*Chapter 41*

“Lance, we have to go through with the plan today, I don’t think I can stand her much longer,” JC begged to Lance one morning. They had been back in New York for about a week and JC was more than ready to get rid of Rey. But he didn’t want to just break up with her for good, he wanted to have a little fun with it. “Okay, we have the afternoon off so we can do it then,” Lance replied. “I’m gonna go let the other guys know,” JC said leaving.


Lance knocked lightly on the door to Rey’s room. A minute later she answered the door with some kind of green face mask all over her face. “Lance!” she squealed, “What do you think you’re doing?!” “Um, I came down here to talk to you about something kind of important,” Lance replied. “Oh, well what is it?” she asked in an irritated tone, leading him into her room.

“Well I got a phone call yesterday from a producer in Hollywood,” Lance began. “So? What’s that have to do with me?” Rey asked, wiping the mask off her face with a towel. “If you’d let me finish, I’d tell you,” Lance said in annoyance, “Anyway, this producer called me and said he’d seen you at a few award shows with us,” he said and he noticed Rey’s eyes perk up. “Really?” she asked. “Yeah, he said he thinks you may have alot of potential, and he’s in New York so he wants to meet with you today,” Lance finished, trying not to laugh out loud and blow his cover. Rey’s eyes widened, “He wants to meet with me?” she asked slowly, as if trying to comprehend it.

“Yeah, he’s only in town today before he flies back to Hollywood, so he needs to see you this afternoon,” Lance said. “What time?!” Rey asked jumping up. Now Lance really had to fight the urge to laugh at her excitement. “He’s meeting us in my room here at the hotel at two o’clock, so you have a few hours to get ready,” Lance replied. “Well I’ve got to find something to wear, and figure out what to do with my hair, and I need to do my makeup,” Rey began rambling as she paced around the room. “I’ve got some stuff to do, so I’ll see you in a few hours,” Lance said getting up and leaving.

‘Finally going to all those stupid award shows with JC will pay off,’ Rey thought to herself with a smile.


“Did she buy it?” JC asked as soon as Lance left Rey’s room. Lance nodded and laughed, “Oh yeah, she bought it all right,” he replied. “Good, now you go help Steve get ready and make sure he knows everything to do. I’m gonna go talk to her,” JC instructed and Lance nodded in reply before heading to Steve’s room.

JC knocked on Rey’s door and she answered it a few seconds later, “Oh my gosh JC, you’ll never believe it, a Hollywood producer wants to meet me, me JC, he wants to meet with me!” she exclaimed as soon as she opened the door. She surprised him by hugging him tightly, “I’m so excited, I can’t believe I’m finally going to get my big break!” she said happily. A small twinge of guilt ran through JC as he realized that he’d be breaking her heart...but it went away pretty quickly.

“Wow, that’s great!” JC said, trying to act happy for her. “He’s meeting with me in a few hours, I’m trying to get ready,” she explained, leading him into her room where she was going through her suitcase for something to wear. “You have to come with me,” Rey insisted. “Me? Why do I need to be there?” JC asked in confusion. ‘So I can show you off as my famous boyfriend,’ she thought to herself.

“Because I’m really nervous, JC, and I need some moral support,” Rey said giving him a puppy face. JC sighed, “Okay, I guess I could come along,” he replied. “Great, now help me pick out an outfit,” she said holding up some clothes.


“So you’re all ready, Steve?” JC asked later that afternoon in Lance’s room. “Yeah, I’m ready, but are you sure she’s not going to recognize me as Joey’s brother?” Steve asked, adjusting his tie. “I’m positive, Rey doesn’t pay attention to anyone in this world but herself,” JC assured him, “And besides, we dressed you up in a suit, slicked your hair down, and put glasses on you. She wouldn’t recognize you anyway.” “Okay, I’m ready then,” Steve said, sitting down. “Good, I’ll go down and get her,” JC said. “Are you sure you really want to go through with this?” Lance asked before JC left. “Of course I do, I told you those things she said about me, she deserves this,” JC said with an evil smile before leaving.

