*Chapter 4*

“Okay, so let me get this straight: JC and Rey are fighting, he’s staying with you, and Lance is out of town for 5 days?” Morgan asked Julia on the phone later that day. “Yep,” Julia replied. “So what are you gonna do about that?” Morgan asked devilishly. “Morgan, what do you expect me to do? Jump the boy?” Julia replied. “Why not?”she asked with a giggle and Julia rolled her eyes even though she knew Morgan couldn’t see her.

“He still looks at me like I’m twelve years old,” Julia said sadly. “Well, show him how much you’ve grown up,” Morgan offered. “I don’t know, I don’t think it would work, and even if it did, he’s still with Rey,” Julia said unsurely. “So, I’m sure you could do something about that too.” Julia sighed, “Like what?” “Like break them up,” Morgan replied.

“What?!” Julia exclaimed loudly. “Just break them up.” “Come on Morgan, let’s be realistic here.” “I am being realistic, I’m sure we could think if some way to break them up,” Morgan replied. “Like what?” Julia asked, a little interested. “Like..I don’t know, give me a few minutes to think.”

“They’ve been dating for almost a year, she’s gorgeous, he’s gorgeous, he looks at me like a little sister, and you expect me to break them up and get him to date me?” Julia asked. “It’s not that impossible, Jules, we’ve just gotta think of a plan.” Julia laughed out loud at how serious Morgan was about this. “You really think this would work, don’t you?” “Sure, I’ve done my share of scheming in my day,” Morgan replied. She was right, her scheming and mischievous behavior was most of the fun of hanging out with her.

“Okay, so what do you suggest?” Julia asked, getting a little excited about it even though she was still pretty doubtful. “Well first you have to ditch the whole little sister thing, but we can work on that after him and Rey break up. That’s the first step,” Morgan said thinking out loud. “Yeah,” Julia agreed. “Okay, JC and Rey’s relationship is already pretty shaky, isn’t it? They’re always fighting, aren’t they?” “Yeah it seems like it, and I don’t think he’s spoken to her since he started staying here a few days ago,” Julia replied. “Alright, so as far as we know they could already be on the verge of breaking up. We’d just be helping them along a little bit. And in the long run it will all turn out for the better anyway,” Morgan said.

“I don’t know about this, Mor,” Julia said starting to have bigger doubts as the plan started to get more and more real. “Come on Jules, you’ve loved this boy for six years. And I know somewhere in him he can find it to fall in love with you too. I’ve seen him around you. He’s always so touchy-feely with you, so we already know he’s attracted to you,” Morgan said. “You really think so?” Julia asked hopefully. “Definetly.”

“Okay, so their relationship is kind of private, JC doesn’t like to talk about her to reporters or anything, right?” “Right.” “So let’s say a reporter asked JC about her and he totally denied ever being linked with her or knowing her. Do you think she’d get pissed about that?” Morgan asked. “Yeah, probably. It seems like she gets pissed about everything,” Julia replied. “So all you have to do is come up with something that JC supposedly said about her, something that would push her over the edge, and he’s all yours,” Morgan said happily as she came up with a plan.

“I don’t know, that seems too easy,” Julia said. “Well we’ll have to come up with something really good for you to tell her. You’ll tell her you heard it on tv or something, so you won’t really need evidence of it like you would if it was in a newspaper or magazine. And with her temper she’ll freak out and not even give JC a chance to explain. She’d probably just break up with him,” Morgan said thinking out loud again.

“I don’t want JC to get hurt by all this,” Juila said as she thought of Rey breaking his heart. “He won’t be hurting for too long, and you’ll be there to comfort him. He’s staying at your house so it’s perfect. He’s a private person so he won’t want to go to the guys, but I know if you’re there, he’ll turn to you.”

“I still don’t know about this. There’s too many what if’s. What if Rey asks too many questions or JC denies all of it and she believes him. What if I break them up and he doesn’t even become interested in me, he’ll still be hurting because of me. What if we did actually date, Lance would kill both of us. And what if JC finds out, he’ll hate me forever. I’m not the lying and scheming kind of person, I don’t lie to get things I want,” Juila started to protest as her conscience tried to stop her before Morgan cut her off.

“Their relationship is already hanging by a thread, and a very thin thread. All you need to do is help it along by cutting that little thread, and he’s all yours. I guarantee it,” Morgan said confidently. That phrase, “he’s all yours,” just kept floating through Julia’s head and it was the greatest thing she’d ever heard. She thought of JC and how she felt when she was in his arms. She felt so safe and protected and she’d do anything to be in his arms forever.

