*Chapter 30*

“Hey Lance, can we talk?” JC asked. Lance gave him a funny look before nodding and opening his front door wider for him to come in, “Yeah, I guess so,” he replied. Lance led him to the living room and they sat down across the room from each other. “What have you been up to?” JC asked, trying to make conversation. “Just getting ready to head home for Christmas and for the party,” Lance replied. JC nodded, “Yeah, I’ve been getting ready to go home and for the party too.” They sat in silence for a few minutes before JC finally spoke again, “I’m sorry,” he said quietly. Lance raised his eyebrows at him from his seat.

“I’m sorry I dated Julia behind your back for so long. I knew it was wrong, and she wanted to tell you the whole time, but it was my fault we didn’t tell you. I thought you’d be mad and get all protective of her,” JC said looking down to his hands in his lap. “I guess you’re right,” Lance agreed, “But I would’ve been less upset if you would’ve told me from the beginning.” JC nodded, “I know, but at the beginning I was so confused about everything. I didn’t even understand my feelings for her yet, so I didn’t know how I was supposed to explain them to you.”

“You know, as shocked as I was to find out that you two had been sneaking around, I wasn’t really that surprised that you were dating,” Lance admitted. “What do you mean?” JC asked curiously. Lance shrugged, “I don’t know, you’ve always been pretty close, and I’d noticed you two were really flirty and touchy lately, but I didn’t think anything of it. And the more I thought about it, the more I realized how right you two were for each other.”

JC’s eyes widened in surprise,” You think we’re right for each other?” Lance smiled slightly, “Yeah, I think so.” JC sighed and rolled his eyes, “Yeah, before she lied about everything.” Lance shrugged, “I can’t explain why she told Rey those lies to break you two up. But I do know Julia better than anyone else and I know she isn’t really that kind of person. She must really love you to go that far.”

JC rolled his eyes again, “Yeah, whatever. I thought she wasn’t that kind of person either, but she obviously is.” Lance sighed, “If that’s what you really think I guess I can’t change your mind.” JC looked down to his hands, “When did she leave?” he mumbled quietly. “A couple days ago,” Lance answered. JC nodded slowly before standing up, “I’ve gotta get going, I’ve still gotta pack.”

“Okay, thanks for coming over,” Lance said standing up and leading him to the door. JC nodded, “No problem, I’m sorry again,” he whispered before leaving.


“Justin, I already told you, I don’t want to go to the party,” Julia said in an annoyed tone over the phone. “Come on, Jewel, it won’t be the same without you, and everyone will miss you,” Justin whined. “I doubt anyone’s going to miss me. You’re probably the only person that even wants me there.” “Oh please, Jewel, you know we all want you there. And Jonathan has missed you so much, all he’s been talking about is seeing his Julia again,” Justin replied but was met with silence on the other end of the line.

Julia was still unpacking things and putting them away in her old room in her parents’ house. She’d been unpacking a box and came across the picture of her and JC at Disney World the day after they met. She smiled sadly and ran a finger over JC’s face in the picture. “Jewel? Are you there?” Justin interrupted her daydream. “What? Oh yeah, I’m here, sorry,” Julia said hastily wiping away a tear. “Are you okay? You sound like you’re crying,” Justin noticed.

“Yes, I’m fine, Justin. I think I’m just getting a cold or something,” she lied, sniffling. “Okay, well my mom’s rushing me to get ready for the party. Just please come, Jewel, for me?” Justin asked in a sad voice. “I don’t know if I can,” she replied softly, still staring at the picture of her and JC. “You’re going to have to see him eventually, you know,” Justin said sincerely. “I know, but,” she started to protest but Justin stopped her. “No buts, Jewel, just come for a little while,” he suggested.

Julia set the picture frame down on her dresser and sighed, “Okay,” she replied, “I guess I could at least make a short appearance.” “Good. I’ll go tell Jon, he’ll be so excited,” Justin said. The thought of little Jonathan made Julia smile for the first time in what seemed like forever, “Okay, I guess I should go get ready too then, bye,” she said hanging up.


It took Julia a little longer than she had expected to get ready for the party. She almost talked herself out of going a few times, but Justin’s words urged her to go. She tried to keep her mind off of JC as much as possible while she was getting ready, but his face kept popping into her head. His bright blue eyes and soft smile started to flood her thoughts and she set her curling iron down on her vanity, “I can’t do this, I can’t see him yet,” she said out loud to herself.

She stood up and looked at herself in the mirror. She decided to wear her new knee length black boots with a short black skirt and a tight fitting red v-neck shirt. She shook her head quickly and started pacing back and forth across her bedroom floor, “Justin’s right, you’re going to have to see JC eventually, you can’t avoid him forever,” she told herself, “You can do this, just go say hi to everyone, hang out with Jonathan for a little while, and leave, you can do that,” she tried to talk herself into it. She turned to look at herself in the mirror again, “Somehow, it just doesn’t seem that easy.”

*Chapter 31*
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Email: justinsangel81@hotmail.com