JC knocked on Rey’s door and she answered it a minute later, completely made up from head to toe. He wondered how she had time to do all of it, but nothing about Rey surprised him anymore. “You ready?” he asked. She adjusted her low-cut top and ran a hand through her hair, “Yeah, I think so,” she said and JC was surprised that she looked a little nervous. “This could be the biggest day of my life, JC,” she said on their way down to Lance’s room. ‘Or it could be your worst,’ JC thought to himself with a smile, “I know sweetie, but just try to stay calm and be yourself and you’ll be fine,” he said giving her a fake smile.

They arrived at Lance’s room and Rey’s nervous expression faded right away. She was suddenly her same confident, cocky self again. “Come on in Rey, Mr. Freeport is ready to meet you,” Lance greeted her happily. Rey grabbed JC’s hand before they walked in and he knew it was so she could show him off. “Hello Ms. Thompson, I’m John Freeport,” Steve said standing up and offering his hand to Rey. “It’s so nice to meet you, Mr. Freeport, and please, call me Rey. I’d like to introduce you to my boyfriend, JC Chasez,” Rey said proudly, showing off JC. “It’s nice to meet you, Mr. Freeport,” JC lied, shaking Steve’s hand.

“Well, please, have a seat,” Steve motioned towards a love seat across from his chair and Rey and JC sat next to each other. Lance sat in a chair next to Steve, he didn’t want to miss this for the world. “So Lance said you were interested in hiring me for a part in a new movie you’re doing?” Rey asked, getting right to the point. Steve looked at a notebook in his hand then back to her, “Yes, I’m starting a new movie this spring. It’s an action adventure and I’m looking for the perfect girl to play the vixen in the movie. Julia Roberts wanted to play the part, but I said I wanted someone new and fresh that no one knew about yet,” Steve explained. Rey’s eyes widened at the mention of Julia Roberts’ name.

“And you thought of me?” Rey asked in surprise. “Well, one of my assistants said he had seen you at the MTV Video Music Awards with JC last year. We heard you were an aspiring actress so we looked you up, and we think you have the perfect look for the part,” Steve replied. “So I get the part?!” Rey asked in surprise and Lance almost started laughing but he stopped himself.

“Well it’s not really that simple, Rey. First off we need to get you an agent. I’ve already talked to someone out in LA that’s interested. You’d just need to fly out there in the next few days to meet with him,” Steve said, “Oh, and you need to lose the boyfriend,” he said casually, looking down to his notebook and writing a few things in it. “What?!?” JC asked in surprise, playing along. “Sorry JC, but Rey is a very attractive girl and there will be all kinds of men that will want her once she’s famous. If she has a boyfriend, especially a famous one, it’s just going to make her appeal go down. So she’ll need to be single,” Steve explained.

“Oh, well sorry JC, I guess I’ll see you around,” Rey said casually. “You’re just going to drop me, just like that?!” JC asked angrily. “Well yeah, I mean, if it’s going to hurt my career to be with you, then I can’t be with you,” Rey replied like it was no big deal. “If it’s going to hurt your career? What about all the crap I’ve gotten from people for dating you?!” JC yelled. “JC, please, you’re causing a scene,” Rey said in embarrassment, “Sorry, that’s just the way this business is,” she said turning away from him. JC shook his head and acted upset as he stormed out of the room and slammed the door.

“I’m really sorry about him, he was kind of attached to me,” Rey apologized, “But now that we have the boyfriend out of the way, what’s next to discuss?” she asked. Just then there was a knock on the door. “Who could that be? Didn’t you let people know we’re having a private meeting in here?!” Rey said to Lance in annoyance. Lance got up to answer the door and smiled that Joey was right on cue.

“Hey Lance, what’s up? I was just about to go downstairs and find something to eat if you wanted to come along,” Joey offered, walking into the room. “Oh hey Steve, what are you doing here?” he asked, “And Rey, what are you doing here?” Rey looked at him in confusion, “This man’s name isn’t Steve, it’s John Freeport, and we’re in the middle of a very important meeting here if you wouldn’t mind,” Rey said angrily.

