*Chapter 39*

“Hey Lance, I’m back,” JC announced as he walked in the front door later that day. “Good, you’re just in time to go pick Rey up from the spa,” Lance said greeting him at the door. JC gave him a pitiful look, “Do I have to?” he asked, almost whining. “You’re lucky I didn’t throw her out of the car on the way there this morning. I don’t think I can resist the temptation again so you better go,” Lance replied. “Fine,” JC said with a sigh, walking back out the door.

JC sat in the parking lot of the spa for a few minutes before Rey came storming out. “Why didn’t you come in and get me?!” she asked loudly, getting in the car. “Because I’m tired and I didn’t feel like getting out of the car,” JC said flatly. Just the sight of her was about to make him sick as all her words from the night before were still playing through his head.

“And why did you have to go pick that little brat up from the hospital?” Rey asked in a snotty voice on the way back to Lance’s house. JC sighed loudly, “Rey I don’t think I need to explain anything to you,” he said, trying to focus on the road. “Well I’m sorry but when you go pick your ex-girlfriend up from the hospital, a girl that broke your heart may I add, I’m going to wonder why,” Rey replied. JC just rolled his eyes and ignored her comment, “Oh yeah, you’re very welcome for the trip to the spa today,” he said, noticing she hadn’t thanked him yet. “Ugh that spa was so awful. Their idea of a cream rinse was embarrassing,” Rey replied with a huff. JC was beginning to understand what Lance was talking about when he’d wanted to throw Rey out of the car earlier.

“Look, we leave tomorrow afternoon, and it’s been a long day so I’m going to go back to Lance’s and pack up my stuff and go to bed,” JC said before she asked him to do something. “You’re not even going to take me out to dinner?” Rey asked in surprise. “No,” JC said simply. “Whatever,” Rey said, pouting for the rest of the ride home.


Julia sighed as she stared at the picture she was holding. It was a picture of her and JC that one of the guys had taken at her birthday party a couple of months earlier. It was a time when everything in Julia’s life couldn’t be more perfect, and right before her whole world fell apart. “I was so stupid,” she whispered to herself as a few tears fell down her cheeks slowly. She set the picture frame back down on her dresser and grabbed a bracelet out of her jewelry box and held it in her left hand. She walked to the window of her room and stared out at the stars in the dark sky, “He hates me now, he’ll never want anything to do with me ever again,” she cried, staring down at the blue beaded bracelet JC gave her to show her how much he loved her.

Julia turned around and grabbed her phone and dialed Morgan’s number. “Hello?” Morgan answered. “Hey Mor, do you think you can come over?” Julia asked before sniffling lightly. “Are you okay? You sound like you’re crying, you’re not in pain, are you?” Morgan asked with concern. “No, my arm’s fine, can you just come over please?” Julia begged. “Yeah, I’ll be right over,” Morgan replied hanging up.


JC flopped onto the couch in Lance’s den with a deep sigh. “You okay?” Lance asked looking up from his laptop. “No,” JC replied rubbing his face tiredly. “You want to talk about it?” Lance asked closing his computer. JC turned around to see if Rey was anywhere near but she was in her room packing, “It’s about Rey,” he began. “About how she needs a major attitude adjustment?” Lance asked in annoyance. “No,” JC replied, “But I know that I need to get rid of her for good, and I’m going to need your help.”


“Okay Jules, what’s wrong?!” Morgan asked barging into Julia’s room. She was surprised to see Julia curled up in a ball on her bed, crying hysterically. “Oh my God Jules, are you okay?!” Morgan asked running to her side. Julia sat up quickly and began rubbing her eyes, “Yeah, yeah, I’m fine,” she said with a cough. “You are not fine, you tell me right now what’s wrong,” Morgan demanded. Julia pushed some hair out of her face, “It’s JC,” she said with a sigh. “What about him?” “He hates me, and I’m never going to be with him ever again,” Julia said as more tears came to her eyes. “What makes you think that?” Morgan asked in confusion.

“He came and picked me up from the hospital today. I thought maybe he actually wanted to see me, but he said that Lance was too busy with paperwork to come get me. So he brings me home and things are actually going pretty good, we’re actually getting along. Then he feeds me soup and I thought we were gonna kiss but he freaks out and pulls away. Now I know he doesn’t want anything to do with me anymore,” Julia explained as a few tears fell down her cheeks.

“You don’t know that for sure, Jules. Maybe things were just going a little too fast for him, maybe he needs a little more time,” Morgan suggested. Julia shook her head, “No, it’s over for good and I need to get over him. It might take awhile but I know I need to do it.” “Are you sure you want to give up, just like that? You’ve loved him for so long and you’re just going to stop?” Morgan asked, hoping to talk her out of it.

“I have no other choice, Mor. He doesn’t want to be with me so I might as well save myself from future heartache,” Julia said in an unsure voice. Morgan sighed, “I guess if that’s what you really want to do I’ll support you, but I think there may still be a chance.” Julia shook her head, “No, it’s over Mor, for good,” she said sadly. “How about we go get some ice cream to cheer you up?” Morgan suggested and Julia agreed.


Lance’s eyes widened after he heard JC’s plan to get rid of Rey and he had to fight the urge to laugh out loud. “I will definitely help you out with this,” Lance said with a small laugh. “Thank you so much, I think I’m going to do it when we get back to New York for the promotion,” JC replied with a smile. “I can’t wait,” Lance said. “Me either. Well we leave tomorrow so I’m gonna go get some sleep,” JC said getting up to go to bed. When he was gone Lance smiled to himself, “Soon Rey will be gone and it will be no time before JC and Julia are back together.”

*Chapter 40*
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Email: justinsangel81@hotmail.com