Chapter 14

"So you're still coming to the game with us today, right?" Justin asked Maggie on the phone the next morning. "Yeah, am I meeting you there, or what?" she asked. "Well now that I know where you live, we can have our limo come pick you up," Justin offered. "Okay, that's awesome, I've never riden in one before," she admited. "Never riden in a limo? Girl you've gotta come with us!" Justin replied. "We'll probably be there around 12," he said.

'Oh no, is today Wednesday?!' Maggie asked herself. 'I have therapy on Wednesdays at 12, oh God what do I do?' she worried. "12? I just remembered I'm supposed to go run some errands for my mom in the city. How about if I meet you guys there around 1?" she asked, hoping he wouldn't suspect anything.

"Oh yeah, that should be fine," Justin replied. "Ow Chris, stop hitting me. Sorry, Chris needs the phone, so I'll see you at the game. Just go to the ticket window and they'll show you where to go," he replied. "Okay, see ya later," Maggie said hanging up. 'Thank God I got out of that one,' she sighed a breath of relief.


"So you met a boy last week when you were leaving therapy?" Dr.Adams asked. Maggie nodded. "And you didn't even tell him you were here for therapy, and you haven't told him anything?" she asked, going over everything Maggie had told her. Maggie nodded again. "I know this isn't what you want to hear, but you need to tell him," she said. Maggie sighed. "I know I do," she hung her head in shame. "The thing is, when I'm around Justin, I don't even think of the past, unless he brings something up, and then I just cover it up somehow. But that's why I like being around him so much, he gets all that off my mind. I haven't been as happy as I've been this past week in such a long time," Maggie said, almost pleading with Dr.Adams to tell her she wasn't a horrible person for lying.

"I know dear, and I'm so happy you've found something to get your mind off everything, we've been searching for that thing for almost a year now. But when he finds out the truth, won't he be mad you lied? You should get out of it and tell him the truth before you get too deep in the lie," Dr.Adams urged. "But what if he thinks I'm a huge psycho or a freak and he never wants to talk to me again?" Maggie asked worried. "He won't think that. And if he does, then he's not really worth everything we think he is, is he?" she asked. Maggie thought about it. "Yeah I guess you're right. But he is worth everything," Maggie said almost crying. "You just need to do whatever you feel is right. I can't make you tell him the truth. But I know you're a good person, and you'll make the right decision," Dr.Adams replied, almost laying a guilt trip on Maggie. She nodded thinking about it all. "Well I should get going, I'm going to the Cubs game with Justin today," Maggie said standing up. "You have a good time, and I'll see you next week," Dr.Adams replied. "Thanks, and I'll try to do what you said," Maggie replied walking out to the hall.


Maggie thought about Dr.Adams' words all the way to the game. 'Maybe she was right, maybe I should just do it now and get it overwith, before it gets even worse than it is now. But what if he does leave me? I don't think I could take that right now. Not another heartbreak, not yet.' she said shaking her head. She decided to just go to the game, have fun, and forget about everything for the time-being.


"Hey, there you are, we thought you'd never show up!" Justin said walking to Maggie and hugging her. "I'm sorry, the errands took longer than I thought they would," Maggie lied. "Come on, everyone's out here," Justin said leading her to a glass doorway with huge glass windows on both sides of it. They walked out into the skybox and found a seat next to Nikki and Lance. "How did you get here?" Maggie asked Nikki. "Lance called and asked me to come," she replied with a huge grin on her face. Maggie smiled to her, she was so happy for her. "I've gotta talk to you about something later," Maggie whispered to her. "What's wrong?" Nikki asked concerned. "Nothing, I just gotta talk to you," she answered. Nikki nodded in understanding before turning back to Lance.

Maggie laughed at her. "Here I am, the invisible friend," she laughed to Justin. "I think they're sweet," Justin said glancing at them before draping his arm around her shoulders and leaning next to her while kicking his feet up on the seat in front of him.

"Batting fourth for the Chicago Cubs, Sammy Sosa," the voice of the PA announcer rang out over the stadium. "AAHH, SAMMY?!" Maggie screamed running up to the front of the box and leaning on the railing. She got up so quickly that Justin almost fell over since he had been leaning on her. He caught himself when he grabbed onto the seat of her chair. "So I guess Sammy's the man that really has her heart, huh?" JC laughed coming over to help Justin up. "I guess so," he mumbled before walking up to where Maggie stood watching Sammy intently.

"You like Sammy, I take it?" he asked. She just nodded not taking her eyes off of him. "Sammy is like a God to her," Nikki called from her seat. "And I'm not?" Justin joked. Maggie didn't even look at him. "Well I guess I know who's really loved around here," he said pouting and sitting back down.

"Sorry Justin, were you saying something?" Maggie asked sitting back down after Sammy had gotten out with a pop fly to center field. "No no, don't mind me," he said still pouting. "I'm sorry Justin," she laughed. "But Sammy's my favorite player," she said, not getting a response out of Justin. "I'm sorry Justy," she whispered before kissing the tip of his nose. He tried to hide it, but a huge smile formed on his face. She smiled back at him before they continued watching the game.

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