As more thoughts of JC filled her head Juila sighed softly, “Okay, I’m in.”


A little while later Julia and Morgan were still talking on the phone when Julia heard JC yelling her name. “Ooh, he’s calling for you, girl!” Morgan exclaimed when he heard it. “Ugh, what did I do now?” Julia grumbled as she got up off her bed. JC had been pretty grumpy all morning and had been complaining about the tiniest things. “I gotta go before he starts freaking out,” Julia said before hanging up with Morgan.

Julia walked down the hall looking for where JC’s yells were coming from. She went into the guest room he was staying in and heard the shower running in the connecting bathroom. She knocked lightly on the door, “Are you decent JC?” she yelled. “Yeah, I’m in the shower but come on in,” he replied. Julia felt like screaming right there. JC was naked in a shower and he was inviting her into the room. Almost too much for her to take.

She opened the door slowly and was hit with a blast of hot steam as she peeked her head around the door before letting her whole body slip into the room. “What...what did you need?” she stuttered, trying to get a glimpse of him but the dark green shower curtain didn’t let her. He opened the shower curtain slowly and let only his face peek out. “I forgot to bring a towel or my robe in here,” he said, his face turning a bright shade of red.

Julia laughed a little and decided to take advantage of the situation. “So...what do you need me for?” she asked playfully. He sighed and glared at her, “I need you to get me a towel,” he said. She leaned against the door causing it to close behind her. “And why would I want to do that?” JC continued to glare at her, “Jules, stop.” “Stop what?” she asked innocently, “This is the moment I’ve been waiting years for, my moment to take total advantage of you. And what better place than in the shower?” she said, still in her innocent voice.

If it was possible, JC’s face got redder. Julia couldn’t tell if he was angry or embarrassed; probably a little of both. “Julia Marie!” JC said through gritted teeth and she couldn’t help but giggle at his anger. “I’m just kidding, JC, calm down! I’ll go get you your stupid towel!” she said before going to the hall to the linen closet.

She stepped back in the room a minute later and handed JC an oversize dark blue towel. She heard him turn the water off and he opened the shower curtain a minute later with the towel wrapped around his waist. Julia’s eyes widened as he stepped past her to go to the sink. JC noticed her shocked expression and laughed a little, “You’re being kind of difficult today so I thought it might take you awhile to get out of here so I could get out of the shower,” he said turning around and smiling at her.

Julia giggled at him and hopped up onto the counter next to the sink. She watched as he grabbed his toothbrush and started brushing his teeth. Her eyes wandered down to his stomach and how the towel was loosely wrapped around his waist. Beads of water were slowly dripping down his chest and stomach and it was torturous for Julia to watch. She bit on her bottom lip as her gaze moved back up to his hair which was also dripping wet and causing tiny beads of water to drip down his neck. She swallowed hard and snapped back into reality, realizing she was staring at him and he had to be noticing.

JC finished brushing his teeth and wiped his mouth with a hand towel sitting on the counter. “What are your plans for the day?” Julia asked trying to sound nonchalant. “I’m not sure what I’m gonna do, I might go into the studio for a little while then I’m free the rest of the day,” JC answered grabbing his after shave off the counter. Julia almost groaned when she saw him reach for it, she knew how good it smelled and the scent alone could take her over the edge, let alone him putting it on when he was half naked in front of her.

Julia was watching his hands slowly unscrewing the cap and he stopped suddenly and looked up at her, “We should go out to dinner, just me and you, to catch up. I haven’t had much time to hang out with you while I’ve been here,” he said. “Um..o..okay, that sounds good,” Julia answered smiling to him.

JC slowly tipped his after shave bottle over and smoothed some over his cheeks, chin, and neck. Julia breathed in slowly to inhale the smell. She knew she had to get out of there before she did or said something really stupid. “Well I guess I’ll let you finish getting ready,” she said giving him a nervous smile and sliding off the counter. JC looked up at her and smiled, “Okay, I’ll be back at six for dinner,” he said. “Okay,” she replied stepping out into the hall.

Julia walked back to her room slowly, the scent of JC’s after shave still fresh in her system as she sighed deeply, “Oh yeah, he’s mine,” she whispered.

*Chapter 5*
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Email: justinsangel81@hotmail.com