*Chapter 6*

Julia sighed as she looked out her window. She was sitting at her window seat that overlooked the pool and deck outside. She’d seen JC go sit out there awhile ago and she hadn’t been able to pull her eyes away from him since then. She turned up the volume on her discman that was sitting by her side. She leaned her head against the window as a single tear fell down her cheek slowly. The words to the song fit her situation so perfectly, and she put the song on repeat, hoping it would make her feel a little better.


When I was a child the story would say
Somebody will sweep you off your feet someday
That's what I hoped would happen with you
More than you could know
I wanted to tell you that my heart's in your hands
I prayed for the day that I would get the chance
Just when I worked up the courage to try
Much to my surprise
You had somebody else
'Cuz these feelings I keep to myself

I may never get to hold you so tight
I may never get to kiss you goodnight
I may never get to look deep in your eyes
Or so it seems
I always will be wishing you were mine
I think about what could be all the time
All the happiness that I could find
Baby, a girl can dream

From the moment I wake up till I fall asleep
I imagine you not with her but with me
Talking and laughing, sharing our dreams
It's just a fantasy
'Cuz you have somebody else
'Cuz these feelings I keep to myself

I may never get to hold you so tight
I may never get to kiss you goodnight
I may never get to look deep in your eyes
Or so it seems
I always will be wishing you were mine
I think about what could be all the time
All the happiness that I could find
Baby, a girl can dream

A girl can dream, it's true
And to call you my own
It's the sweetest dream I know

I may never get to hold you so tight
I may never get to kiss you goodnight
I may never get to look deep in your eyes
Or so it seems
I always will be wishing you were mine
I think about what could be all the time
All the happiness that I could find
Baby, a girl can dream

Oooooh oh a girl can dream...

****************A Girl Can Dream***PYT************

Julia wiped away a few more tears that had fallen and clicked off her discman before going down to talk to JC.


Julia opened the sliding door leading out to the deck slowly and walked over to where JC was sitting. He was humming softly to himself and he looked up as soon as he noticed Julia was there. She stood in front of him wearing a pair of boxer shorts and an oversized t-shirt and her hair was pulled up into a messy ponytail. “Hi,” she whispered nervously. “Hi,” JC whispered back before patting the seat next to him, inviting her to sit down. She sat down with her back towards the back of the bench and her feet barely touched the ground because of her short legs.

JC continued to look down to his hands and Julia had no idea what to say. She’d never been in a fight with JC and she was confused about all of it. She looked up to his face slowly before whispering, “I’m sorry.” JC looked over at her and he looked miserable, “No Jules, I should be the one apologizing, I was way out of line at the restaurant. So, I’m sorry,” he said. She gave him a small smile, “It’s okay, you were just looking out for me,” she said. “I know, but I shouldn’t have interfered. I guess I’m just not used to guys noticing you. You’ve grown up alot lately, Jules, and I guess I didn’t notice it until tonight,” he said looking back down to his hands.

Julia looked over at him and she was still confused. So he’d noticed that she was growing up, that was a good sign, she hoped. She looked up to his face and thought about how much she’d fallen in love with him over the years, and how he had no idea. Tears suddenly formed in her eyes but she was determined not to let them fall. She bit her bottom lip before whispering, “So are we okay again?”

JC looked over at her and saw how much she really had grown up lately. He was wondering why he was just now noticing it and why it was all of a sudden affecting him so much. He’d always thought of her as a little sister that he never took the time to notice how beautiful she really was. The full moon was shining down on her face, making her soft features stand out and making it look like she was glowing. He looked up to her eyes that looked sad, scared, and hopeful all at the same time. He gave her a small smile, “Yeah, we’re okay,” he said holding his arms out to her.

Julia breathed a sigh of relief and smiled as she fell into his arms. She leaned her head against his shoulder and closed her eyes when she felt his arms wrap around her tightly. JC even sighed softly as he held Julia in his arms. She was so small and fragile and he couldn’t help thinking how she seemed to fit in his big arms just right. “Where is this coming from?” he asked himself frantically. He pulled away quickly and smiled nervously at her.

“How about I make us something to eat, we never did get to eat,” he said. Julia looked at him a little confused at first before replying, “All right.” He stood up and threw an arm around her shoulder before leading her to the house.

*Chapter 7*
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Email: justinsangel81@hotmail.com