*Chapter 37*

A few minutes after JC left Lance decided to go back and check on Julia.  He walked into her room to find her crying.  As soon as Julia saw him she started wiping her cheeks and eyes.  “What’s up, Lance?” she tried to ask casually but it was obvious how upset she was over something.  “What’s wrong, Jules?” Lance asked.

Julia sighed loudly as more tears came to her eyes, “What’s he doing here? What’s he doing here with her?” she asked.  Lance shrugged and shook his head, “I wish I could tell you but I have no idea.  He said he had to know if you were okay, and I told him I would call him and let him know but he said he had to see you,” he explained.  Julia shook her head, “Why is he doing this?  Does he want to break my heart even more than he already did?”

Lance looked at his little sister and he had to feel really sorry for her. She had been trying so hard to be strong and not let her and JC’s breakup get to her but he knew she was devastated about it.  She was trying so hard to get over him and now he showed up out of nowhere with his old girlfriend by his side.  He knew it couldn’t possibly be easy for her.

“I’m sorry I don’t have any answers for you, Jules, but I know he has to still care about you.  He wouldn’t be here if he didn’t.  He didn’t want Rey to come, he tried to send her home but she insisted on coming.  I think you and JC just need to sit down and talk everything over.  It’s the only way you’ll find out how he really feels about you now,” Lance suggested.  “I don’t know if I can.  Every time I look at him I just want to be with him and it kills me to know I can’t be,” Julia said.  “You won’t know that for sure until you talk to him,” Lance replied but Julia just shook her head.

“Well I do have some good news for you.  The doctor said you can go home tomorrow morning,” Lance said with a smile.  “Really?  How long are you staying?” Julia asked.  “We’re here for a few more days then we’ve got to get back to do more promotion with the guys,” he replied.  “Well at least I’ll get a few more days with you before you leave,” she said.  “Hey, let’s call the guys and let them know you’re gonna be okay,” Lance suggested pulling out his cell phone.


JC and Rey got back to Lance’s house after shopping for what seemed like forever.  “I told you I was hungry and I wanted to go out to dinner,” Rey complained as they walked in the door.  “And I told you I didn’t feel like going out to eat.  I’ll call and order us a pizza or something,” JC replied. A scowl came on Rey’s face, “Pizza isn’t on my diet, JC,” she replied.  JC rolled his eyes, “Well that’s too bad,” he said.  Rey put all her bags down and sat on the couch next to the phone, “Hey JC I need to make a phone call. Take my bags upstairs for me,” she demanded.  Usually JC would have protested but he was eager to get away from her for a minute.  “Okay, whatever,” he replied grabbing her bags and heading upstairs.

Rey picked up the phone and dialed the number of one of her friends back home.  JC went upstairs and put Rey’s bags away in her room before going to his room and changing his clothes.  He started to go back downstairs to order their dinner but stopped on the stairs when he heard Rey talking on the phone.  He knew he shouldn’t be eavesdropping but he knew she probably listened in on his conversations all the time, so he didn’t really feel bad.

Rey sat on the couch with her back to JC so she didn’t know he was standing on the stairs and that he could hear her.  “Yeah JC and I just got back from shopping.  I probably charged a thousand dollars to his credit card and he didn’t even notice,” Rey said with an evil laugh.  “You know, dating a pop star definitely has its perks.  I know one of these days a producer in Hollywood is going to see me with JC at an awards show or a premiere and hire me.  And soon as I get my big break it’s bye, bye, bye to the pathetic boy band guy,” Rey said in a sinister voice.  JC’s eyes were wide as he listened to her words.  He leaned forward to try and hear her better.  Rey laughed at something her friend said and continued, “I know, and the funny thing is, he doesn’t even know I’m totally using him for his money and fame. He thinks I really care about him and his lame music career,” she said.

JC’s head was pounding and his eyes were red with anger.  He took a deep breath to try and calm himself down but it didn’t really work. He continued listening to Rey but she and her friend had moved onto another topic and were now talking about makeup. JC turned around and walked back upstairs to his room. He was in a daze as he paced around the room for a minute but then stopped to look out the window. “I should have listened,” he whispered to himself as he shook his head.

It was beginning to get dark and JC’s eyes landed on the stars beginning to appear in the sky, “Julia was right about Rey all along. I should’ve listened to her...I should have listened,” he mumbled.

*Chapter 38*
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Email: justinsangel81@hotmail.com