*Chapter 33*

Julia looked up from where she was working on her English paper at her laptop and groaned when she heard the phone ring. She reached over to answer it, “Hello?” she asked. “Hey Jules, what’s up?” Justin asked in an excited voice. It had been a couple of months since Julia and JC’s breakup and the guys had just finished the album and were now getting ready to start promoting it. Julia was doing okay dealing with the breakup but she was still crying herself to sleep most nights. Lance and her parents had forgiven her and were talking to her again but she still hadn’t seen or talked to JC since the night of the Christmas party at Lance’s house.

Julia smiled at the sound of Justin’s voice, “Hey Justy, how are you doing?” she asked saving her paper and closing her laptop. “I’m good, a little tired from the dance rehearsal I just got out of, but other than that I’m good. How about you?” Justin asked. Julia sighed tiredly, “I’m okay too. I’m really tired lately, school’s been kicking my butt this semester but I’ll survive,” she answered. “How are the rest of the guys?”

“Well, Lance is busy as always, doing stuff with the management company. Chris is busy with his clothing company, and Joey’s been looking over some movie scripts lately. I have no idea when he thinks he’ll have time to do a movie since our schedule is so jam-packed, but oh well,” Justin replied. “And what about...what about...JC?” Julia asked hesitantly.

Justin let out a deep breath slowly, “He’s good too. Writing some songs and stuff. He might go work in the studio with some new groups soon so he’s happy about that,” he replied. “Is he...” Julia trailed off. “Is he what?” Justin asked. “Nothing, never mind,” she replied. “No Jules, is he what?” Justin insisted. “Is he...dating anyone?” she asked cautiously.

Justin sighed, he knew this question would be coming and he really didn’t want to give her the answer. “Well, he’s kind of been talking to someone lately. I don’t know if they’re really dating, but she’s supposed to come with us while we’re doing some of the promotion,” he answered, avoiding the question a little. “He’s that serious with someone already?” Julia asked in surprise, “Who is it? Do I know her?” Justin sighed again, “Yeah, you know her.” “Well who is it? Come on Justin, just tell me,” she pestered him.

“Fine, it’s Rey. JC’s been talking to Rey again,” he finally answered her. Julia’s eyes widened and she felt tears coming to them quickly, “He’s...he’s talking to Rey again?” she asked slowly, “Why?” “Well I guess she called to see how he was doing, and he told her all about what happened with you guys, and they just started talking,” Justin answered. “Oh,” she replied, trying not to sound upset, “Does he seem...happy with her?”

“Come on Jules, don’t do this to yourself. You said it yourself, they’re not right together and it isn’t going to last. I think he just wants someone to comfort him right now, and Rey knows that, and she knows that’s how she can get to him, so she’s taking advantage of it. We’re all going to try to knock some sense into him. I think he still loves you, Jules, you’ve just got to give it time,” Justin explained. “I’ve already given him two months and he hasn’t even talked to me. I don’t think he ever wants to see me again, much less actually be with me,” Julia said sadly.

“Look, I’m not gonna lie and say what you did wasn’t pretty bad, because it was. I know if I was JC it would probably take me awhile to get over too. But you’re going to have to start at the beginning again, just being his friend. It might take a long time to get back to where you were. You know that, right?” “Yeah, I know that,” she said quietly, “I’ve got this paper to finish for tomorrow so I better go. But call me whenever you get a chance, okay?” “Of course, goodnight Jules,” Justin replied. “Goodnight, Justy,” Julia said hanging up.


“This is all your fault, you know that, right?” Julia asked Morgan the next day at school. “My fault?! How is this all my fault?” Morgan asked in disbelief. “You’re the one that made me break up JC and Rey. They probably would’ve broken up soon anyway, I should’ve just waited. But no, you had to tell me about that stupid plan,” Julia rambled. “Hey I don’t remember holding a gun to your head and forcing you to talk to Rey. You did that all on your own honey, so don’t blame me,” Morgan retorted.

Julia sighed and rubbed her forehead tiredly, “You’re right, it really is all my fault. I’ve spent the last two months trying to find someone else to blame but I can’t. I know it’s really my fault but I just don’t want it to be.” “I know I was the one that put the idea of breaking up JC and Rey into your head, and for that I’m sorry. I didn’t really think you’d go through with it, but I guess I underestimated your love for him,” Morgan replied.

“Yeah, I think everyone did. Even if I never do get back together with JC, at least I had him for a little while. I actually got to be with the man of my dreams, even if it was only for a few months,” Julia said. “Yeah, not many people can say they’ve been with the man of their dreams,” Morgan agreed. “But I was stupid and I lost him,” Julia said sadly. “You didn’t lose him forever, Jules, we’re gonna get him back for you,” Morgan said.

*Chapter 34*
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Email: justinsangel81@hotmail.com