Chapter 1

"Well Maggie, this has been a very good session, I think we're done for today." "Thank you, Dr.Adams," Maggie replied getting up and grabbing her purse. "I'll see you next week, right?" the doctor asked. "Yes, next week, same time," Maggie answered. "Okay, you take care," Dr.Adams replied opening the door. "Thanks, you too," Maggie replied politely walking out into the hall.

"Thank God I only have a couple more months of this, it's awful." Maggie thought to herself walking down the hall of the hospital. She was in a complete daze, not really paying attention to what she was doing or where she was going.


"Room 218," Justin said out loud to himself wandering through the hall. "All these are doctor's offices," he thought out loud in complete confusion. "I'm never gonna find this room." he continued talking out loud to himself wandering around the corner.


"Why do I have to go through all this?" Maggie wondered to herself, still in her own deep thoughts. Just as she turned the corner to go to the elevator, she was instantly knocked down by a tall man.

"Maybe it's around this corner in the other hall," Justin thought to himself turning the corner. Right then he ran into a girl, completely knocking her over, and losing his own balance for a minute.


"Oh, I'm so sorry! Here, let me help you," Justin offered his hand to the girl pulling her up. "Thanks," Maggie said brushing her shorts off, a bit annoyed by being run over. "I'm really sorry, I wasn't paying any attention to where I was going," Justin started to explain. "It's fine, don't worry about it," Maggie said plastering a fake smile on her face. "Hi, I'm Justin," the man said holding his hand out to Maggie, with a sincere smile. "Wow, he's got an amazing smile," she thought to herself. Her fake smile instantly melted into an equally sincere smile to Justin. "I'm Maggie, but you can call me Mags," she said shaking his hand.

Maggie couldn't get over the fact that she recognized this guy from somewhere, she just couldn't think of where. "Hey, maybe you can help me out, I'm kind of lost," Justin asked. "Okay, where are you trying to go?" Maggie offered. "Room 218," Justin read off a small slip of paper. "Well, you might want to start by going to the 2nd floor, this is the 7th floor," she said with a little laugh. "Oh," he said, his face turning a bright shade of red. "That might help, huh?" he said with a little laugh. "Yeah, I'm on my way down now, I'll help you," she said. "Okay, thanks," he replied as the walked towards the elevators.


"Excuse me if this sounds rude, but I can't help but recognize you, it seems like I've seen you somewhere before," Maggie observed looking at Justin closely once they were in the elevator. "Well, have you ever heard of the group *N Sync?" Justin asked. He couldn't believe someone didn't know who he was. It was a nice change of pace, actually. "Oh, that boy band? Yeah, I just bought that cd a few days ago," she said trying to remember what the guys in the group looked like. "Well, I'm in that group. Justin Timberlake, one of the lead singers of *N Sync," Justin said proudly, a smile beaming across his face. Maggie's mouth dropped. "Oh my gosh, you are!" she exclaimed, remembering his face from the cd cover.

"What are you doing in a downtown Chicago hospital? Charity work?" she asked confused. "Well, actually, one of the guys is here." Justin replied. "Oh no, what happened?" she asked concerned. "We were rehearsing this morning for the show tonight, and Lance fell and twisted his ankle. I guess it's sprained pretty bad," Justin replied sadly. "Well what are you guys gonna do?" she asked. "Well, we were supposed to get a break after this show anyway, so we're just getting it a little earlier. I guess we're gonna take a month break here while Lance recovers," Justin replied. "Oh, that's cool," Maggie said.

"Yeah, but I don't know where anything here is. I don't know any good clubs, where to go shopping, good restaurants. I could use a tour guide. How would you like to show me around sometime?" he asked shyly. "Me?" she asked surprised. "Yes, you," Justin said with a chuckle. Maggie took a deep breath. "Sure," she said quietly. "I've been a Chicago girl all my life, I guess I could manage that," she replied. A smile formed on Justin's face. "Alright, sounds like a plan. Can I get your number, and I'll give you a call?" he asked. "Sure," she said, rummaging through her purse for paper and a pen. They exchanged numbers, promising to call each other the next day.


"Well, here's the 2nd floor. You think you can find your way from here?" Maggie asked once the elevator beeped to the 2nd floor. "Yeah, I got it. Thanks for your help," Justin replied, taking her hand and kissing the top of it. "No problem," she said blushing. "Oh, I never asked, what are you doing here?" Justin asked as he stepped out of the elevator. "I, um," Maggie stammered thinking of an excuse. "My Grandma's here," she finally answered. "Oh, I'm sorry, I hope she's okay," Justin replied. "Yeah, she'll be fine," she said nervously. "Well tell her I said to get well soon!" Justin smiled. "I will, you tell Lance the same from me!" "You got it, bye!" Justin said as the doors closed.

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