
*********Prologue: My Perfect Life***********

Okay, so with my last name being Bass, and my brother being in the huge pop group *NSYNC, everything in my life’s supposed to be perfect, right? I don’t know if I’d necessarily say it’s perfect. But let me tell you a little more about it and you can tell me what you think.

I still remember the day my brother Lance came home from his voice lesson and said some guys in Orlando wanted him to audition for a group they were putting together. Actually I remember laughing in his face and saying, “Why would they want a dork like you to be in their group?” Okay, it was mean, but I was 12, almost 13, and my big brother was my worst enemy at that time.

Mom and Dad were hesitant to let him do it but they at least wanted to give it a shot. So we flew down to Orlando for a weekend. I didn’t want to go, but I got to miss two days of school and Dad promised to take me to Disney World, so it didn’t seem like it would be too bad after all.

And I still remember the day we went to Justin’s house to meet the guys. It was right after we got into Orlando and Justin’s mom Lynn came to pick us up from the airport and take us to her house. I felt bad for Lance, he was so nervous. He’d dreamt of this opportunity for years and now it was all actually happening. I hated to admit it, but I was actually happy for him.

We stepped into Justin’s house and his mom cheerily called all the guys out of the basement where they’d been rehearsing some dance routines. Justin, Joey, and Chris were the biggest bunch of characters I’d ever seen. Sometimes when I’m depressed I just remember how they all looked that day and it makes me laugh. They really have come a long way, and not just musically.

Then I remember the first time I saw him: JC. I’d been a huge fan of him when he was on the Mickey Mouse Club and Lance hadn’t told me he was one of the members of this group. He had mentioned Justin, but he’d never been my favorite. JC came out of the basement last, wearing long basketball shorts and an Air Jordan t-shirt. I think I remember my heart stopping the moment I saw him. He was so much more beautiful in person than on tv. I stared at him for a minute then looked away quickly, hoping he hadn’t seen.

A minute later Lynn introduced us all. When she introduced JC and I to each other I remember him grabbing my hand and shaking it firmly. I was just a shy, star struck little 12 year old and he was still being so formal. JC, always the professional. But I remember looking up to his face slowly and just getting lost in his beautiful, clear blue eyes. He looked back into my eyes and smiled warmly and I felt butterflies all over my stomach as my vision became blurry. And that was when I fell in love with JC Chasez.


So now here I am today, frantically trying to clean the house before Lance comes home tomorrow. Lance’s little group that I made fun of him for joining, is now one of the biggest pop groups in music history. Who would’ve thought, huh?

After I graduated from high school in Mississippi last spring I had my heart set on going to college in Orlando. But Mom and Dad weren’t too thrilled with sending me there to live by myself in an apartment. We got into a huge fight about it, I protested that they let Lance do it, but for some reason it was “different” with me. Lance said it was probably because I was their little girl and their baby.

So Lance offered to let me stay in the new house he’d just bought and I could go to school in Orlando. He’d let me stay there as long as I watched it and took care of it while he was gone, which is most of the time. Mom and Dad were hesitant but they finally agreed to it after Lance and I bothered them enough.

I moved here about a month after graduation so I could get all settled before school started. I got a part-time job at a local radio station and I’m basically just a gofer person, but I want to work in the music industry someday, probably at Lance’s management company, so I figure I have to start somewhere. I met some cool people to hang out with at the station, so I’m not completely alone here.


Back to the present again. Yeah, so Lance and the guys are coming home from tour and vacation tomorrow, and the house is still a mess. With work and registering for my classes I’ve barely had any time to clean up. Hopefully Lance won’t be too mad.

But I think I’m most nervous to see JC again. My feelings for him haven’t faded at all, if anything they’re stronger now. He’s grown into such a beautiful man, inside and out. I still can’t resist the blue eyes. I haven’t seen him since I went on tour with them for a few days in the beginning of July. I talked to him on the phone a couple times when Lance hadn’t been around when I’d called, but other than that, I hadn’t talked to him. And I miss him. Isn’t that pathetic?

No one knows about my little secret love for JC, except my best friend Morgan back in Mississippi. I can never tell Lance, I know he’ll forbid me to even think about asking him out. And the rest of the guys would probably be the same way. Having one protective older brother is enough, but try having four other ones too.

So I guess I’m just kind of stuck. Unless some morning JC wakes up and looks at me and sees more than the little girl he met six years ago. But I’ve been waiting for that to happen for the past six years, and I think I’ll be waiting alot longer.

But I should probably get back to cleaning. That’s my life, and as crazy and confusing as it can be at times, I guess it is pretty close to perfect.

*Chapter 1*
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Email: justinsangel81@hotmail.com