Chapter 2

As soon as Maggie got to her car she popped her *N Sync cd into the cd player. "Did Justin Timberlake really just ask me out?" she asked herself in amazement. "He can't really be interested in me." she thought. Even though she didn't think so, she was a really pretty girl. She was about 5'8", and she had an average size body. She wasn't too skinny, but not too fat either. She had naturally curly light brown hair that fell right past her shoulders in big curls. And she had amazing bright green eyes that sparkled in the light. "I guess I'll just wait and see what happens," she sighed to herself.


"So how are you feeling?" Justin asked Lance when he finally got to his room. "It hurts, but I'll be alright," Lance answered weakly. "Where have you been? It took you forever to get here," JC scolded. "I know, I'm sorry. I got lost," Justin said embarassed. "You got lost? You really are a blonde," Chris snickered. "But I met a really cute girl that helped me," Justin said with a smile. All the guys rolled their eyes. He was always meeting "cute girls". "What's her name? Britney? Bambi?" JC asked laughing. "No, those are Joey's girls," Justin said laughing back. "Huh?" Joey asked confused looking up from a bag of chips. "Nevermind," Chris laughed. "Anyway, her name is Maggie, and she's really cute. She's not like slutty or air-headed, or anything like that," Justin said defending himself and Maggie. "Maggie is a cute name," Lance observed. "Yeah, she's gonna show me around Chicago," Justin said. "That's cool. Well guys, we should get going to the condo Johnny rented us," JC said getting up and gathering Lance's things. "Okay," they all agreed.


"So how was therapy today?" Maggie's best friend Nikki asked. They'd been best friends for as long as they could remember. "It was okay, but I met a guy afterwards," Maggie said. "A guy? Who was that?" Nikki inquired. "His name was Justin," Maggie sighed dreamily. "Justin?" Nikki asked. "Yeah, Justin from *N Sync," she replied nonchalantly. "What?!" Nikki exclaimed. "You met Justin from *N Sync?!" "Yes," Maggie laughed. Nikki was the biggest *N Sync fan she knew. She was the one that made her buy the cd.

"Mags, I can't believe you met Justin Timberlake! Oh my gosh, tell me everything that happened!" Nikki said happily. "Well I was coming out of therapy, walking down the hall, and I wasn't paying attention, I turned the corner and he ran into me, literally. We ended up talking, and we exchanged phone numbers, and I'm supposed to show him around Chicago sometime," Maggie explained. "Oh my gosh, you have his phone number?!" Nikki screamed. "Yes," she said taking the phone away from her ear while Nikki screamed. "Wait, did you tell him why you were at the hospital?" she asked. "Well...I told him I was there visiting my Grandma." Maggie explained. "You lied to him?" Nikki asked. "Yeah, but it's not like I'm expecting to ever hear from him, except maybe once, so it's not that big of a deal. If I do happen to get involved with him, I'll tell him the truth when the time is right," Maggie defended herself. "Okay. What was he doing at the hospital anyway?" Nikki asked before Mags explained it to her.


The next afternoon Maggie laid on her bed, holding her phone, debating whether she should call Justin or not. "Maybe he just gave me his number to be nice," she thought. "Or maybe he really wants me to call," she was so confused. Just then her phone rang, making her nearly fall off the bed it scared her so much. "Hello?" she answered. "Hey, is this Mags?" the person asked. "Yes, who's this?" she asked. "It's Justin." "Oh, hi!" she said happily, breathing a sigh of relief that he called first. "I was just about to call you!" she said. "Really? Well, me and the guys are just sitting around the condo, and I'm really bored. Would you want to show me around tonight? We could go out to dinner or something, then you could show me the sites?" he asked nervously. "Sure," she said, a smile forming on her lips. "Alright," he replied, giving her the address to where they were staying. "Okay, I'll be there at 7," she said happily. "Okay, see you then!" he said hanging up.


"Well I don't know about you guys, but I got a date tonight," Justin bragged as the guys sat around trying to figure out what to do in a city they knew nothing about. "With Bambi?" Chris asked. "No, her name's not Bambi, it's Maggie," Justin said angrily. "Oh yeah," Chris replied. "Who's talking about a Bambi?" Joey asked interested. "Nevermind," they all said at the same time before bursting out in laughter. "Well I'm gonna go get ready," Justin said heading upstairs to his room.

"Oh my gosh, Justin just called me! I'm picking him up at 7! That only gives me four hours to get ready!" Maggie exclaimed to Nikki on the phone. "I'll come help you!" she offered. "Okay, bring all your clothes, I have no idea what to wear!" she said nervously. "Okay!" Nikki agreed laughing. "I'll be there in ten minutes."

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