*Chapter 32*

“What are you doing out here, Jules? Howcome you’re not inside opening presents with everyone?” Lance asked Julia as he walked out onto the deck in his backyard where she sat by herself. Julia shrugged slightly, “I don’t know, I guess I’m not in much of a celebrating mood,” she said sadly and Lance nodded slowly in reply. He noticed her shiver at the cool breeze so he slipped his leather jacket off and placed it around her.

Julia turned to him and smiled, “Thanks,” she said, looking down to her lap. They sat in silence for a few minutes before she let out a deep breath slowly, "I blew it," she whispered sadly. "Blew what?" Lance asked in confusion. Julia shook her head, "Everything," she replied. "Everything?" Lance repeated her.

Julia sighed, "I blew everything I ever had or ever will have with JC. I blew everything with you, and with Mom and Dad, you guys all hate me now. I blew it all,” she said sniffling quietly. Lance put his arm around her shoulder carefully, “We don’t all hate you, Jules,” he said softly, “Yeah we’re mad at you for all your lying but we’ll get over it. We could never hate you,” he replied.

Julia looked up at the winter sky, “JC hates me,” she said as a tear fell down her cheek slowly. Lance shook his head, “I don’t think he hates you either,” he started to protest but Julia stopped him. “He hates me. He hates me Lance, you can just say it,” she said shaking her head sadly. “I really don’t think he hates you. But you must really love him, huh?” he asked.

She nodded, “Yeah, why?” Lance shrugged, “Well you went to all that trouble just to be with him. I know you’re not the kind of person that usually lies to get what she wants, so you must love him alot to go through all that.” “I loved him so much, James, I still do,” Julia whispered, looking ahead with a blank look on her face, like she was thinking about JC, “I loved him from the first second I saw him on the Mickey Mouse Club when I was little. Then when you joined the group with him, I just started loving him even more. It was to the point that I couldn’t take it anymore, I had to be with him,” she said with more tears falling down her cheeks now.

Lance’s eyes widened, “Wow, I had no idea. Why didn’t you tell me?” “What was I supposed to say? That I was madly in love with one of your best friends? You would’ve laughed in my face and told me it was just puppy love or something,” Julia answered. “I wouldn’t have laughed in your face. But I guess you’re right, I probably wouldn’t have taken you very seriously,” Lance agreed. “I didn’t even think JC would ever take me seriously and think of me as anything more than a little sister, but when he kissed me for the first time...I just knew. I knew it was right.”

Lance smiled sadly at his little sister. He had been angry about all her lies and nothing excused her from them, but he had no idea she had loved JC so much for so long. “I’m sorry you lost him, Jules, but I think you can get him back,” he said. Julia shook her head, “I don’t think so.” “You never know until you try. You went to all that trouble to get him, and you’re just going to let him go that easily? You can’t do that, Jules, you’ve gotta get him back. Explain everything, convince him you just did it because you loved him,” Lance urged her. “It won’t work,” she said looking up to him sadly.

“Promise me you’ll at least think about it.” Julia sighed, “Fine, I’ll think about it,” she said even though she only said it so he’d leave her alone. She stood up slowly, “I’m getting tired, I think I just want to go home and go to bed. Tell everyone I said goodbye,” she said handing Lance back his jacket. “Don’t you want to talk to JC?” “No, not tonight. Thanks for listening,” Julia said hugging Lance tightly. “You’re welcome. That’s what a big brother’s for.”

*Chapter 33*
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Email: justinsangel81@hotmail.com