*Chapter 42*

“Happy cast off day!” Morgan exclaimed over the phone to Julia late one afternoon. Julia laughed lightly at her, “Thanks,” she replied. It had been about six weeks since her car accident and Julia had just gotten her cast off earlier that day. She still had a little bit of rehab to do on it, but other than that her arm would be back to normal in no time.

“We need to go out and celebrate!” Morgan insisted. “I just got a cast off my arm, it’s not that big a deal,” Julia said with another laugh. “Of course it’s a big deal! Let’s go out to dinner tonight and then to a movie,” Morgan suggested. Julia sighed, she knew there was no way to get out of Morgan’s plan, “Okay, if you say so,” she replied. “I do say so, I’ll come pick you up in a little bit,” she said. “All right, I’ll be ready,” Julia said hanging up with Morgan and going to her closet to find something to wear.

A minute later the phone rang loudly again and Julia figured it was Morgan, forgetting to tell her something, like she always did. She laughed lightly and answered, “What did you forget this time, Mor?” she asked. “Excuse me?” the voice on the other end asked and Julia’s whole body froze instantly. She knew with only those two words who the voice belonged to and she struggled to figure out why he was calling her.

“Uhh..sorry JC, I thought you were Morgan,” Julia stammered for an excuse. JC laughed and Julia could just picture the slight smile on his face as he did so. “It’s okay,” he replied. Julia was still struggling for words, “What are you...what can I....why are you calling me, JC?” she finally spit out. “Well, I was talking to Lance earlier today and he said you were getting your cast off today. I was just wondering how it went?” he asked casually.

Julia’s eyebrows furrowed in confusion. He’d barely talked to her in the past couple of months and now he was calling out of the blue just to see how her arm was? “It was fine, my arm’s going to be fine,” she replied, “JC, I know that’s not the real reason you called.” “I know it’s not,” JC said quietly and Julia’s heart rose just a little bit.

“Then why...why did you call?” Julia asked in a whisper, anxious of his answer. “Julia, I...I want to be friends,” JC said quickly. “Huh?” she asked in surprise. “Yeah, I miss talking to you, Julia. We were pretty good friends before our....relationship...,” JC struggled to get the word out for some reason, “and I miss that,” he said sincerely. Julia sat down on her bed as she let his words sink in. She knew it would be hard to be his friend, but she had to admit she missed having him in her life.

“Yeah, I guess that would be okay. I kind of miss us being friends too,” she replied with a small smile. “I know it might be kind of weird at first, but I think we can get over that. What we had is in the past and we’re over it, so I don’t see why we can’t be adults about this,” JC said, even though it sounded like he wasn’t too sure he believed what he was saying. Julia’s heart sank a little at his words but she tried to ignore it, ‘You’re over him now,’ she tried to tell herself.

“Yeah, we can be friends,” Julia said, still in a little shock of all of this. “Great, I’m glad you’re cool with this,” JC said, “But Joey’s calling me, I gotta get back to rehearsal, we start the tour next week!” he said excitedly. “I know, I can’t wait to see it!” “I can’t wait for you to see it either. I gotta get going, but I’ll talk to you later, friend,” JC said with a small laugh. “Yeah, goodbye...friend,” Julia struggled a little bit to get the last part out before hanging up.


After she hung up the phone Julia sat on her bed and stared off into space for awhile. She sat there alot longer than she had planned to because soon Morgan was knocking on her bedroom door. “Come in,” Julia said, finally snapping out of her daze. Morgan walked in and instantly noticed something was going on. “Whoa, what’s up with you? You look like you’ve just seen a ghost or something,” she commented. Julia shook her head slowly with a confused look on her face, “JC just called me,” she said softly. Morgan’s eyes widened, “Oh no, what happened?” she asked.

“No, it was good. He said he wants to be my friend, he wants us to be friends again,” Julia explained. “Well, that’s good I guess, but do you think you can handle that?” Morgan asked. “Of course I can. I’m over him, I’m over our whole relationship, of course I can handle it,” Julia insisted, even though she still looked a little unsure. “Okay, if you say so,” Morgan said with a shrug of her shoulders, “Are you sure you don’t want to talk about it?” Julia shook her head, “No Mor, I’m fine, I promise. I’ll find something to change into and we’ll go,” Julia said getting up and going to her closet.


“Hey, who were you talking to?” Joey asked curiously as he and JC walked back to the rehearsal room. “Julia,” JC replied casually, turning his phone off. Joey looked at him in shock, “Julia? As in Julia Bass?” he asked in surprise. JC gave him a funny look, “Yes, as in Julia Bass. What other Julia would I be talking to?” “I don’t know, but I guess I just didn’t expect you to be talking to her. Did she call you?” Joey asked, still surprised at this. “No, I called her,” JC said opening the door to the rehearsal room and setting his phone down on a chair.

“Why?” Joey asked following him to the middle of the huge dance floor. JC sighed, “Because I wanted to talk to her,” he answered, practicing a few dance moves. “Wanted to talk to who?” Chris asked, walking over to them. “JC just called Julia,” Joey explained. “What?! Why?! Are you guys getting back together?!” Chris asked excitedly. JC rolled his eyes, “No, we’re not getting back together, I just wanted to talk to her.”

“Who’s not getting back together?” Justin asked, joining the conversation. “JC and Julia,” Chris said simply. “Why? What brought this up?” Justin asked in confusion. “He called her today,” Joey replied. Justin’s eyes widened, “You called her?” JC let out a loud sigh, “Yes, I called Julia today and no we aren’t getting back together. I just wanted to ask her if she wants to be friends because I miss talking to her. Is that okay with all of you?!” JC yelled in annoyance.

They all stepped back from him, “Yeah man, that’s cool, why didn’t you just say that in the first place?” Joey asked and JC just sighed again and walked away from them. Justin walked over to where JC was practicing by himself. “So you want to be friends with Julia again?” he asked. “Yes, that’s what I just said,” JC said, annoyed at all the questions. “Well maybe you guys can get back together,” Justin suggested. “I don’t want to get back together with her, Justin, I just want to be friends,” JC said looking down to his feet. “Are you sure about that?” “Yes I’m sure about that, can we just start the rehearsal now?” JC asked walking away.


“Jules, are you sure you’re up to this? We can do it another night if you want,” Morgan suggested. Julia had been daydreaming the whole night and Morgan knew it was because of her phone call with JC earlier that day. “No, I’m fine Morgan, I swear,” Julia replied with a smile. “Yeah, that’s why your food came five minutes ago and you haven’t even taken a bite yet,” Morgan said looking down to Julia’s plate. “Oh, oops, I guess I didn’t notice,” Julia said in embarrassment, picking up her fork.

“Come on Jules, I know that phone call from JC freaked you out,” Morgan said. “It didn’t freak me out,” Julia said defensively, “It surprised me, but it didn’t freak me out.” Morgan gave her an “I don’t believe you” look. “Okay, so it freaked me out a little bit, but wouldn’t it freak you out? I mean, I haven’t seen him or talked to him for almost two months and he calls me out of nowhere?” Julia said in confusion. “I know, it is kind of weird. Maybe...maybe he wants to get back together?” Morgan suggested quietly. “Don’t start that again, Mor. I’m over him, he’s over me, why can’t you get over it?” Julia asked, a little annoyed, taking a bite of her salad.

Morgan just shook her head at her, ‘For some reason I just don’t believe that, Jules,’ she thought to herself.

*Chapter 43*
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Email: justinsangel81@hotmail.com