Chapter 18

After the guys had finished eating their "dinner", they decided to open the bottle of wine. Maggie didn't normally drink much, so she didn't really know how much she could handle. But she wouldn't be driving home, she was staying the night at Nikki's, so she figured she'd be okay. And she didn't think the wine was too strong, so she didn't think anything of it.


A couple hours later Maggie and Justin were laying on the couch in front of the lit fireplace in Nikki's family room. "This is so romantic, Justy," Maggie said dreamily. "Yeah it is, as long as I'm here with you," Justin replied. "You're too sweet," Maggie smiled to him. "No, you're the one that's too sweet," Justin said rolling over on top of Maggie and kissing her neck. They'd both obviously had too much to drink.


A little while later they had started going pretty far, alot further than either of them expected to so soon. Justin's vest and sweater were laying on the floor and Maggie's dress was pushed up to her waist with the straps falling down the sides of her arms. Justin's hands were wandering up and down Maggie's thighs as her tiny fingers lightly rubbed his bare back.

The alcohol started to wear off of Justin as he realized what he was doing. He stopped right away and looked down to Maggie. She still seemed pretty drunk, and he knew she wouldn't be doing this if she was sober. Maggie looked up at him confused. "What's wrong?" she asked. He smiled at her and kissed her softly on the lips.

He gently pulled her up to sit next to him. He couldn't believe how sexy she looked at that moment. The firelight lit up her face, which was beginning to get sweaty, giving her an incredible glow. Her curls were going wild and were thrown around her face crazily. She had a sexy, endearing look on her face, but you could still see her innocence through it, which made her even more sexy to Justin.

"This isn't right Maggie, not right now. We're not completely sober right now, and I don't want you to wake up in the morning and wonder what happened tonight," Justin explained. Maggie gave him a blank look. "I just don't want to take advantage of you in any way. If we do this, I want it to be completely right, and right now it's not. I hope you understand where I'm coming from," Justin pleaded with her. She nodded slowly. "Yeah I understand, thanks for respecting me Justin. Most guys would've just kept going," Maggie started. "But you're not most guys," she finished. Justin smiled shyly as Maggie kissed him softly on the cheek, snuggled into his arms, and fell asleep.

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