*Chapter 29*

JC grumbled and got up from his seat at his keyboard when he heard someone knocking on his door. He opened it slowly and was a little surprised to see Justin on the other side. “Hey J, what’s up?” he asked, opening the door wider for Justin to come in. “Um, not much,” Justin answered. He couldn’t help but notice that JC looked different. His hair was a mess, he looked like he hadn’t shaved in days, he walked slowly with his shoulders slumped, and his eyes that were usually so bright had lost all their light.

“I’ve just been working on some songs,” JC said, sitting back down at his keyboard. “Oh, anything good?” Justin asked sitting down on the couch. JC shrugged, “Yeah, there might be some stuff worth keeping in here,” he replied. “What’s wrong, Jace?” Justin asked after a couple minutes of silence.

JC shrugged his shoulders and lowered his head, “Nothing’s wrong, why?” “I know what happened, I talked to Julia,” Justin stated. JC raised his head and rolled his eyes, “What did she tell you?” “She said you guys broke up and she has to move back to Mississippi. She told me how she broke you and Rey up on purpose and you found out and blew up on her,” Justin explained.

“I had every reason to blow up on her, did she tell you everything she did?!” JC asked, starting to get upset again. “I know what she did, JC, I didn’t say you shouldn’t have yelled at her, calm down,” Justin said. They sat in silence for another few minutes and JC stared out the big bay window on one side of the room. Justin noticed him shake his head slowly and sigh sadly.

“I just can’t believe it. I knew it was too good to be true. I knew I couldn’t actually be happy in a relationship for once, I knew something was going to go wrong,” JC mumbled, still looking out the window. “I’m sorry, JC. I’m sorry Julia told those lies to break up you and Rey. But just think of what would have happened if she wouldn’t have done it. You’d probably still be miserable with Rey, and you never would’ve gotten the chance to fall in love with Julia. I know you still love her,” Justin said.

JC turned to look at him, “I did love her, Justin. I loved her with all my heart, and she tore my heart out and stomped all over it. It’s like she’s a completely different person from who I thought I fell in love with. The Julia I loved never would’ve lied. She never would’ve broken my heart,” he said sadly, a tear trickling down his cheek slowly.

“But you know Julia isn’t really like that,” Justin argued. JC shrugged, “I thought she wasn’t like that, but I guess she proved me wrong.” Justin looked down to his lap sadly, this was not going very well at all, “She’s leaving in three days,” he said. JC looked back to the window, “So?” “So, you can stop her, you can make her stay here. You know that deep down you still love her and you don’t want her to move away,” Justin was almost pleading with him by now.

JC looked like he was actually considering Justin’s advice for a minute but then he shook his head, “No J, I don’t want to stop her. Her moving away is for the best for both of us,” he said, but Justin didn’t really believe him. Justin sighed and stood up, “Okay, if you say so. But once she’s gone you’re going to realize how much you still love her, and you’re going to want her back.” JC shook his head again, “I don’t think so,” he said hesitantly. “If you need anything, give me a call,” Justin said walking to the door. “Thanks, but I’m okay,” JC replied, following him. Justin opened the door but turned around to look at JC, “I’m sorry about Julia,” he said quietly before leaving. “Me too,” JC whispered, closing the door.


“I guess this is the last of my stuff,” Julia said putting a big box into her back seat and closing the door. “We’re gonna miss you, Jules,” Joey said sadly, hugging her tightly. Julia smiled slightly and brushed a few tears away, “I’m going to miss you too. But you can come visit me in Mississippi anytime you want,” she offered. “We’re all coming in about a week for the annual *NSYNC Christmas party. It’s Lance’s turn to have it this year,” Chris said.

“Oh,” was all Julia replied, all she could think about was how JC would be at the party. She hadn’t seen him since he’d stormed out of the house the week before. She’d managed to make it through all her finals at school, even though she had no idea how she did it. She spent the rest of the week packing up all her things and avoiding Lance. He was avoiding her too, so they hadn’t seen each other very much.

“I hope you remember that thing I showed you at the mall that I want for Christmas,” Chris said, snapping Julia out of her daze. She smiled slightly at him, “I remember, Christopher,” she replied. “Good,” Chris said before hugging her, “I’ll miss you, Shorty. Who am I going to bother now?” he asked. Julia giggled a little, “Bother Joey,” she said with a smile as Joey shot her a dirty look.

She turned to Justin, who was standing off to the side, and walked up to stand in front of him. He looked up to her sadly, “I still can’t believe you’re leaving, Jewel,” he whispered. “Me neither,” she whispered back. “I’m gonna miss you,” he said holding his arms out and hugging her tightly. “I’ll miss you too,” she replied as she started to cry softly. Justin pulled away and held onto her shoulders and looked her in the eye, “He still loves you, Jewel, I can tell. Just give him some time,” he said softly. Julia looked down and nodded slowly, “Yeah,” she said, not believing him.

“I better get going,” she said pulling away. “Drive safely and call me when you get there, okay?” Justin asked. Julia nodded, “Yeah, I will,” she replied, “Bye guys,” she said, giving them a little wave and getting in her car. “Bye Jules,” they all said sadly as they watched her drive away forever.

*Chapter 30*
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Email: justinsangel81@hotmail.com