Chapter 12

"Okay girl, you can't honestly tell me that Justin's just using you as a tour guide," Nikki said as soon as they got in the car. Maggie shrugged. "I don't know what it is. Why me Nikki? Why little old me, out of all the millions of girls in the world he could be with?" Maggie asked. "Mags, I'm sick of explaining this to you. If you can't see the great person you are, the great person Justin, and I, and everyone else sees, then I don't know what else to tell you," Nikki said, getting a little frustrated. "I know you keep telling me that, and I know I should believe you, but I can't. I hope you understand it," Maggie said looking her friend in the eye. "Of course I understand it, it's not your fault at all," Nikki said patting her arm comfortingly.


"Hey there, you look nice tonight," Justin said sweetly to Maggie was he walked out the door. She decided to dress up so she wore a short white skirt with pink flowers on it and a pink baby tee. "As opposed to every other night when I look like crap?" she asked raising her eyebrows at him. "Girls, you can never please them!" Justin said exhasperated. Maggie giggled at him. "You don't look so bad yourself," she said looking at his outfit. He dressed up too, he wore blue cargo pants and a button-up plaid shirt with them. "So are you nervous?" she asked as they walked to her car. "Nah, not really. You keep asking me that, they're not really bad, are they?" he asked worried. "No, they're fine," Maggie answered casually, even though she was worried inside.


"So this is where Maggie lives?" Justin said of the huge two story white house in an upper-class neighborhood. "This is it," she said opening the door. "Hey Mom, Dad, we're home," she called as she set her keys down on a table. "I'll be out in a few minutes," her mom called from the kitchen. "I have no idea where Dad is, so I'll show you my room, I cleaned it just for you," Maggie replied grabbing Justin's hand and leading him upstairs. "Ooh, is that a special honor only a few receive?" he asked. "Yes, definetly!" she answered leading him down a long hallway as she stopped at the door on the end. "I'll warn you right now, it's kinda girly," she said as she held onto the doorknob. "That's okay, I bet it's cute," he said emphasizing the word "cute". She made a face at him and opened the door.

Justin realized when Maggie said girly, she meant girly. The walls were painted a soft pink with a border going all the way around the room. A daybed with about a hundred pillows on it sat in one corner, and a vanity with tons of makeup, perfume, and hair products on it was next to the bed. Lacy white curtains covered the two windows, and on top of them there were bouquets of flowers from dances she'd been to. There were a couple of dressers, a desk with loads of magazines and papers on it, a tv and vcr sat in the corner opposite of the bed, and a stereo sat on top of one of the dressers. The edges of the vanity and parts of the mirror were covered with pictures of Maggie with friends. Justin noticed the shelves above the bed, one had pictures of Maggie at school dances, and the one above it held about twenty stuffed animals on it. He thought it was the most adorable thing, an eighteen year old girl with stuffed animals in her room. The walls were covered with posters, one of Sammy Sosa, one of Michael Jordan, one of 98 Degrees, one of Matt Damon and Ben Affleck from 'Good Will Hunting', and one more from 'Armageddon'.

He glanced at the closet doors and his face lit up when he saw what was on them. Maggie saw that he noticed it and she glanced around the room to avoid eye contact with him. "Well well well, what do we have here?" Justin asked pointing to them. She turned around to face him and her face was bright red. "No need to be embarassed, millions of girls have these in their room," he said with a smile. The look of pure joy on Justin's face and the look of pure horror on Maggie's was priceless at that moment. "I can't believe I forgot to take those down," she mumbled to herself shaking her head as she looked at the two posters on her closet doors. One of the whole group of *N Sync, and one of just Justin. "Take them down, take them down?! Why on Earth would you do that?!" he asked astounded. She shrugged.

Justin came up close to her and wrapped his arms around her waist. "Hey sweetie, I'm flattered you have posters of me in your room. I was gonna be really sad if you didn't," he said sticking his lip out at her. She had to laugh at him. "Well too bad Nikki put them up so she could have you guys here whenever she's here," Maggie said smugly. Justin leaned down really close to her face. He was so close Maggie could feel him breathing on her ear. She almost started shaking it startled her so much. "Well then explain to me one thing," he whispered. "What's that?" she asked her voice shaky. "Well if Nikki put them up, then why is there one of me, and not one of Lance? Everyone knows Nikki likes Lance the best," he whispered again. He stood straight up and looked Maggie in the eye with the biggest grin of satisfaction on his face. 'Busted,' she thought to herself.

Even though she thought it was impossible, her face turned an even brighter shade of red. She searched her head trying to think of another excuse, but it was hopeless. She looked down in a sign of defeat. "Ya got me," she whispered. Justin laughed at her. "You're too cute," he said softly as he gently raised her chin so she'd look him in the eyes. He could still see some of the hurt in them, but he could see signs of happiness he hadn't seen before. He hoped they were there because of him. She smiled shlyly at him as she could feel his eyes staring down on her, like he was looking right through her. He moved his face closer to hers and she stood on her tiptoes so she could reach his face.


"Hey you guys ready for dinner?" Maggie's Dad asked barging in. They separated quickly and Maggie swallowed hard before answering. "Yeah we'll be down in a minute," she said glancing at Justin who was about ten feet away from her now. Her Dad returned downstairs and Maggie looked at Justin's terrified face. "Is he gonna hunt me down now?" he asked worried. She laughed at him. "No he's not gonna hunt you down now. I'm eighteen years old, Justin, I'm allowed to kis-I mean I'm allowed to have guys in my room," she said embarassed of her almost-slip. Justin pretended like he didn't hear her. "Okay I guess you're right, how about some food, I'm starving!" Justin replied. "You're always starving!" she laughed leading him downstairs.

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