*Chapter 34*

“Hey Jules, can you go get me some milk before dinner?” Julia’s mom asked her one night when Julia was watching tv in the den. “Yeah, sure,” Julia replied turning the tv off and getting up. “Here, can you get a bag of ice too?” Julia’s mom asked handing Julia some money. “Yeah,” Julia said putting on a jacket and grabbing her keys. “Be careful, it’s been raining and it’s probably slippery out,” Julia’s mom called to her. “I always am,” Julia said with a smile before leaving.


“Come on JC, I want to go out clubbing tonight,” Rey whined to JC as she stood up from the bed in the hotel and went to her suitcase to find clothes to wear clubbing. “Rey I was just rehearsing the entire day, I don’t feel like clubbing,” JC said with a sigh, plopping down on the bed. Rey turned around and glared at him, “I’m going to change, then you can go take a shower before we go,” she said heading to the bathroom. “But I said I didn’t want to-” JC started but was cut off by Rey slamming the bathroom door.

JC sighed and rubbed his face tiredly, “Julia wouldn’t make me go out clubbing. She’d be perfectly fine just sitting around and watching tv with me all night,” he couldn’t help but think to himself. “No, JC, stop. Stop thinking about her. Stop comparing her to Rey,” JC whispered to himself, shaking his head. Rey emerged from the bathroom a minute later wearing pants that were way too tight and a top that was way too low-cut. JC had to fight the urge to roll his eyes when he saw her.

“Okay JC, you can go get ready now,” Rey said grabbing her makeup bag out of her suitcase. “Rey I said I don’t want to to clubbing tonight. I thought you had lots of friends in New York, why don’t you call some of them to go clubbing?” JC suggested. “Because I want to go clubbing with my boyfriend,” Rey whined. JC cringed when he heard her use the word ‘boyfriend’. “Rey, I’m not your-” JC said but was cut off again.

“You know, ever since all that stuff happened with Julia, you never want to do anything anymore. You need to get over it, JC. That Julia girl’s just a little bitch and you need to forget about her,” Rey said in a snotty voice. JC sat up and felt his face getting hot, “What did you say?” he asked angrily. “I said that Julia is a bitch, JC. She may have broken your heart or whatever but that was over two months ago and it’s time to move on...with me,” she replied while putting on some makeup.

JC had to take a deep breath to try and calm himself down so he wouldn’t go rip all her hair out. As mad as he was at Julia, she still didn’t deserve anything that Rey was saying about her. Rey was the last person in the world that should be accusing someone of being a bitch, JC thought. “She isn’t a bitch, Rey,” JC said quietly from his spot on the bed. Rey turned around quickly, “Why are you defending her?” she asked angrily. That was a really good question and JC wished he knew the answer.

“She may have done some awful things, but she doesn’t deserve to be called a bitch,” JC said quietly, picking at the bedspread. “I can’t believe you’re defending her, JC. If you think she’s so great, why aren’t you with her right now? Yeah, that’s what I thought, you’re with me, so just forget about Julia, okay?” Rey yelled. JC sighed, he just didn’t have the energy to be arguing with her like this, “Fine, whatever,” he mumbled to himself.


Julia was on her way to the store and it was starting to rain really hard. The roads were becoming really slippery but she was used to driving in the rain so she didn’t think anything of it. She was going kind of fast when approaching a stop sign and she had to slam on her breaks to stop in time. Her car skidded over the slippery pavement into the middle of the intersection and right into another car. Julia’s whole world went black as she slammed into the car.


JC was still trying to avoid going clubbing with Rey when he heard a knock on the door. Rey rolled her eyes as she walked to the door to answer it. She opened the door and saw Lance on the other side, “What do you want?” she asked in a nasty voice. Lance ignored her comment and pushed past her into the room, “Where’s JC?” he asked rushing inside.

“I’m right here, what’s wrong Lance?” JC asked sitting up on the bed. “It’s Julia,” Lance said, out of breath. JC’s eyes widened, “Julia? What’s wrong with Julia? Did something happen?” he asked, worried. “She was in an accident,” Lance answered before JC cut him off. “An accident? What kind of accident? Is she okay?” JC rambled. “I don’t know, JC. I don’t know what kind of accident, I don’t know if she’s okay. My mom just called and said they had to rush her to the emergency room. So I’m leaving on the first plane to Mississippi,” Lance said. JC jumped up from the bed, “I’m going with you,” he said grabbing his things and throwing them in one of his bags.

“You’re coming with me?” Lance asked in surprise, “I was just gonna call the other guys and tell them how she is.” JC stopped running around the room, “I know, but I want to go. I have to see if she’s okay,” he said quietly and his eyes were full of love and worry and it almost made Lance smile despite the situation. He still cared about Julia and he still loved her, and he was showing it right then. “Okay, get your stuff together, Justin’s calling and getting plane tickets so I’ll go tell him to get one more,” Lance said walking to the door but Rey blocked his way out.

“Tell him to get two more,” she said in a low voice. “Two? Why two?” Lance asked in confusion. “I’m going with,” Rey said simply. JC looked up from his suitcase quickly, “You aren’t coming with,” he said. “I can go anywhere I want, and I want to go with you guys,” she retorted with an evil smile. “But-” Lance started. “Just get me a ticket, Lance,” Rey demanded before going to get her things together. Lance looked to JC for help but JC just shrugged and gave him a worried look. “Fine, I’ll go tell him to get two more tickets,” Lance said before leaving.

*Chapter 35*
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Email: justinsangel81@hotmail.com