*Chapter 46*

“Morning guys,” Julia said sleepily as she walked into the ballroom where the guys and all the crew were eating breakfast the next morning. “Morning, Jules,” they all said, looking up from their food. The only empty seat at the table was next to JC, so Julia grabbed a glass of orange juice and sat down next to him. “I know I told you guys this a million times last night, but the show was really amazing,” she said after taking a sip of her juice.

“Thanks Jewel, I’m really glad you liked it. But I just remembered I was supposed to call Brit last night after the show and I forgot, so I better go do it right now,” Justin said standing up quickly and grabbing his phone out of his pocket. “Yeah, and I’ve got some stuff to work on with Johnny, and you know how much he hates it when I’m late,” Lance said getting up, “See ya later, guys,” he said leaving.

“And I’ve got to look over some designs for some new t-shirts for FuMan, and Joey was going to give me his opinion on them,” Chris said standing up. Joey looked up to him in confusion, “I was?” he asked with a mouthful of food. “Yes you were,” Chris said grabbing his arm so he’d stand up. “But I’m not finished yet!” Joey whined. Chris grabbed a bagel and stuck it in Joey’s mouth, “There, breakfast to go,” he said with a smile. “Talk to ya later, guys,” Chris said with a wave and he and Joey were soon gone too.

JC looked up from the paper he’d been reading and noticed the empty table. He looked over to Julia sitting next to him, “I think we’ve been set up,” he said, a little embarrassed. Julia giggled, “I think so too,” she replied. “Maybe it’s because I was complaining that I didn’t get much of a chance to talk to you last night,” JC said shyly. Julia smiled at him, “You were upset you didn’t get to talk to me?” she asked. JC shrugged and pretended to go back to reading his paper, “Well I guess I just wanted to hang out or something, but we’ll have plenty of time before you leave,” he said with a shrug, pretending not to care.

“I’m free all day today,” Julia whispered, looking over to him hopefully. JC couldn’t help but smile, “I am too, actually, until soundcheck anyway,” he replied. “Well I think I know something we could do. I’ll go upstairs and take a shower and get ready and we can go, okay?” she asked, standing up. JC looked up to her curiously, he wondered what she was planning. “All right,” he replied. “Oh yeah, and wear a baseball cap or something,” she said with a smile before leaving. JC couldn’t help but smile as he watched her walk out of the room.


“Are you ready, Jace?” Julia asked knocking on his door a couple hours later. One of Johnny’s assistants had helped her with her plans and she was hoping JC would like it. A few seconds later the door swung open and Julia’s breath caught in her throat when she saw him. He was wearing faded blue jeans, a black t-shirt with a denim jacket over it, and a red baseball cap, but he looked amazing to her. “Hey,” it took her a second to say and JC smiled shyly, stepping out into the hall, “Hey yourself,” he said, noticing how cute she looked. She was just wearing jeans and a white v-neck t-shirt with a gray sweatshirt tied around her waist, but he looked perfect to her.

“So what are these great plans you have for today?” JC asked as they walked to the elevator. “You’ll just have to wait and see,” Julia said with a smile, tapping his chest lightly with her fingertip, but the simple touch gave him goosebumps. They went out the back exit of the hotel to avoid fans and Julia stopped at a small cafe next to the hotel. “Wait here, I’ll be right back,” she said with a smile and JC obeyed. She came back out a minute later with a picnic basket. JC looked at her strangely, “What’s that for?” he asked. “For a picnic, silly!” she said with a small laugh.


Julia led him to a small park a few blocks away from the hotel. There were some people there, but not anyone that would recognize JC. It was mostly young parents who took their small children there to play. They walked around for a little bit before JC picked a spot under a huge tree for them to sit. Julia pulled a blanket out of the basket and spread it out for them to sit on. “Are you hungry yet? Do you want to eat now?” Julia asked, suddenly nervous at being all alone with JC.

