*Chapter 27*

“What’s up, JC?” Julia tried to ask casually, but her voice came out shaky. JC didn’t answer, he just paced back and forth slowly in front of the couch. Julia sat on the edge of the couch, watching JC carefully and biting her nails nervously. He stopped pacing and turned to look at Julia, “I had a very interesting talk with Rey today,” he said calmly.

Julia sat up straight on the couch and swallowed hard, “Really? I haven’t seen her in awhile, how’s she doing?” she asked, trying to sound interested. JC laughed lightly and it was an angry, hateful laugh, “That’s funny you ask about how she’s doing, because she was very interested in how you’ve been too,” he said. Julia’s eyebrows furrowed in confusion, “Why would she care about me?” she asked but JC didn’t answer, he just turned around and let out a deep breath.

He turned back around to look at Julia, “How could you do this?!” he yelled and she jumped at his loud voice. She sank into the back of the couch and swallowed hard, “How could I do what?” she whispered, trying to act innocent. JC let out a deep breath, “Come on Julia, don’t play dumb, you know damn well what I’m talking about!” he yelled.

Julia’s breathing quickened as she started to become more and more nervous by the second. When she still didn’t answer JC he yelled at her again, “How could you tell all those lies to break up Rey and I?!” A few tears began to trickle down Julia’s cheeks slowly and she raised her hand to wipe them away quickly, “I don’t know,” she whispered, her voice still shaky.

JC stopped pacing and turned to stare at her, “You don’t know?! Did you just wake up one morning and decide to destroy two people’s lives for fun?!” he asked angrily. “No! I never meant it to be like that, Josh!” Julia yelled, sitting up and reaching out for JC. He pulled away quickly and took a step back from the couch. “What did you mean it to be like then, Julia?”

She took a deep breath to try and calm herself down but it didn’t really work. She bit on her bottom lip as more tears spilled out of her eyes, “I loved you, JC, I still do. I knew Rey was wrong for you, all the guys knew she was wrong for you, and I think even you knew that she was wrong for you, but you wouldn’t admit it. Then one day Morgan gave me the idea to break you guys up so I could ask you out, and I didn’t want to go along with it at first but she talked me into it. I loved you so much that I couldn’t stand not being with you anymore. I knew it was all so wrong to do, but I was so blinded by my love for you that I didn’t care,” she explained slowly and quietly.

JC continued to glare at her as he sat down in a big easy chair by the couch, “So let me get this straight: you loved me so much that you wanted to completely break my heart then put the moves on me when I was most vulnerable?” “No, JC, it wasn’t like that at all. I didn’t know you loved Rey as much as you did and I had no idea it would hurt you so badly. I almost told you everything the next morning when you were so upset but something told me not to.”

JC sighed deeply and rubbed his face with his hands before shaking his head slowly, “This is what I get. This is what I get for taking a chance, for going against what my head said and for doing what my heart told me to do, for going against my best friend’s back, for actually letting myself fall in love,” he whispered before covering his face with his hands again. Julia’s heart was breaking as she watched him and she didn’t know what to say to make him feel better or to forgive her.

“I’m so sorry, Josh,” Julia whispered slowly. JC removed his hands from his face slowly, “You’re sorry? You’re sorry?!” he said, starting to raise his voice again, “Sorry Julia, but this isn’t something you can just apologize for and make everything all better again. You completely betrayed me and I can’t believe I was stupid enough to fall for your games!” he yelled, standing up again. “I wasn’t playing any games, JC! I just loved you more than anything and I wanted to be with you, can’t you see that?!” Julia screamed back, also standing up. They were so caught up in yelling at each other that they didn’t notice Lance walk into the room.

“Whoa, whoa, what’s going on here?!” Lance yelled, stepping between the two of them. Julia’s eyes widened when she saw Lance and she knew her entire world was about to come crumbling down around her any second now. “Oh hey Lance,” JC tried to act casual before looking back at Julia, “While we’re all about telling the truth why don’t we let Lance in on our little secret?” he asked, narrowing his eyes at her. Her mouth dropped open and she closed her eyes slowly, “Please don’t,” she begged him but she knew he wouldn’t listen.

“Your little secret?” Lance asked in confusion, “What are you talking about?” JC laughed and it was an ugly, hateful laugh, “Me and Julia have been seeing each other behind your back for the past few months.” Now Lance’s eyes widened in shock, “What?!” he exclaimed. “Yeah, it seems our precious little Julia here decided she had a little crush on me, so she lied to Rey to get her to break up with me, then she put the moves on me,” JC explained.

“What?! That’s not how it was and you know it, JC,” Julia said angrily. Lance turned around slowly to look at her, “Is this true, Jules?” he asked in a low whisper. She lowered her head, she couldn’t even bring herself to look him in the eye, “Yeah,” she whispered, nodding her head. “And you’ve been lying and sneaking around all this time?” Lance asked. Julia only nodded her head again, “I’m sorry, Lance,” she mumbled quietly.

Lance turned to JC, “And you’ve been lying and sneaking around too?” JC sighed and nodded, crossing his arms across his chest. “I can’t believe this,” Lance said, shaking his head slowly, “Why didn’t you just tell me?” “We were going to, but I didn’t think you’d accept it,” JC tried to explain. “But I’d accept you sneaking around and lying to me for three months?!” Lance started to raise his voice. “Look, I should’ve told you man, but I was just really confused and there isn’t really an excuse for it, I’m sorry,” JC apologized.

Lance shook his head and turned back to Julia, “You’re going back home,” he said angrily. She raised her head quickly, “What?!” “After you’re done with your finals next week you’re moving back home with mom and dad. I’m gonna call them and explain everything, I’m not letting you stay here anymore,” Lance explained. “You’re kicking me out?” she asked quietly. He shrugged, “I’ve got no choice, Jules.”

JC couldn’t help but let out a small smile of satisfaction. As far as he was concerned, he wanted Julia as far away from him as possible. Lance turned back to him, “I think maybe you should get out of here,” he said with some anger still evident in his voice. JC nodded “I’m sorry again, man,” he apologized to Lance.

JC started to walk to the door but stopped and turned around before he left. He looked at Julia as she raised her head slowly and her eyes locked on his. There were still tears trickling out of her eyes and now JC’s eyes were filling with tears. Julia’s eyes pleaded with his, to forgive her, to stay with her. He blinked and a tear fell down his cheek slowly. He reached up to brush it away quickly, “I hope you got everything you wanted, Julia,” he said bitterly before leaving.

*Chapter 28*
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Email: justinsangel81@hotmail.com