Chapter 15

"Justin, I can't believe you got us down to the locker room to meet Sammy Sosa! Thank you SO much!" Maggie exclaimed clutching the ball that Sammy autographed for her. "You're welcome, it was obvious how much you love Sammy. Sometimes it's nice to be so famous, you can get alot of stuff you normally wouldn't," Justin nodded. "Must be nice," Maggie replied thinking about it. Justin sighed. "Yeah, it can be sometimes, but sometimes it's so tiring," he said plopping down on Maggie's bed. Maggie looked at him quizzically. "Don't get me wrong, I love it all, I love it more than anything. But sometimes all I want to do is sleep in on weekends, go shopping without being mobbed, and just play basketball for my school," Justin said laying down and closing his eyes.


Maggie studied him for a few minutes. He'd been through so much, and he was practically still a child, only eighteen years old. He'd traveled the world, made millions of dollars, and had huge success. He'd done things most people couldn't even dream of doing. But if you talked to him for five minutes you wouldn't even be able to tell any of that. That was what Maggie admired about him. He wasn't always bragging about all the girls loving him, or all the money he made.

And it made Maggie feel even better to know that his crazy and hectic life even got the best of him at times. She'd have to think he was crazy if it didn't. Just thinking about all of it made Maggie want to go nuts. She stared at him a little bit more. She almost laughed at the situation. Justin Timberlake was laying on her bed practically comatose, and all she was doing was sitting there staring at him.


He lifted up a finger and motioned for her to come over, with his eyes still closed. She smiled to him, even though he couldn't see, then went to the bed and laid down next to him. She rested her head on his chest as he hugged her close to him. He stroked her curly hair as she closed her eyes and started to drift to sleep by his side.


All of a sudden memories of Ryan and her past flashed through her mind. Then everything flashed forward and she dreamed she was sitting on a bench in a park with Justin. She began telling him everything, everything about her past, and everything about all the lying. At first he started to comfort her, but then he turned on her and started yelling at her. Yelling for lying to him and he started saying she was only leading him on. She pleaded with him to just listen to her, but he refused. He left her all alone at the park, and flew back home to Orlando right away. Then the dream fast forwarded more, Maggie was trying desperately to get a hold of Justin, but he still refused to talk to her. Then she fell into the trap she fell into before.


Maggie sat up immediately, breathing deeply as a few beads of sweat fell from her forehead. Her breathing woke Justin up and she sat up next to her right away. "Mags, Mags sweetie what's wrong?" Justin pleaded with her as he pulled her into his arms and rocked her back and forth. She was still breathing deeply as she recovered from the nightmare and realized that it was just a nightmare. She leaned close to Justin's chest, never wanting him to let go of her.

"Sweets, please tell me what's wrong," Justin whispered into Maggie's ear. "It was just a nightmare," she whispered, barely getting it out. "You want to tell me about it?" he asked. He could feel her shake her head no against his chest. "Just please hold me now, just please hold me right now," she whispered. Justin could feel her cling onto him for dear life. "Okay," he said softly, laying back down with her and rubbing her back as he held her tight. They fell asleep in each other's arms again.


They both woke up a few hours later and it was time for Justin to get home. Johnny ended up renting all the guys cars, so Maggie didn't have to drive him back and forth now. Maggie walked him out to his car. Justin opened the door to his Explorer then turned around and took Maggie in his arms. He hugged her tightly for a minute before pulling away and kissing her forehead. "You feeling better?" he asked. She nodded a little. Everytime he touched her all she could think about was possibly losing him. "I'll call you in the morning?" he asked lifting her chin up to look her in the eye. She nodded again. "You sure you're okay?" he asked. "Yeah, I'll be fine once I get more sleep," she lied. "Okay, you go to bed," Justin said hugging her again.

He got into the car, closed the door, and turned on the ignition. "Oh yeah, I was gonna ask you, is your Grandma still in the hospital?" Justin asked out of nowhere. She looked at him confused. "No, why?" she asked. "Well we drove by the hospital today on the way to the game and I saw your car in the parking lot, I was just wondering," he replied. 'Oh no, why does this keep happening?' she thought frantically to herself. "No I just had to go pick up some medicine for her. It was on the list of errands for my mom," she said quickly. "Oh, you're such a sweetheart!" Justin said with a cheesy smile. She laughed at him and rolled her eyes. "Night sweets," he said leaning out the window and kissing Maggie on the lips quickly. "Night," she said softly as he backed out of the driveway and drove off.


Maggie ran up to her room and turned on the radio. She needed music to get her mind off everything. Of course an *N Sync song came on the radio. She smiled to herself hearing Justin's voice ring through her room. She picked up her phone and dialed a familiar number. "Nik, I really gotta talk to you."

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