Chapter 11

"Hey Nik, what's up?" Maggie asked Nikki the next morning. "Not much, I'm just checking my email. What are you doing today?" she asked. "Well, I was gonna go over and visit Justin, you want to come with?" Maggie asked, smiling because she knew Nikki would be ecstatic. "Are you kidding me?! Do you really think you need to ASK me if I want to go to *N SYNC's house?!" Nikki exclaimed. Maggie laughed at her. "I guess I don't," she replied. "Okay, is Lance gonna be there? How about JC? Should I go buy a new outfit?" Nikki said talking a million miles an hour. "Nikki! There is no time to go buy a new outfit! Lance and JC might be there, I don't know," Maggie exclaimed. "I'll be there in ten minutes," she replied. "Ten minutes?! I need ten hours to be ready for Lance!" Nikki yelled. "See ya in ten minutes," Maggie said hanging up on Nikki and rolling her eyes. "That girl is nuts," she said.


"So are you and Justin serious, or what?" Nikki asked on the way to the city. Maggie shrugged. "I have no idea what we are," she replied. "You like him, don't you?" "Yeah, I'm crazy about him. But I don't know if the feeling's mutual," Maggie said. "Come on Mags, have some confidence. He calls you, he's still doing stuff with you, he's gotta be interested," Nikki said. "Unless he just needs someone to be his tour guide while he's here." "Mags, do not talk that way. You know that's not why he's hanging with you. Did it ever occur to you that maybe he actually likes you?" "Why would he like me?" Maggie asked quietly. "I wish you could see what a wonderful person you are. I'm sure Justin sees that, and that's why he likes you, and that's why he's hanging out with you," Nikki said trying to convince her friend. Maggie shrugged again. "Maybe," she said sadly. "If it's bugging you that much, why don't you ask him tonight?" Nikki replied. "Alright, maybe I will," Maggie said.


"So this is where *N Sync's living?" Nikki asked, looking at the huge condo. "Yep," Maggie replied. "How's my hair look? And this outfit?" Nikki asked worried. "Nik, the guys will love you, and everything looks perfect, don't worry!" Maggie replied. "Okay, thanks," Nikki said, still worried.

Justin answered the door wearing only boxers and a wife beater. Both Nikki and Maggie's mouths dropped open. Maggie swallowed hard as she couldn't help staring at his huge biceps or his six-pack showing through the beater. The morning sunlight shone on his blonde highlights, almost making it look like he had a halo. He truly was a work of art.

"I'm sorry Justin, is this a bad time?" Maggie asked, trying not to stare too hard at him. But Nikki continued to stare, and Maggie elbowed her trying to pry her eyes away. "No, no, come on in," he said opening the door wider for them to come in. "Well, we came bearing presents," Maggie replied, holding out a box or Oreo O's with a red bow on it. "Aww, you are such a sweetheart!" Justin said opening the box, pulling out a few and shoving them in his mouth.

Just then Nikki cleared her throat, because Maggie and Justin were just staring at each other with goofy smiles on their faces, not paying any attention to her. "Oh yeah, this is my best friend Nikki," Maggie said motioning towards Nikki. "It's a pleasure to meet you, I've heard alot about you," Justin said shaking her hand. "Yeah, me too," Nikki managed to squeak out. Maggie tried not to laugh at her. "You want to meet the rest of the guys?" Justin asked. "Sure," Nikki replied, relaxing a little bit more.

Maggie and Nikki's mouths dropped open again when Justin led them to the tv room, where all the guys were wearing either boxers and a t-shirt or boxers and a beater. "Have you guys ever heard of clothes? What all those teenies wouldn't do to be where I am right now," Maggie said with an evil grin on her face. "Aww, how cute, the shy one's breaking out of her shell and turning into a smart ass!" Chris laughed getting up and patting Maggie on the head. "That's right, Christopher, and next time this happens I'm bringing a camera and selling the pictures on EBay," Maggie said with a bright smile. "Fine with me, as long as you share the profits!" Chris replied. "Oh, I think Justin's will bring in the most cash," Maggie said turning around and looking at Justin, who had started blushing. "No, you'll want to keep them for yourself," Justin smiled. Maggie shrugged innocently. "What's wrong with that?" she asked. Justin just laughed at her and hugged her close to him.

"Well since Maggie's being so rude, I'll introduce myself to her guest," Chris said. "Hi, I'm Chris!" he said happily, shaking Nikki's hand. "Hi, I'm Maggie's best friend Nikki," she replied. All the rest of the guys got up and introduced themselves, and Nikki was in heaven when Lance asked her to sit next to him on the couch. Maggie and Justin plopped down on the floor and he pulled her into his arms and onto his lap. She leaned back against his chest and smiled happily.

They hung out for awhile and watched tv before Maggie looked at her watch and noticed it was time to leave. She stood up trying not to step on Justin. "Hey I hate to leave, but we've got a few errands to run, then I have to go home and help my mom with dinner," she replied. "You're still coming, aren't you?" she asked. "Sure am," Justin said with a bright smile. "Come on, I'll walk you out," he said grabbing her hand and walking her to the door.

"You nervous to meet mom and dad?" Maggie joked. "Kinda, but if they're half as wonderful as you are, I think I'll be okay," Justin said sweetly. "You're too sweet," she blushed. "I try," he laughed.

"Well I guess that's my cue to leave too," Nikki said standing up. "It was nice meeting all of you," she said politely. "Hey give me a call sometime," Lance replied getting up with her. "Will do," she said with a smile. She walked outside to find Justin and Maggie whispering and laughing with each other. "Come on, lovebirds, let's go!" she laughed. "Bye Justin," Maggie whispered hugging him. "Bye Mags," he said hugging her back and kissing the top of her head. "Oh my gosh, you're gonna see each other in a few hours!" Nikki exclaimed. "I'll be back at seven to get you," Maggie said walking away. Justin nodded then waved as she walked away.

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