Joey laughed, “His name isn’t John Freeport, his name is Steve, he’s my brother,” Joey said. Rey stood up, “No he’s not,” she said, starting to wonder what was going on. “Do you know him?” Rey asked Steve. He only laughed a little, took off his glasses, messed up his hair, and loosened his tie. Rey narrowed her eyes at him, “I do recognize you now, you are Joey’s brother,” she said, “What did you think you were doing, playing this awful trick on me?!” she yelled loudly.

None of them said anything, they were trying too hard to hold in their laughter. “I’m going to go tell JC about this and you’re all going to be in very big trouble!” Rey screamed, stomping out. “Oh no, don’t go tell daddy on us!” Joey mocked her, laughing.


Rey stomped all the way down to JC’s room and pounded on his door. When he opened it he tried to act upset about her dumping him earlier. “What do you want, Rey? You made it very clear that I’m not very important to you,” JC said. “It was all a setup, JC! Lance, Joey, and Steve set me up because they don’t like me! You need to go down there and set them straight, have Steve fired from the crew, have Lance and Joey punished for their sick joke!” Rey was yelling and screaming. JC just sat on the bed calmly and waited for her to finish. “What are you waiting for?!” she exclaimed. “I’m waiting for you to shutup so I can tell you that it was all my idea,” he said with a small smile on his face.

Rey’s eyes widened, “What are you talking about?!” she demanded. “Well I overheard you talking to one of your friends on the phone a couple weeks ago. I heard you say you were just using me to get famous. I really hate when people use me for my money and fame, so I had to teach you a lesson,” JC said, remaining calm. “You were eavesdropping on me?” Rey asked. “Yes, I was, and I’m glad. If I hadn’t, who knows how long I would’ve let you trick me into thinking you actually cared about me and our relationship?” JC replied.

Rey started to look really worried as her mind raced for an excuse, “You know that one friend I have in California that I love to joke around with? Well I was talking to her about you that day, and I happened to say that I was using you to get famous, but it was all in a joking manner, JC,” she lied as she tried to explain. JC rolled his eyes, “Save it, Rey. Go pack your stuff and be out of here in an hour,” he said.

“Wait JC, I wasn’t serious about that, I really wasn’t. You know how much I care about you and love you,” Rey started to ramble before JC stopped her. “You love to spend my money and use me, yeah that’s true love,” JC said bitterly. “I wasn’t using you, JC! Just let me explain, I can explain everything, I swear!” Rey said dropping to her knees in front of her as tears began falling down her cheeks.

JC rolled his eyes again, “Am I going to have to call security, Rey?” he asked. “JC, please!” she begged, grabbing his hands. He stood up and lead her to the door as she still clung onto his hands and wrists. He walked out to the hallway and a security guard heard her screaming and pleading. “Hey Lonnie, you think you could help me out with this?” JC asked, looking down to Rey. Lonnie ran down the hall to him, “Come on Miss, let’s go,” he said grabbing her waist. “Let go of me!” she screamed as she kept on grabbing at JC.

She was making such a commotion that the rest of the guys and a few of the crew members came out into the hallway to see what was going on. Lonnie finally got a good grip of Rey’s waist and pulled her away from JC quickly. “Let go of me!” she screamed as Lonnie carried her away, “I really do love you, JC!” she screamed as she began to kick Lonnie. They finally stopped at her room on the other end of the hallway, “Okay, you have five minutes to pack up your things, and you’re on your way out of here,” Lonnie said pushing her into her room.

She emerged a few minutes later with two suitcases and tried to run down to JC but Lonnie and another security guard stopped her. JC smiled and laughed as she continued to scream her love for him. The rest of the guys couldn’t help but laugh at her, she really was making a fool out of herself. “Goodbye, Rey,” JC said with a smile as security dragged her away.

Chris let out a sigh of relief, “Boy am I glad she’s gone!” he said. “Me too, and this time she’s gone for good,” JC said.

*Chapter 42*
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Email: justinsangel81@hotmail.com