*Chapter 3*

“Hey, I’m back with the pizza!” Julia announced as she walked in the front door later that night. She walked into the kitchen to find Lance talking on the phone, “A half hour? Yeah, that’s fine. No, its no problem. Okay, see you in a little bit,” he said before clicking off his cell phone. “Who was that?” Julia asked curiously as she got two plates out of a cabinet. “JC. Him and Rey got into a fight so he’s gonna be staying here,” Lance replied getting some napkins. Julia’s eyes widened as she heard what Lance said. “Him and Rey got into a fight?” she said, trying to act nonchalant about it, even though she was happy inside.

“Yeah, who knows what about, but he always stays with her while he’s in Orlando but he doesn’t want to now that they’re in a fight. So I told him he can stay here as long as he wants,” Lance replied. “Oh, okay,” Julia replied even though inside she was screaming with excitement. “Come on, let’s eat, the pizza’s gonna get cold!” Lance said grabbing a piece of pizza.


Julia rubbed her eyes tiredly as she turned over in bed to look at her alarm clock. It was 3:00 am and she couldn’t sleep. She didn’t know if it was the nervousness and excitement of JC staying with them or what. He’d been kinda down when he got there so he went to the studio to get his mind off everything. She had gone to bed at midnight and he still wasn’t home.

Since she couldn’t get back to sleep she decided to go downstairs to get something to drink. She made her way downstairs slowly and was surprised when she got to the kitchen and saw JC with his head in the refrigerator. He had on a pair of plaid pajama pants and a white t-shirt. “Couldn’t sleep either, huh?” she said softly, not wanting to scare him. He stood up quickly and turned around to face her. She stood by the door, wearing a pair of boxer shorts and an oversized t-shirt. Her hair was up in a high ponytail but it seemed that more of it was falling out of the ponytail than staying in it.

JC smiled slightly at her, “Yeah, I’ve got alot on my mind,” he said with a sigh. Julia walked into the kitchen and patted one of the stools at the island. “Here, sit down, I’ll make us some hot chocolate,” she offered. He smiled at the offer and sat down. “Why can’t you sleep?” JC asked as Julia rummaged through one of the cupboards for a pot. “I don’t know, I just woke up and couldn’t get back to sleep,” she said filling a pot with water. She set it on the hot stove and took a seat across from him at the island.

“I heard you and Rey got in a fight,” she said bringing up the topic she knew was on his mind. “Yeah,” he mumbled, rubbing his tired face with a hand. “What was it about? Do you want to talk about it?” “She thinks I liked the waitress at the restaurant we ate lunch at today. And then she really freaked out when the girl gave me her number. It didn’t help that I threw it away as soon as we got outside, she still freaked out,” JC explained. “She got mad over something that stupid?” Julia asked in disbelief. JC rolled his eyes and nodded.

Julia saw that the water was boiling so she got up to fix their hot chocolate. She handed JC a mug before setting hers on the counter and going to the pantry. She came back a second later with a bag of big marshmallows. “Can’t have hot chocolate without these,” she explained dropping some in her drink. JC smiled and put a few in his too.

“Are you gonna be okay?” Julia asked sincerely a minute later. JC looked up at the concern on her face and couldn’t help but smile at her. “Yeah, I’ll be fine. Thanks for caring about me and being so sweet, Lil’ Jules,” he said patting her hand. Julia looked down to his hand touching hers then up to his face and gave him a shaky smile, “No problem,” she whispered.

“Well, I think this hot chocolate did the trick, I’m all sleepy now,” JC said with a small laugh trying to get rid of some of the sudden awkwardness. “Yeah, me too,” Julia replied as they both stood up. “Thanks for the hot chocolate, and thanks for listening,” JC said hugging Julia lightly. She sighed softly and let her head rest on his chest for a second before pulling away from him. She smiled up at him, “Goodnight, JC,” she whispered before going upstairs to bed.


“You sure you’re gonna be okay here while I’m gone?” Lance asked as he drug his luggage downstairs. “Of course, I survived the whole summer without you, didn’t I?” Julia asked rolling her eyes at his protectiveness.

It was early Tuesday morning and Lance was leaving for New York for the finals of his Free Lance talent search. “Well I have to admit I feel a little better leaving you here knowing that JC’s here,” Lance said checking his backpack to make sure he had his plane ticket. For some reason just the mention of JC’s name lately had brought butterflies to her stomach.

Just then JC stumbled down the stairs sleepily. “Hey, take care of my lil’ sis while I’m gone,” Lance said. JC smiled before yawning and rubbing his eyes, “Of course,” he said putting an arm around Juila’s shoulder. “I’ll be back early Sunday morning, okay?” Lance said hugging Julia. “Okay, and I know, call if there’s any problems, but I’ll be fine James,” she said shaking her head as he hugged her. “Alright, I guess I’ll see you guys later,” Lance said grabbing his bags and going out to the van that was waiting to take him to the airport.

JC looked down at Julia and smiled again, “Looks like it’s just me and you,” he said putting his arm back around her shoulder. She smiled shakily up at him as he led her to the kitchen. “Now how about you make me some breakfast?” JC asked hopefully as they walked into the kitchen.

*Chapter 4*
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Email: justinsangel81@hotmail.com