Chapter 17

"So you're growing pretty attached to Maggie, huh?" JC asked Justin that night when he got home from her house. "Yeah, I guess I am," Justin said sighing dreamily. "She seems really nice," JC commented. "She's everything, JC, everything. And it's so weird, she's not the kind of girl I'd usually go for, but she seems so perfect for me. And I feel like she needs me, like she really needs me. I feel like I'm protecting her in a way," Justin rambled on. "Protecting her from what?" JC asked confused. "I'm not sure," Justin admitted. "She seems so scared and vulnerable, but I don't know why." "Doesn't make much sense to me," JC said shaking his head. "Yeah, me neither. There seems like there's some stuff I don't know about her," Justin said suspiciously. "She just seems innocent and scared. She's probably been hurt before and she's scared to love or get close," JC guessed. "Yeah that's probably it, she wouldn't lie to me," Justin said confidently.


"Hey sweets, what's the plans for tonight?" Justin asked Maggie over the phone the next afternoon. "Well me and Nikki had an idea," Maggie started. "So, what is it?" "Her parents are out of town for the night, so we were gonna cook you guys dinner," Maggie replied. "Parents out of town? Are you sure you'll only be cooking us dinner?" Justin asked slyly. "Justin!" Maggie exclaimed. "What?! I was wondering if dessert would be included, but you had to get all dirty about it!" Justin laughed. Maggie rolled her eyes before she realized that he couldn't even see her. "I know you just rolled your eyes at me, and I do not appreciate it," Justin replied like a smartass. "You know me too well already," Maggie laughed. "Anyways, me and Nikki are going to get new dresses to wear, so you guys dress however you want. And dinner will be served at seven, do you need directions to Nikki's house?" Maggie asked. "I think Lance knows the way," Justin replied. "Okay, well I've gotta go get Nikki to go shopping, so I'll see you later, Justy," Maggie said grabbing her purse and keys. "Okay sweets, see ya later," Justin replied hanging up.

"Hey Lance, we've gotta go shopping!" he yelled up to Lance.


At 6:55 the girls were sitting in Nikki's living room waiting for the guys to come over. They were quite impressed with the dinner they had made for the guys, they just hoped they liked it too.

"So are you feeling better now that you know you'll tell Justin eventually?" Nikki asked. "Yeah, actually, I am. I'm a little worried about it, but it's still a few weeks away, so I just want to enjoy the time I have while I have it," Maggie replied. "Good, you deserve it Maggie, you really do, and you deserve Justin," Nikki said smiling to her friend. "Thank you, you're too sweet!" Maggie said hugging her friend. Just then the doorbell rang.

"Hey sweets-wow, you look gorgeous!" Justin exclaimed stopping in mid-sentence. Maggie giggled at him shyly. She had picked out a short baby blue dress with skinny straps and silver sparkly butterflies all over it, and silver strappy heels. Nikki helped her put her hair up fancy with some clips in it and a few curls falling down the sides of her face. "Thanks," she said with a shy smile. "You look nice too," she replied checking him out. He had gotten black dress pants, a light baby blue sweater, and a black leather vest.

He even had on his diamond JRT necklace, and Maggie had never seen it before. "Wow, this is beautiful," she said picking it up and admiring it. "Here, try it on," he said unhooking it and placing it around Maggie's neck. Lance almost gasped, Justin never let anyone touch that necklace, let alone wear it. She picked it up and admired it again. She couldn't even imagine how expensive it was, and that he was even letting her wear it. "It's too heavy," she whined, tugging on the chain. He laughed at her and took it off and placed it back around his own neck. "Silly girl," he said hugging her.


"You look nice too," Lance said shyly. "Thanks," Nikki replied, just as shy. She had picked out a short black dress with bergundy and silver sparkles across the bottom. Lance was wearing nice khakis and a green and yellow plaid dress shirt.

"Oh yeah, we brought this," Justin said pulling a bottle of red wine out of a paper bag. "Wine? How did you get this?" Maggie asked grabbing the bottle and looking at it confused. "It's called having friends that are over 21," Justin said leaning close to her and taking the bottle from her. "Oh yeah," she realized. "You are such a true blonde!" Nikki exclaimed rolling her eyes at her.

"Here, these are for you too," Lance said pulling two red roses from behind his back, handing one to each of the girls. "Look Justin, Lance was nice enough to bring me a rose, isn't that sweet?" Maggie joked smelling the rose. "Maggie," Justin said with an annoyed look on his face. "It's from me, dear," he said through gritted teeth. She giggled again. "I know, silly!" she said patting his chest and leading him to the living room.

"I swear to God they act like they're married," Nikki commented as Lance nodded at her comment as they followed them to the living room.


The couples hung around in the living room and chatted for awhile until the guys started whining that they were hungry. "Okay, you stay here, we've got to go put some finishing touches on the meal, we'll be back in a few minutes, but don't come in, it's a surprise!" Maggie explained to them. "Okay," they both agreed. "What do you think they made us?" Lance asked when the girls left the room. "I have no idea, are you worried?" "Yeah, a little," Lance admitted. "It's okay, I am too," Justin laughed.


"You think they'll like it?" Nikki asked as she admired the food on the table. "I think they will," Maggie laughed. "Okay boys, dinner is served," Nikki called the boys to the dining room. The room was dark, only a few candles provided the only light in the room. They pulled out chairs for the guys to sit in and Justin stared at what was in front of him trying not to laugh. He looked up to Maggie who had such a proud look on her face. "It's...really nice Sweets, I'm not sure what to say," he said still looking at the food. Lance did the same for Nikki. "Yeah Nik, uh, thanks," he stuttered.

Just then the girls broke out into giggles. "Why aren't you eating it?" they asked. Justin had had enough. "Maggie, why did you make me a bowl of cereal for dinner?!" he exclaimed. "And why do I have French Toast? Do you have your meals mixed up?" Lance asked confused. The girls couldn't stop laughing, they were almost in tears by now. "We didn't know what else to make, and we knew you both liked this stuff!" Maggie explained still laughing. "Well, it IS cereal, so I guess I can't complain," Justin admitted. "Yeah, so eat up!" Maggie said sitting down next to him as he fed her bites of his cereal.

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