*Chapter 36*

JC stepped into Julia’s room slowly and cautiously. His heart completely melted when he saw Julia sleeping peacefully in her bed. Her right arm was in a cast and a sling and there were a few stitches over her left eyebrow, and a long scrape across her forehead. He let out a relieved deep breath and walked closer to her, sitting in a chair next to her bed.

He just sat there for what seemed like forever and watched her sleep. He studied her sweet and angelic face that he hadn’t seen in so long and that he had missed so much. He reached up and brushed a few stray hairs away from her face and let his hand remain on the soft skin of her cheek for a moment. He ran his fingers down her left arm slowly and finally let them rest on the back of her hand. He finally entwined his fingers with her tiny ones and he noticed a small smile creep onto her face as she dreamt. He smiled slightly and watched her chest go up and down with every one of her breaths.

As JC sat there and watched her sleep he couldn’t help but think back to the short time they had spent together. He remembered their first kiss on the couch in her den, their first date to the blues club, the birthday dinner he cooked for her, and the first time they made love. He rubbed the back of her hand with his thumb gently, “What ever happened to us, Jules?” he whispered to himself.

Julia stirred in her sleep and JC looked up to her face to see if she was waking up. Her eyes were still closed but she yawned and JC smiled at the cute way her nose crinkled when she yawned. A moment later she finally began to open her eyes slowly and look at her surroundings in confusion, as she had been doing since she had entered the hospital.

Julia’s world was blurry for a second but she finally remembered where she was but immediately noticed someone holding her hand tightly. She knew that hand that was holding hers, she knew who it was instantly without even looking at him. She looked down to her hand and her eyes slowly made their way up to JC’s face as she looked at him in confusion. “JC?” she whispered in a scratchy voice. JC smiled and his eyes filled with tears instantly, “It’s me, Jules,” he whispered back.

She shook her head slowly and closed her eyes, “Am I dreaming?” she asked. JC’s smile got even bigger and a tear made its way down his cheek slowly, “No Jules, you’re awake, I’m really here,” he replied. Julia’s eyes instantly filled with tears and they soon began falling down her cheeks too. JC reached up and wiped them away carefully. Julia looked up to his eyes slowly and knew she couldn’t be mistaking the look of love in them. “Why are you here?” she asked quietly.

JC took out a deep breath, “I had to see you, I had to know if you were okay,” he said shyly and Julia’s eyes widened at his response. “Really?” she asked and JC only nodded in reply. Julia looked up into JC’s bright blue eyes and knew she had to be with him again, she had to at least try, “JC, I’m so sorry,” she started to apologize but was quickly interrupted by someone coming into the room.

“JC, what have you been doing in here so long? I thought you said you’d take me shopping later today,” Rey yelled as she stormed into the room. JC let go of Julia’s hand quickly and shook his head, “I never said I was taking you shopping,” he said in annoyance, especially mad that she had interrupted him and Julia.

Julia’s heart broke the second she saw Rey walk into the room. “How could he go back to her?” she was wondering in her mind and her eyes quickly filled with tears again. She looked up to JC, as if searching for an answer, but he was trying to look anywhere in the room but at her.

“Well I want to go shopping so hurry up,” Rey said impatiently, playing with her hair. “Rey I’m not taking you shopping,” JC insisted but she wouldn’t budge. He rolled his eyes and looked over to Julia slowly and noticed a few tears falling down her cheeks. He began to reach over to brush them away but then heard Rey clear her throat loudly and he stopped. “I guess I better get going, but I’ll be back later, okay?” JC said quietly. Julia nodded slowly and looked away from him, she couldn’t look at him right now. He leaned down and kissed her forehead lightly and that normally would’ve made Julia ecstatic but right now it was only breaking her heart even more. “Bye,” she whispered as he started to walk to the door.

JC stopped by the door and looked to Rey, who was still standing next to Julia’s bed, “Are you coming?” he asked. “You go ahead, I’ll be out in a minute,” she replied in a sticky sweet voice and he knew she was up to something. He stayed in the doorway for a few seconds, not wanting to leave her alone with Julia, but Rey quickly gave him a threatening look so he left.

“What are you doing here, Rey?” Julia asked as soon as JC was gone. “I’m proving a point, you little bitch,” Rey sneered, “that you don’t mess with Rey Thompson and get away with it. He’s mine now and he’s going to be mine, Julia. So you can give up all your lies and your little games and your little girl fantasies about JC, because he’s with me and he wants nothing to do with you anymore,” Rey ended with a satisfied smile.

Julia didn’t know what to say as she stared at Rey in shock. “Get out,” she finally whispered. Rey rolled her eyes, “Whatever, my boyfriend is taking me out now anyway,” she said in a nasty voice as she turned around to leave. Julia continued to stare at the doorway in shock as she watched Rey leave before she burst into tears.

*Chapter 37*
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Email: justinsangel81@hotmail.com