*Chapter 7*

Julia fumbled with her keys as her backpack fell off her shoulder and she almost dropped the small bag of groceries in her other hand. She finally got the door open and sighed to herself as she threw her keys on a table and headed to the kitchen to put the groceries away. She didn’t realize how much she hated coming home to an empty house until Lance and JC left. They had gone to California a few days earlier to shoot the video for “This I Promise You”. Right after that they were going to New York to rehearse for the MTV VMA’s and for the show. That meant almost two weeks alone in the house. But she was happy they’d be back in Orlando working on the new album for the next two months at least.

With JC being gone it would give Julia a little time to think about her plan to break him and Rey up. She still felt awful about it, but her feelings were getting stronger every day and she didn’t know how much longer she could take it. She knew JC was starting to notice how much she had grown up lately so hopefully getting rid of Rey would be the only hard part.


JC sighed and rolled his eyes as he looked down at Rey’s open outstretched hand in front of him. “JC, if I’m going to go shopping I’m going to need some money,” she said in an annoyed tone. He reached into his pocket, pulled out some money and shoved it into her hand. “We have rehearsals and interviews for the VMA’s all day,” he said as they started walking down the hall of the hotel together. She rolled her eyes dramatically, “I know, JC, that’s why I’m going shopping, I’ll be back sometime tonight,” she said stopping and turning to face him. “Okay,” he replied. Rey leaned up and forced a kiss onto his lips quickly before getting in the elevator.

Once the doors closed and she was out of sight JC let out a loud sigh. He rubbed his face tiredly and pulled his baseball cap down further over his face. ‘Why do I even bother?’ he wondered to himself before walking back to his room.


JC was taking a break from the rehearsals at Radio City Music Hall, sitting in one of the seats towards the back of the auditorium, watching Janet Jackson’s rehearsal, when he heard his cell phone ring. He grumbled as he expected it to be Rey. “Hello?” he growled into the phone. “JC?” he heard the other voice say and a small smile formed on his face as he sighed in relief. “Hey Jules, sorry, I thought you were someone else,” he said in a happier tone.

Julia’s whole body tingled as she heard his smooth voice on the other end of the phone. She hadn’t talked to him in a couple weeks and she had missed that voice. “You’re probably really busy and I’m really sorry to bother you, but-” she started before JC cut her off, “No, actually I’m taking a break,” he replied. “Oh, okay. Is that Janet Jackson in the background?” she asked noticing the loud music. “Yeah she’s rehearsing right now.” “Oh no, where’s Justin?” Julia asked with a giggle. “Sitting in the front row watching. Probably drooling,” JC replied with a laugh. Julia laughed and shook her head as she pictured it. “Well anyway, I’ve been trying to get a hold of Lance but he must have his phone turned off or something. Can you just tell him that Ryan Tedder guy called here looking for him? I’m not sure what it was about but he said to have Lance call him. Could you tell him that?” Julia said. “Sure,” JC replied. “Thanks. How’s everything there going?” she asked, not wanting to end their conversation yet.

JC leaned back further in the chair and got comfortable, “The rehearsals are going great, this performance is going to be amazing. I’m still kind of nervous about winning any awards but I guess I shouldn’t worry about it too much,” he said into the phone. He’d been so busy the past couple weeks that just sitting down and having a real conversation with someone was nice. And that person being Julia made it even better for JC. “I’m really excited to see your performance, Lance wouldn’t give me any details. He said it was all top secret,” Julia replied. “Oh, but it is,” JC said, making Julia giggle a little.

“And Rey? How are things going with her?” she asked. JC sighed, as he often did when she was mentioned, “I haven’t really talked to her very much. She’s been shopping alot and going out to clubs with friends she has here,” he said. “Well the right time will come. And if it doesn’t, maybe it’s not meant to be,” she said in a comforting voice. JC smiled softly when he heard her words, “Thanks Jules,” he said softly. “You’re welcome,” she replied. Someone on the stage started announcing that *NSYNC’s rehearsal was next. “Well I guess that’s my cue,” JC said standing up. “Yeah, I’ve got to get to class anyway. Just give Lance that message when you see him.” “I will, and I’ll talk to you soon,” JC said. “Okay, bye JC,” Julia said. “Bye Jules,” JC said before hanging up and slipping the phone into his pocket before going to the stage.


Julia smiled to herself as she stared at the picture she was holding. It was of her and JC the first time they’d gone to Disney World in Orlando. It was only a day after they’d met. They stood in front of the Cinderella castle and he had his arm around her shoulder. She remembered being so embarrassed to take the picture because her dad had been going on and on about how much she liked him on the Mickey Mouse Club and that she was so excited to meet him, so he made them take a picture together.

She put the frame back on her dresser where she always kept it and walked to her window seat and sat down to look out at the stars. She had thought of something to tell Rey that could possibly break her and JC up. She felt so guilty and wrong about it but she still wanted to go through with it. She closed her eyes and thought about how she felt whenever JC held her in his arms. It was the most incredible feeling she could imagine and she couldn’t go much longer without it.

She leaned her head against the window and let her eyes land on the stars again. She didn’t know if JC had any feelings for her besides friendship, but she knew she couldn’t go forever without ever knowing. Her plan was risky and it had big possibilities for disaster, but, to her, not ever knowing if she could’ve had a chance with JC was a bigger disaster.


Julia sat in front of the tv the night of the MTV VMA’s talking to Morgan on the phone. “Ugh we’re not even getting into what Britney was, or should I say wasn’t wearing during her performance,” Morgan said into the phone. “No, we’re not getting into it. *NSYNC’s up for this next one,” Julia said scooting closer to the tv. She watched as the nominees for Best Pop Video played and held her breath as Macy Gray opened the envelope slowly. “Come on,” Julia pleaded to the tv with her eyes closed tightly and her fingers crossed. “And the winner is...*NSYNC,” Macy said and as soon as Julia heard the N she started jumping up and down screaming. “Oh my God they won, they won, they won!!!!!” she screamed into the phone and Morgan was doing the same thing on the other end of the line.

Julia stopped when she saw them get to the podium to accept their award. Her smile got even bigger when Justin thanked everyone’s families for everything. She saw their joy and happiness as they walked offstage with their moon man and she didn’t know if she’d ever been so proud of them before.


Later in the show they showed *NSYNC sitting in the audience and Julia caught a glimpse of JC and Rey. Of course she had a dress on that barely even covered her, her hair was teased and big and she had on way too much makeup. She sat there with a bored look on her face and it made Julia mad that she couldn’t even be happy for JC on such a huge night for him. “Oh yeah, she’s definetly outta here,” Julia said with a smile.

*Chapter 8*
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Email: justinsangel81@hotmail.com