*Chapter 44*

“Hey little sis, how’s it going?” Lance happily asked Julia over the phone the next afternoon. “I’m okay. What’s gotten into you? Why are you in such a good mood?” Julia asked in confusion. “No reason, do I have to have a reason to be in a good mood?” Lance replied. “No, I guess not,” Julia replied, still wondering why he was so happy.

“So I heard you had a date last night,” Lance said. “Yeah I did, how did you know that?” “JC told me,” Lance replied. “Oh,” was all Julia said as she couldn’t help but think of JC and what he really thought of her dating other guys. “I think it’s really great that you’re out dating,” Lance said, his voice still cheerful. “Yeah, I guess it’s good,” Julia replied with a shrug of her shoulders.

“I thought that maybe after the whole JC thing you might not want to date for awhile, but I’m glad that you’re over JC and you’re moving on,” Lance said. When Julia didn’t say anything Lance spoke again, “You are over JC, aren’t you?” he asked quietly. She didn’t answer right away, and Lance didn’t know if that was a good sign or not.

“Of course I’m over him,” she answered quickly, “How’s the tour going?” she said, changing the subject. Lance couldn’t help but notice how quickly she’d dismissed the subject of JC and how unsure she had sounded when she said she was over him. “The tour’s been really fun. It’s alot of work, but the fans love it,” he replied. “That’s great, I can’t wait until I can come see it.” “When are you going to come visit?” Lance asked.

“Well I have finals in two weeks and then I’m all free for the whole summer,” Julia replied. “How about you come the weekend after you’re done with finals?” Lance suggested. “Yeah, that should be great!” Julia said happily, she really couldn’t wait to see their new show. “Okay, I’ll tell Johnny and he’ll arrange a plane ticket and hotel rooms for you,” Lance said. “Great, thanks!” she replied.

“Oh yeah, I’ve got something I’ve been meaning to ask you about,” Lance said, sounding serious. “Okay, what is it?” Julia asked, a little worried at the sound of his voice. “When I asked you to move out I was really upset about the whole JC thing, you know that, right?” “Yeah,” Julia replied, wondering where this was going.

“Well now that we’re all over that, I was wondering if you’d like to move back in with me in Orlando. I know you really loved it there and you loved your school and job there. And I’d love to have you back, I really liked having you around all the time,” Lance offered. Julia thought about it for a few seconds before replying, “No, thanks,” she said simply.

“No?” Lance asked in surprise, he figured Julia would jump at the chance to move back in with him. “Yeah, I decided that it’s not so bad here and I think I might miss Morgan too much,” Julia lied. The truth was that she’d love to move back in with Lance, but that meant being around JC alot more and she just didn’t know if she could handle it. Sure she was friends with him again but she was afraid if she saw him on a daily basis her love for him would just grow stronger and she wouldn’t be able to take it.

“Are you sure?” Lance asked, still surprised at her answer. “Yeah, but thank you for asking, that’s really sweet.” “It’s no problem, if you change your mind you’ll still be more than welcome,” he replied, “You’re still going to come visit in a few weeks though, right?” “Yes, of course,” Julia said with a smile. “Okay, I’ve gotta go get ready for the show, but I’ll call you in a couple of days,” Lance said hanging up.


“Were you just talking to Julia?” JC asked Lance when he saw him hang up his cell phone and put it back in his pocket. “Yeah, I was,” he replied. “Did she say anything about me?” JC asked nervously. Lance shook his head slowly, “No, when I tried to bring you up she just changed the subject right away,” he said quietly. “Oh,” JC said, looking down to his feet and playing with his hands, “That’s okay, I guess.”

“Yeah, she’s busy with school so I think that was on her mind,” Lance said, thinking of an excuse for her as they walked to the dressing room. “Maybe I shouldn’t tell her after all,” JC said quietly, an unsure look on his face. Justin looked up from his laptop quickly, “What? You have to tell her!” he exclaimed.

“I mean, we just got back to normal with being friends again and I don’t want to scare her away or anything,” JC said sitting down on a couch and running his fingers through his hair. “I think she didn’t want to talk about you because she still loves you,” Lance said sitting down next to him. JC looked up to him slowly, “What makes you think that?” “Because she still loves you, and she knows if she talks about you she’s going to end up telling me that. And she doesn’t want to tell me because she’s scared,” Lance explained. “She’s scared?” JC asked.

“She’s scared of the exact same thing you’re scared of. She thinks that you don’t love her anymore and she doesn’t want to ruin your friendship,” Lance replied. “How do you know that?” JC asked quietly, still unsure. “She’s my sister, JC, I can just tell these things.”

“Yeah, I’m with Lance. I think she’s scared too,” Justin said, jumping into the conversation he’d been listening in on. “You really think so?” JC asked. Lance and Justin both nodded. “She’s going to come visit in a few weeks, you can tell her then,” Lance said. JC let out a deep breath, “Yeah, I can do it then,” he said with a small smile. “Great, we can start working on the plan now,” Lance said happily.


“Hey Jules, I hope you’re still up for movie night tonight!” Morgan said coming into Julia’s room later that day. “Yeah, of course,” Julia replied with a small smile. “Are you okay? You seem kind of down,” Morgan observed. “Yeah, I’m fine,” Julia said nodding, “I’ve just been thinking.” “Now Julia what have I told you about thinking on the weekends? You know you’re not supposed to do that, give your brain a rest from school!” Morgan exclaimed and Julia giggled at her. “I know, but I’ve been thinking about JC,” Julia said, getting serious.

“What about him?” Morgan asked curiously, sitting next to Julia on the bed. “I talked to Lance today and he asked me to move back to Orlando with him,” Julia explained. “Wow, that’s awesome! I’ll miss you if you leave again, but I know you loved it there,” Morgan replied. “Yeah, I did love it there, but I told him no.”

“What? Why?!” Morgan exclaimed. “I don’t know, I don’t know if I could be that close to JC all the time again. I don’t think I could handle it,” Julia said, tears coming to her eyes. “Maybe you should tell him how you feel,” Morgan offered. Julia shook her head, “I don’t think so, I mean, I don’t want to scare him away,” she said hesitantly. “I don’t think you’ll scare him away, I think he’ll tell you he loves you too,” Morgan said with a smile.

“You really think so?” Julia asked Morgan nodded, “Yeah, I do,” she answered. Julia shook her head, “I don’t know, I’ll think about it,” she said dismissing the subject, “What movies did you bring?”


Morgan looked up from a paper she was writing when she heard her phone ring. “Hello?” she answered. “Hey Morgan, it’s Lance.” “Hey Lance, what’s up?” Morgan asked, wondering why he was calling her out of nowhere like this. Lance replied, “I’m just going to get to the point here. We’re getting Julia and JC back together, and I’m going to need your help.”

*Chapter 45*
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Email: justinsangel81@hotmail.com