*Chapter 45*

“So are you excited about going to see the guys?” Morgan asked cheerfully as she helped Julia pack for her trip. They had just gotten done with their finals a couple of days earlier and Julia was flying out to visit the guys on tour the next morning. “Yeah, I haven’t seen them in a long time, and I can’t wait to see the show, it’s supposed to be amazing,” Julia replied grabbing a shirt out of her closet and handing it to Morgan for her to fold.

“You don’t seem too excited,” Morgan observed. Julia shrugged, “Well how excited am I supposed to be? Do you want me to start jumping up and down and do a few cartwheels?” she asked sarcastically and Morgan just rolled her eyes at her. Julia spoke again, “If I didn’t know any better, I’d think you were more excited about me going on this trip than I am. Are you anxious to get rid of me or something?” she asked.

“What? I’m not anxious for you to go,” Morgan lied, wishing she could tell Julia the truth of what was in store for her. “It seems that way to me,” Julia said putting some eyeshadow in her makeup bag. “Well you’re wrong,” Morgan said, dismissing the topic, “We better hurry up, it’s getting late, and your plane leaves early tomorrow!” “Okay, let’s get to work, we’re almost done,” Julia replied.


“You have a good time, and call me and update me on everything,” Morgan said as she walked with Julia to her gate at the airport the next morning. “I will, but I doubt there will be much to update you on,” Julia replied. Morgan coughed lightly to hide the mischievous smile forming on her lips. “Thanks for driving me to the airport,” Julia said hugging Morgan. “It’s no problem, and I’ll be here to pick you up,” Morgan replied. “Cool,” Julia said as she heard the announcement that she could board the plane, “Well I guess this is goodbye,” she said, hugging Morgan again. “Bye, have a great time!” Morgan said waving as Julia walked down the terminal.

“The next time I see you, you’ll be with JC again,” Morgan said with a bright smile on her face.


“JC, would you just please sit down?!” Justin exclaimed as he watched JC pace back and forth across the dressing room. “What time did you say her plane landed?” JC asked nervously, looking at his watch. Lance laughed at him lightly, “About a half hour ago, which means Melinda should be back with her any minute,” he answered. JC sighed and went to check his hair for about the tenth time in the last fifteen minutes.

“Aww, is our little JC nervous about seeing Julia?” Chris teased. “What if she says no?” JC asked, turning around to face the guys. They all just rolled their eyes and groaned, he had asked that question about ten times a day in the past two weeks. “She will not say no, JC, get a grip!” Joey said and the rest of the guys agreed. Just then there was a light knock on the door. “Oh my God, she’s here,” JC said running a hand through his hair. The guys watched him and they had to admit his nervousness at seeing Julia was sweet.

“Well since all of you are being rude, I will let our guest in,” Chris said getting up and going to the door. “Hey Shorty!” he exclaimed the second he saw Julia standing in the doorway. “I’m too glad to see you to yell at you for calling me that,” Julia giggled, hugging him. The rest of the guys were now crowded around the door to greet Julia; all but JC. He stood across the room, leaning against a couch, still too nervous to see her.

When Julia was hugging Justin she noticed JC standing on the other side of the room, staring at her. Their eyes met for a brief second before Julia looked away shyly. Joey scooped her up into a hug before twirling her around in front of him and whistling. “Wow Julia, you look alot more grown up than the last time I saw you,” he said with a smile. It was true, Julia had been growing her hair out and it was now a couple of inches past her shoulders with some layers around her face, and it made her look alot older. “Hey, that’s still my little sister you’re talking about,” Lance said pushing Joey away as Julia blushed at the compliment. Once she had greeted the four of them she looked up slowly to JC.

She had spent the entire plane ride thinking about him and what would happen when she saw him. The last time she’d seen him was when he left her house with Rey and she gave him his bracelet back. It was a bad memory that she had tried to block out of her mind, but she couldn’t no matter how hard she tried. She had thought about confessing her love for him on her trip, but she was still too scared.

Julia soon snapped out of her daze and her eyes met JC’s again. She walked over to him slowly and looked up at him expectantly, “Hey JC,” she whispered, unable to look away from his bright blue eyes. “Hey Jules,” JC finally managed to get out. He held his arms out to her and she let her small frame fall against his bigger one. She hugged him tightly and quickly noticed the butterflies forming in her stomach they way they had the first time she ever laid eyes on him.

JC held Julia tightly for what seemed like forever, and he didn’t want to let go. He let his fingers run through her hair slowly as he breathed in her light, flowery scent. All his feelings for her were rushing back to him all at once, and he wanted to tell her how much he loved her right then and there, but he restrained himself and just held her.

Lance, Justin, Joey, and Chris watched from across the room and they couldn’t help but smile brightly at the two of them. Their love for each other was so obvious in just one hug, and it was also obvious how perfect they were for each other. “I think everything’s going to work out just fine,” Lance said with a smile.


Julia got to watch the sound check from a seat in the front row and the guys had her laughing the entire time. She had forgotten how much she really missed being around them. There were tears running down her face from laughter when Chris pretended to do a striptease for her. But her favorite part was definitely the quick glances JC would steal at her every now and then. She thought they probably meant nothing, but they made her heart soar anyway.

Julia also loved every single second of the concert. The guys had definitely outdone themselves with this tour, and seeing the joy on their faces from performing made her so happy for them. Her favorite part of the show was definitely during the new song ‘Selfish’. This had been her favorite song off the new album since the very first time she heard it, and the fact that JC had written it made her love it even more.

She leaned forward in her seat in the VIP section and watched intently as Justin sang the first verse. She smiled lightly when JC began the second verse and she couldn’t help but notice that he seemed to be looking at her as he sang, like he was singing to her. She felt like her heart stopped when she looked down to him and his eyes met hers. At the end of his verse he pointed up to her quickly and smiled slightly as a few tears fell down Julia’s cheeks slowly.

*Chapter 46*
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Email: justinsangel81@hotmail.com