC urged her, pulling the book from her lap and the pencil out of her hand.

“But that take-home test is due on Wednesday,” she protested at first, but stopped when JC leaned over to kiss her neck slowly. She sighed softly, “I think I’ll have time to do it Tuesday night,” she whispered, putting her things on the coffee table and wrapping her arms around JC’s neck.

Julia leaned up to kiss him but turned her head as soon as she heard a familiar song on the television. She looked at the tv and laughed out loud, “Oh you’ve GOT to me kidding me!” she exclaimed and JC turned to look at the tv, “What?” he asked, “Oh no,” he groaned when he saw what was on.

“I haven’t seen this in so long!” Julia laughed, grabbing the remote to turn the sound up. JC closed his eyes in embarrassment, “I thought they stopped showing reruns of this,” he said of MMC, the show he used to be on before he joined *NSYNC. “Come on, Wipeout, let’s just watch it,” she giggled, patting his chest lightly, referring to one of the characters he played on the show. She turned to lay down on the couch and JC laid behind her, draping an arm around her waist.

“Oh, gnarly man, Emerald Cove’s on!” Julia said laughing loudly and even JC had to laugh at himself. “You should grow your hair out like that again,” she said ruffling his hair gently. “Hey, maybe I just will,” he retorted. “See now, I don’t know why people make fun of this show, that was some unbelievable acting I had going on there,” JC said seriously.

Julia looked up to him like he’d lost his mind, “Yeah, I believe that one, Tom Cruise,” she said rolling her eyes. “What?” JC asked in disbelief, “You know you loved it,” he said tickling her side. She giggled, “Okay, so I was the president of the JC Chasez fan club in my fourth grade class, so what?” she asked innocently. He narrowed his eyes at her, “Really? You had a fan club?” he asked, thinking she was joking.

She blushed and nodded her head, “Yeah, I was so in love with you,” she said quietly. “Really?” he asked, but now he was blushing. “I’ve loved you ever since then, Josh,” Julia said seriously. “All this time? And I never even knew?” JC asked in disbelief, running his hand across her cheek gently. She swallowed hard and smiled shyly, “You know now,” she replied.

JC smiled lightly, “I do know now. And I’m not gonna let you go, either,” he whispered, leaning down to kiss her.


“I’m hungry,” JC whined after they’d been watching tv for awhile. Julia rolled her eyes at him, “You’re always hungry,” she replied, “I think Lance went to the store yesterday, we’ll go see what he got,” she said getting up and grabbing JC’s hand to pull him to the kitchen.

“I’m not finding anything any good,” JC said looking in the pantry. “I’ll check the fridge,” Julia said opening the refrigerator door, “Nothing there,” she said closing it then opening the freezer door. “How about ice cream?” she offered, holding up the carton. “Mint chocolate chip? That’s the best!” JC exclaimed and Julia laughed at how excited he was getting over some ice cream. “Okay, you can get the bowls,” she said looking back into the refrigerator for some whipped cream.

“I’ll make you the best ice cream sundae ever,” JC said scooping some ice cream into a bowl. He grabbed the whipped cream and covered the ice cream with it. “You like whipped cream, huh?” Julia asked with a devilish smile. JC looked over at her carefully, “Yeah, why?” “Oh, no reason,” she replied squirting some onto her finger and licking it off slowly. She saw JC swallow hard as he watched her and she had to hold in her laugh.

She grabbed his hand and sprayed some whipped cream onto his finger. She leaned over to put his finger into her mouth and lick off the whipped cream slowly. She gave him a satisfied smile when she saw him bite his bottom lip and swallow hard again. “What are you trying to do to me, Jules?” he asked. “What? I like it too,” she replied innocently. “Well two can play at this game,” he said with a smile, grabbing the can from her.

Julia gave him a funny look when he started spraying the whipped cream all over her lips. When she tried to ask him what he was doing he made her stop moving her mouth. “Just relax, Jules,” he whispered, leaning his head closer to hers and he smiled when he heard her breathing quicken.

He leaned in to lick the whipped cream off her lips so slowly that it was torturing her. She closed her eyes as if she was in pain and gripped onto the bottom of his shirt, like she was begging him to end the torture. When he was finished he looked up at her innocently, “What? I like whipped cream too,” he said with a devilish smile.

*Chapter 26*
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Email: justinsangel81@hotmail.com