*Chapter 26*

Julia sighed tiredly as she walked to her car after her classes a few days later. “Someone please explain to me why I signed up for any eight a.m. classes,” she mumbled to herself. She had more work than usual lately because there was only one more week before finals, but she was glad the semester was almost over.

Her tired expression turned into a surprised one when she saw JC leaning against the side of her car casually. He tried to disguise himself by wearing baggy jeans and a sweatshirt and a baseball cap on his head. She ran to him happily, “What are you doing here, Josh?” she asked. “I just wanted to see you,” he answered with a sweet smile. “You’re too cute,” Julia said leaning up to kiss his cheek.

“And I wanted to give you these,” JC said pulling some red roses from behind his back. Julia looked up at him in shock as she smelled the flowers, “What are these for?” “They’re just for being so beautiful,” he answered and she blushed before leaning up to give him a quick kiss. “And I wanted to see if you wanted to go to lunch with me, you’re done with your classes for the day, right?”

Julia nodded, “Yeah, I’m done. I have to study today but I’m sure I could fit in lunch with you,” she answered with a smile. “Oh I’m honored that you’ll make some time for me in your busy schedule, Miss Bass,” JC joked. She hit his chest lightly, “Come on, let’s go,” she said.


“Are you sure you want to go here? It’s an outdoor cafe and some fans might see you,” Julia asked unsurely as she pulled up to the restaurant JC wanted to eat at. “It’s one in the afternoon, Jules, most of my fans are in school right now. And it’s a beautiful day, I want to eat outside,” JC answered pulling on her hand. “All right,” she said with a sigh, walking to the restaurant with him.

JC and Julia were enjoying their lunch together and they were happy no one bothered them the whole time. They never got to go out and do things very often, so that made them enjoy it even more. They stayed and talked for awhile after they were done eating and watched all the people walk down the busy street.

But they didn’t notice one person who stopped in her tracks when she saw them. She was walking out of a shop across the street when she spotted them. She saw them holding hands across the table and her eyes narrowed when she saw JC lean over and kiss Julia quickly. “I might just have to give JC a call about this,” Rey whispered angrily.


Julia was studying in the den later that night when she heard the doorbell ring. She wondered who it was since Lance usually came in the door in the kitchen from the garage, and he always had his keys with him. She shrugged and got up to get the door and was surprised to see JC on the other side. “Hi Josh,” she said with a smile and opened the door wider for him to come in. The second she saw his face she felt like her heart had stopped, she’d never seen him look so angry before.

His jaw was clenched and his eyes were narrowed, but what she could see of his eyes were burning with anger and hatred. She felt her body begin to tremble slightly as she let him in and led him to the living room.

JC stood by the doorway to the living room with his hands on his hips, glaring at Julia, “We’ve got to talk, Julia,” he said in a low, angry voice. Julia swallowed hard and bit her bottom lip out of nervousness and knew instantly what he was so upset about, “He talked to Rey,” she whispered to herself.

*Chapter 27*
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Email: justinsangel81@hotmail.com