Chapter 13

"So you're in a singing group, Justin?" Maggie's mom asked over dinner. "Yeah, our name's *N Sync, have you ever heard of us?" Justin asked between bites. "I think so. You're the one on the poster in Maggie's room, right?" she asked. Maggie closed her eyes and shook her head in embarassment again. Justin chuckled at her. "Yeah, I believe that would be me," he said with a grin. "That's weird, and she just put those posters up about a week ago," her mom commented. "A week ago? Didn't we just meet a week ago?" Justin asked Maggie. This time she hid her face in her hands. "Yeah," she said peeking out from behind her fingers. "I bought them the day after our first date when I went shopping with Nikki," she admitted. "Aww, that's cute, Mags," he said taking her hand and kissing the back of it. Maggie's parents gave her an approving nod and smiled at her.


"Thanks for coming over to meet my parents and being so nice to them. That's really sweet of you," Maggie replied, splashing her feet in the pool. Her and Justin sat by the edge of the pool in Maggie's backyard with their feet hanging in the water. "It was no problem at all. I wanted to meet them," he said sweetly. "Sometimes I think you're too perfect," she said smiling up to him. That made him blush. "I'm far from that," he laughed.

A cool breeze blew and made Maggie shiver. Justin slung his arm around her shoulders and she set her head on his shoulder. She breathed in the scent of his cologne and smiled a content smile. All the events of the past week flashed through her head, and she realized how happy she'd been. She'd been truly happy for the first time in what seemed like years. And Justin did all that for her. She thought about how amazing he was and how special he made her feel all the time.


"Maggie, Maggie?" Justin asked waving a hand in front of Maggie's face. "Huh, what?" she asked lifting her head off his shoulder and coming out of her daze. "I was just asking if you're busy tomorrow, because Johnny got us tickets to the Cubs game in a sky box suite," Justin replied giving her a funny look. "Oh yeah, I can go," she said, even though she still seemed like she was in another world.

"Are you okay?" Justin asked sitting up straight and taking his arm off her shoulder. She smiled softly as she looked into his pure blue eyes. "Yeah, I'm fine," she replied. "I was just thinking about what a wonderful person you are," she said shyly. Justin blushed again. "You're not too bad yourself, you know," he said with a smile.

Maggie looked down at her hands before asking her next question. She took a deep breath and splashed her feet in the water again. "Justin, have you ever been in love?" she asked quietly. The question caught Justin by surprise. He looked at the beautiful girl sitting next to him. She was so delicate and fragile, and he felt like he was protecting her in so many ways. For some reason he felt like he was one of the only things in her life right now that she could depend on. And he was going to take that responsibility very seriously.


Justin thought for a minute before answering the question. "I don't think so, I thought it was love at the time, but I realize now it was probably just infatuation or lust," he said quietly. She nodded in understanding. "You?" he asked. 'Oh no, here goes. Tell him about your past Maggie, you can do this,' she cheered herself on. She took a deep breath before nodding her head slowly. "Yeah," she whispered. "You want to tell me about him?" Justin asked leaning up next to her. She nodded again before taking another deep breath. "His name was Ryan," she said so soft Justin could barely hear her. "I was a freshman in high school, he was a senior. He knew I had a crush on him so he asked me to Homecoming, and he asked me out that night," she said, still speaking very quietly.

Justin noticed her hands were shaking a little. "You don't have to tell me," Justin started. "No, I..I want to," she stammered nervously. "Okay," he said letting her continue and holding onto her hand for support. Every time Justin touched her it still gave her the same butterflies it gave her the very first time. "I guess we were like the perfect couple," she said slowly. "You guess?" Justin asked. She nodded, she wasn't much for words, and talking about Ryan obviously wasn't very easy for her. "So what ever happened to him?" Justin asked in a whisper.


Maggie sat there for a minute thinking of how to answer him. She had two choices. It was either tell him about her past and risk losing him, or cover it up like she had been and keep him for the time being. She obviously chose to cover it up again. "He went away to school in Florida to play football," she said quietly. Technically, that was the truth, so she didn't consider it really lying. "And left you here all alone with a broken heart?" Justin asked. She nodded again. "Yeah, I just got over him this year," she replied.

"I'm really sorry. I've never had any huge heartbreak like that, I really don't know how I'd deal with it," Justin said. "It's not easy," she said smiling nervously. He shook his head. "I never thought it would be," he said. 'So that's why she's so nervous around guys and she doesn't open up easily,' Justin thought to himself.


"Maggie, I'll make you a promise right now," Justin said sitting up straight and taking both of Maggie's hands in his and holding them to his chest. She looked at him curiously. "I vow right now that I'll never break your heart like that. I'll hold your heart near mine forever. Even if we're apart, there will always be a space there for you. Remember that, okay? Just always remember that for me," Justin said.

Maggie was shocked. She'd only known Justin for a week, and he was telling her all this. It was almost too much for her to take. Teen pop king of the world, Justin Timberlake, telling little old Maggie Sutton that he would hold her heart next to his forever. 'Who would've ever thought this?' she asked herself.


"I'll remember," she whispered. "I'll always remember, Justin, I promise," she said softly. He smiled a soft and tender smile. Maggie could see how much he cared for her just with that smile. They sat there and gazed at each other under the moonlight and the stars for what seemed like forever.

Justin reached up and brushed a stray curl off Maggie's face. He rested his hand on the back of her neck as she reached her arms up around his neck. He gently pulled Maggie's face to his and put both his hands on her cheeks. She leaned in closer to him and let her lips touch his for the first time. They were everything she could ever dream they would be, and more. They were soft, and they fit to her lips perfectly. It was like they were made for each other.

Justin's heart skipped about twenty beats the second his lips touched Maggie's. He loved everything about it, from the way he could smell her perfume on her neck to the way he could taste the chocolate still on her lips from dessert. He pulled away reluctantly, and opened his eyes to see Maggie's lips slowly coming out of the kiss formation as she opened her eyes slowly and dreamily. She brushed her lips with her fingers and smiled. Justin smiled at her innocence. He put his arm around her shoulders again as she laid her head back down on his shoulder. They both splashed their feet in the water and looked up to the stars happily.

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