CHapter 10

"So, you stayed the night at Justin's?" Nikki asked as soon as she opened the door for Maggie to come in. Maggie rolled her eyes and sighed, she knew where this was headed. "Yes I stayed the night at Justin's and no, it's not what you think it is," Maggie said heading upstairs. "Did anything happen at all?" Nikki asked following her. "No, nothing happened. I fell asleep on the couch, just like he probably told you," Maggie replied plopping down on Nikki's bed. "So you're telling me that you were all alone in a condo with Justin Timberlake last night, and nothing happened?" Nikki asked in disbelief. "That's exactly what I'm telling you," Maggie answered. "Have you guys even kissed yet?" "No we haven't even kissed yet," Mags replied. Nikki's mouth dropped open. "Don't act so surprised! Justin's a gentleman, he's not going to do anything I don't want him to do, I realized that last night. At first I was so nervous being alone with him in that house, but then he made me feel so relaxed, and I realized that he's not going to force me into anything," Maggie replied.

"Well I'm just glad you're out having a great time with a guy again. You haven't been able to do that since Ryan," Nikki replied. "Yeah, I know," Maggie said quietly, looking down in her lap, not wanting to think about him. "You need to get over it," Nikki said trying to comfort her. Maggie shooke her head of her thoughts of him. "I know I do, and I am already getting over it more and more everyday," Maggie said. "Good for you," Nikki smiled, hugging her best friend.


"So Justin, what exactly is going on with you and Maggie?" Joey asked once Justin got back inside. "I don't know, we're just hanging out, I guess," Justin replied shrugging his shoulders. "Anything else?" he asked. "I know what you're thinking, and no, none of that, Joey," Justin said shaking his head at him. "She's the sweetest girl I've ever met, she's so innocent and it seems like everything is new to her. I don't want to rush into anything and scare her," Justin explained. "I'm really proud of you, Justin. You're being a true gentleman. You're worrying about the girl's feelings and not your own, that's very mature of you," JC commented. "Thank you," Justin said proudly. "Yeah, either that, or he's going crazy," Joey said shaking his head and walking out of the room.


"Okay, so you know that guy I went out with the other night?" Maggie asked her parents over the dinner table that night. "The one that made you an hour late? Yes, I believe I remember him," her dad commented. "Dad, I already explained that to you. We were on the beach looking at the stars, I was tired so I fell asleep, and I woke up at 12:30," she said rolling her eyes. "You know I'm not the kind of kid who causes trouble, and you know I wasn't doing anything wrong," she defended herself. "She is right, you know," Maggie's mom told her dad. "But anyways, about Justin, the one I was out with, well he wants to meet you guys. So I said he could come over for dinner tomorrow, is that okay?" she asked. "Well I can't wait to meet him, he seems nice enough," her mom replied. "Yeah I guess it's okay," her dad shrugged.

"Alright, but there's one small problem," Maggie said. "What's that?" her mom asked. "Well I haven't told him anything about, well, you know," Maggie started. "You haven't told him?" her mom asked sternly. "No, it just hasn't come up, I don't know him well enough to tell him something like that. He's the first guy I've even looked at since Ryan, and I guess I just don't want to scare him away," Maggie said quietly. Her parents noticed how weak and quiet her voice got as soon as she said the name "Ryan". "It's okay sweetie, you'll tell him when the time is right," her mom said patting her hand. "So you won't say anything?" she asked worried. "Of course we won't, you can trust us," her dad said. "Okay, thank you so much. I promise I'll tell him as soon as the time is right," she said getting up. "Oh yeah, and I'm not grounded anymore, am I? I'm supposed to call Justin tonight," she said sticking her head back in the doorway. "I guess not," her dad sighed. "Great, thanks!" she replied running upstairs.

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