Chapter 16

"You got time to talk?" Maggie asked Nikki quietly. "Yeah I always have time for you, you know that. What's wrong? You sound upset," Nikki sensed the worry in her voice. "Everything," Maggie sighed dramatically. "Okay, explain further, please." "I still haven't told Justin anything about, well, you know, and I feel so guilty for lying about it. Today in therapy Dr.Adams made me feel so bad for not telling him," Maggie started. "Well there's a simple answer, just tell him," Nikki said logically. "I know, that seems so simple, but it's just not. I'm so deep in the lie now that he'll either hate me for lying, or else he'll still think I'm such a huge freak. And right now, I just can't deal with losing him, Nikki, I wouldn't be able to take it," Maggie said with tears in her eyes.

Nikki felt so bad for her friend, she really had no idea what to tell her, and it seemed like she always knew what to tell her. "Mags, I can't tell you what to do. I hate to leave this on you like this, but you have to do what you feel is right. If you feel right about telling him, tell him, and if you don't, then don't," Nikki explained. "I guess you're right. I'm just so scared to lose him right now, I don't think I could. Every time he holds me, I just think about not having him there, and it kills me," Maggie said almost crying. "You know he is leaving in a few weeks," Nikki reminded her. "Yeah, I know," Maggie whispered. "I don't think I'm gonna tell him. Not right now, anyway. I don't want to ruin the last of my precious time with him before he leaves. I'll do it the night before he leaves. I promise Nikki, I'll do it then," Maggie vowed to Nikki, and almost vowing to herself.

"Who are you trying to convince, me or yourself?" Nikki asked. Maggie sighed loudly in annoyance. "You know me too well, Nikki," she replied. "So tell me all about Lance!" Maggie exclaimed. Nikki laughed. "Well I got up the courage to call him yesterday, and he asked me to the game, and tonight he asked me to dinner tomorrow night. He said we could probably go out with you and Justin if we wanted to," Nikki explained. "Aww, this is too adorable, I'm so proud of you! You're usually too scared to do something like that!" Nikki laughed, "I know, but this was Lance, and I didn't want to miss my only chance while I had it!" "Well good job!" Maggie congratulated her.

"Oh yeah, I forgot to scream at you for making me buy those posters that day at the mall, Justin saw them!!!" Maggie exclaimed to Nikki. "He saw them?! That's too funny, I'm sorry girl!" Nikki laughed before the girls went into a tour hour conversation about the guys.


Later that night Maggie was walking to bed when she stopped at her closet door. She smiled to the huge poster of Justin smiling down at her. She brushed his cheek softly with her finger, as if it were really him. "What did I ever do to deserve you?" she asked the poster softly. "I hope you'll understand why I'm keeping my secret from you, Justin. I hope you realize it's because I can't lose you, I really can't. You're almost all I have right now besides Nikki," she said shaking her head sadly. "And the way I feel about you, I haven't felt this way since Ryan. And that scares the hell out of me Justin, but then again, I love it. It's the most incredible feeling ever, and I don't want to lose it, and I don't want to lose you. Just please understand me," she said quietly, looking the poster right in the eye. "Now if I could only say this to the real Justin," she said sadly. "Goodnight, Justin," she whispered, leaning up and kissing the poster on the cheek.


Maggie lay in bed thinking about her decision to wait to tell Justin about her past. Her head was telling her that it was wrong, but her heart was telling her it was right. She deserved to be happy, and Justin made her so happy. She didn't want to lose that. Now that she understood it all, she just hoped that Justin would.

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