JC shook his head, “No, I’m okay,” he replied, laying down on his stomach. He pulled a few blades of grass and began to pick at them and pull them apart. Julia watched him closely and for some reason she couldn’t take her eyes off of him. Her eyes scanned over his whole body slowly and they finally rest on his face. He seemed to be concentrating on the blades of grass pretty closely and Julia figured it was to avoid conversation for awhile. She looked at the baseball cap on his head and the big curls peeking out the back of it since his hair was alot longer now.

She didn’t know what she was thinking but all of a sudden she reached over and began to play with those curls by the back of his neck. She didn’t know why she was doing it or what had possessed her to do it, but she had the urge to touch him. JC turned his head slowly and looked at her seriously for a second before smiling slightly. She only shrugged, “I really like your hair longer. I love these curls,” she said with a small laugh. He blushed, “Thanks,” he replied, “I like your hair longer too,” he said quietly, turning onto his side.

Julia looked down to her hands in her lap, suddenly even more nervous than before. JC reached up and ran his fingers through the side of her hair slowly before pushing it behind her ear. She held her breath as his hand lingered by her cheek and then as he brushed her cheek gently with the back of one of his fingers. She closed her eyes and for a second she could’ve sworn that everything felt like it used to, when she and JC were together. She had been dreaming of him touching her like that for months now and she wanted to remember this moment forever. But as quickly as it had happened, it was over as JC moved his hand away quickly. Julia sighed lightly and opened her eyes.

Her eyes met JC’s for a second before he looked away nervously. The moment was so perfect and he had almost confessed his love for her right there, but something told him not to. He was now cursing himself for it as he looked around him. There were couples all around them, some young and some old, and it seemed like all of them were in love. He wondered if the other couples looking at him and Julia thought it looked like they were in love too.

Julia couldn’t help but stare at JC and notice that it seemed like he was in deep concentration. “What are you thinking about?” she whispered. Julia’s voice brought JC out of his daze and he looked over at her and smiled, “Nothing important,” he said quietly and Julia just nodded, wishing he would tell her what he was really thinking. “Actually, I was thinking about how hungry I suddenly am,” he lied, grabbing the picnic basket.


“So you guys spent the whole afternoon together?” Justin asked in surprise as the guys were getting ready for the show later that day. “Yeah, it was amazing,” JC said almost dreamily, “She took me on a picnic and it was so nice to get out and relax and not be noticed once,” he said. “Are you feeling a little bit better about tonight now?” Joey asked, knowing how nervous JC had been about telling Julia how he felt. JC nodded, “Yeah, I actually am. After today there’s no doubt in my mind that I love her and I want to be with her, and I’m pretty sure she feels that way too,” he said with a small blush, “I almost told her this afternoon, but I knew you guys would kill me if I blew the plan,” he said with a laugh and they all laughed at him. “Yes, we would kill you,” Lance said, “But as long as you tell her I guess it doesn’t matter when or where.” “Yeah, I guess you’re right, but I want it to be special, and I definitely think it will be special tonight,” JC said with a smile.


“It was an amazing afternoon, Morgan. And now I know without a doubt that I still love him,” Julia said happily as she got ready to go to the show. Morgan smiled, “So are you going to tell him?!” she asked excitedly. “Well I wanted to earlier but I chickened out. But I will do it before I come home,” Julia replied. “Ahh this is so great, I’m so happy for you!” Morgan exclaimed. “Thanks, but now you’ve gotta help me think of something to wear to the show,” Julia said as she looked through one of her suitcases. “You should wear something nice, like a skirt or a sun dress,” Morgan suggested. “Yeah, I think I will,” Julia said grabbing an outfit, “I’ve gotta go get ready, but I’ll call you tomorrow,” Julia said before hanging up. “Okay, bye,” Morgan said, hanging up. “And I’m sure you’ll have alot to tell me after tonight, Jules,” she said with a smile.

*Chapter 47*
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Email: justinsangel81@hotmail.com