*Chapter 8*

Julia’s hands shook as she stared at the phone in her hand, then to the slip of paper in her other hand with Rey’s phone number scribbled on it. She took a deep breath as she continued to stare at the things in her hands. “Once you do this there’s no turning back,” she said out loud to herself. She set the phone and slip of paper down on her bed and rubbed her eyes and ran her hands through her hair nervously. “You can do this, you have to do this Julia,” she tried to talk herself into it. “She’s not right for him, he’s better off without her. You’re doing him a favor,” she tried to make it seem like it wasn’t the most awful thing she’d ever done.

Julia sighed deeply again before picking up the phone and dialing Rey’s number slowly. She bit on her bottom lip nervously as she listened to the phone ringing in her ear. After a few rings Rey answered, “Hello?” “Hi, Rey. This is Julia Bass, Lance’s little sister,” Julia said after taking a quick deep breath to try and calm herself a little bit. “Oh, hi sweetie, what’s up?” Rey asked and she actually sounded sincere for once. Julia winced to herself, “Maybe I really shouldn’t be doing this,” she thought to herself but JC quickly popped into her head and erased those thoughts.

“Um, I saw you at the VMA’s. Did you have a good time in New York?” Julia asked, trying to sound interested. “Oh yeah it was really fun. I got to hang out with some friends I have there. The awards show was a little boring. After you’ve been to so many they’re not much fun anymore, you know what I mean?” Rey asked. “Uh, yeah,” Julia replied.

“Well I know you and JC’s relationship isn’t any of my business, but I saw something on tv that I thought you should probably know about,” Julia said closing her eyes. “And what’s that?” Rey asked warily. “This is it,” Julia thought to herself, “I was watching Access Hollywood, or Entertainment Tonight, or one of those shows, and they asked JC about you,” Julia started. Rey was confused but interested because JC liked to keep their relationship private.

“Well what did he say?” “The interviewer asked him if he was at the show with his girlfriend. And he said no, it wasn’t his girlfriend,” Julia replied slowly. “Is that it?” Rey asked. That wasn’t too bad, he had denied being with Rey before. “Well...no,” Julia started before swallowing hard, “He said that you were just some girl he takes along on tour sometimes...when he gets lonely...he was kind of implying that..” Julia said before Rey cut her off. “He called me his groupie?!” Rey exclaimed loudly. Julia knew Rey’s sensitive spot. She hated to be called JC’s groupie, it was the worst thing you could do in her book.

Julia shut her eyes tightly when she heard Rey’s angry voice, “Yeah...pretty much...I guess so,” she said slowly. “That’s it, is he there right now?” Rey’s angry voice demanded. “No, I think he said he was going to the studio for a little while,” Julia answered softly. “Thank you so much for letting me know, Julia, I owe you for this,” Rey said softly, as if Julia really was doing her a huge favor. Julia rubbed her eyes, “It’s no problem, I just thought you should know. I’m sorry if I intruded or if it messes anything up,” Julia apologized. “This isn’t your fault at all, Julia, don’t worry about it. I’ve got to talk to JC, but thanks again,” Rey said before hanging up.

Julia took the phone from her ear slowly and pushed the ‘off’ button with a shaky hand. She brought her hands to her face and rubbed it slowly as tears burned in her eyes. “God, please forgive me for this. Please let this work,” she prayed silently.


Julia turned over and looked at the alarm clock on her night stand which flashed 1:00 a.m. JC still wasn’t home and Julia was worried sick about him. He stayed late at the studio alot, but this wasn’t just a normal night at the studio. She sighed and turned over on her other side. She laid there for a few minutes trying to get to sleep when she heard the front door open and close slowly.

She got up and went to her door and cracked it open a little bit. She saw JC walking up the stairs slowly with his shoulders slumped and his head down. When he reached the top of the stairs she caught a glimpse of his face and could tell he’d been crying. Her heart broke right then. She almost ran to him and told him about everything, but something stopped her. She stayed standing by her door frame with her door open a crack as she watched JC walk into his room and close the door slowly.

The image of JC so upset kept replaying over and over in Julia’s mind as she stood frozen by the door. She hadn’t wanted to hurt him with this, but maybe he cared more about Rey than she had thought. “Oh God, what have I done?” she whispered as a single tear fell down her cheek slowly.

*Chapter 9*
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Email: justinsangel81@hotmail.com