Chapter 19

Justin woke up the next morning when the sun started shining through the window into his eyes. He squinted as his eyes adjusted to the light and he tried to figure out where he was. He looked down and noticed he was laying on top of Maggie. Suddenly his mind started racing, trying to figure out what he exactly he'd done the night before. Then he remembered that they stopped before they went too far. He smiled as he watched Maggie sleep peacefully.


A little while Justin still lay on the couch watching Maggie sleep. She squinted her eyes and sat up slowly as Justin got up off of her. She rubbed her eyes and still squinted because of the bright sunlight still shining through the window. Her hair was going everywhere, and it was so cute Justin tried not to laugh. "Morning," he said softly. "How do you feel?" "My head hurts," she mumbled, rubbing the top of her forehead. "I figured it would, here, take these," he replied handing her two aspirin and a glass of water. "I've already taken half the bottle," Justin commented rubbing his own head. "How did I get in these clothes?" Maggie asked looking down at the boxers and t-shirt she was wearing. Justin shrugged. "Nikki must've come and put them on you," he replied. After Maggie swallowed the pills down she rubbed her stomach in pain. "My tummy hurts," she whined. "Your tummy?" Justin asked leaning over and rubbing her stomach softly for her. "How about some toast? That might help," he replied as she nodded in answer. "Okay, I'll be right back," he said kissing the tip of her nose.


Justin headed to the kitchen and he found Nikki in there making breakfast for Lance. "Morning, I didn't think you would ever get up," Nikki said turning around from the stove. "I've been awake for awhile, I was waiting for Maggie to wake up," Justin said grabbing the loaf of bread on the counter. "Her stomach hurts, I'm making her some toast," Justin replied. Nikki pointed to the toaster for him as she went back to making the eggs.

"Justin, I just want to thank you," Nikki said with her back to him. "Thank me for what?" he asked pushing the button down on the toaster. "For being so sweet to Maggie," Nikki replied turning back around. "I don't know if you know about her past at all or not, but the breakup with her last boyfriend didn't go too great. She's been so scared of guys since then, but ever since you came along, I've seen the old Maggie I remember seeing so long ago, the Maggie I missed. She's happy Justin, and I haven't seen her this happy for so long. So I just want to thank you for doing whatever you did for her," Nikki said turning the stove off.

Justin shrugged. "I'm not really sure what I did for her," he replied. "I love spending time with her, she's so sweet. She gets my mind off of everything, of being famous, and lets me be myself, and she likes me for that. She doesn't like me as Justin Timberlake of *N Sync, she likes me for Justin Timberlake, just me. I haven't been able to find a girl like that for quite awhile," he said taking the toast out of the toaster. Nikki nodded at what he said. "Maggie's that kind of girl, she loves everyone no matter what. And I know she definetly likes you alot. So what about you?" Nikki asked. "Do I like her alot?" he asked confused. Nikki nodded. "Yeah, of course I do, she's such an amazing girl. I just don't want to think about leaving," he said sadly. "Then don't, just enjoy the time you have here while you have it, and worry about everything else later. No worries now, Justin," Nikki said walking over to him. "Thanks Nikki, I can see why Maggie loves you so much," Justin said hugging her. Nikki blushed. "Well you better take that girl her toast before she starts whining. She's such a whiner when she doesn't feel good!" she laughed. "Yeah, I've noticed," Justin joked grabbing the plate of toast and a glass of orange juice and heading back to the family room.


When Justin got back to the family room Maggie was rolled up in a ball, fast asleep. He smiled at her and grabbed a blanket and wrapped it around her gently. He sat next to her and watched her sleep again. He gently grazed her cheek with his finger. "Maggie, I know you've been hurt before, but I just want you to know that I'll never hurt you. You're everything to me right now, you're my only escape from everything. I don't know what I would do without you now. Don't be afraid Maggie, I promise I won't hurt you, you're my little angel, I could never hurt you," he said softly, still gently rubbing her cheek. "If only you could actually hear me," he said shaking his head. Just then the perfect song came into his head. He put his arm around her and rubbed her arm as he softly sang to her.


I hope the man upstairs isn't mad at me
cuz I have one of his angels, and she's here with me
each time I see her precious smile and she spreads her wings,
it takes me to a place where love meets eternity

All alone
I'm not letting go
I don't want to be alone in this crazy world
All alone
I love her so
And I'll sacrifice it all to have her in my life

I found my girl, I'll tell the world
That heaven is missing an angel
My dreams came true when I found you
Yes, heaven is missing an angel

Not a day goes by that I don't thank God for you
He blessed me with my angel though I don't deserve you
Before I let you know girl, only was my best friend
Now that you are in my life, I am stronger within

I can't wait to kiss my angel late at night
and watch her go to sleep until I see her eyes

I found my girl, I'll tell the world
That heaven is missing an angel
My dreams came true when I found you
Yes, heaven is missing an angel

All that I do is for you
Me without you girl, just won't do

Your love's all I wanna know
Angel don't you ever go
Life won't be the same without you, you, you, you, you

I found my girl, I'll tell the world
That heaven is missing an angel
My dreams came true when I found you
Yes, heaven is missing an angel

And all I know, I love her so

I don't want to be alone in this crazy world
And all I know, I'm not letting go, no
I'll sacrifice everything,
don't take her away

*~*Heaven's Missing an Angel*~*98 Degrees*~*

Justin finished singing and could see a faint smile form on Maggie's lips. He smiled to himself and drifted to sleep.

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