Chapter 20

"So, how were things with Lance last night?" Maggie asked Nikki later, after the guys had gone home. Nikki blushed. "Well?!" Maggie asked, dying of anticipation. "You make me tell you every little detail about Justin, so now it's your turn to spill!" "Okay, okay!" Nikki laughed. "Well we went up to my room and we just watched tv for awhile, and he was so shy, but it was so cute. He was scared just to put his arm around me. But then he eventually got comfortable, and we just ended up sleeping in each other's arms," Nikki said dreamily. Maggie raised her eyebrows at her. "And yes we kissed, but it was just a small one, nothing really big," Nikki said, knowing what Maggie was thinking. "But it was still huge to you, right, because it was Lance?!" Maggie asked. "Well yeah, of course!" Nikki laughed. "So how about you and Justin?" Nikki asked, knowing that Maggie was nursing a hangover.

"Well, somehow the bottle of wine made it's way into the family room, and me and Justin ended up drinking practically the whole thing. We ended up messing around, pretty intense, but then luckily Justin realized what we were doing and he stopped," Maggie explained. "Wow," Nikki said amazed. "What?" "I've just never heard of a guy doing that before. Usually a guy would be glad you were intoxicated so he could take advantage of you," Nikki said. "I know, he was saying how he didn't want to take advantage of me, and if we did end up doing it, he wanted it to be right, and last night definetly just was not right," Maggie replied. "No, it wasn't, you've found yourself quite a guy, Mags. Do you think you guys ever will?" Nikki asked.

"Will what?" "Bake a cake, Maggie, what do you think I'm talking about?!" Nikki exclaimed. Maggie shrugged. "I don't know. If the time was right and everything, and if it felt right, I would," Maggie said. "So do you think you love him?" Nikki asked. Maggie was surprised by her question. She gave Nikki a funny look. "Hey it's not like I haven't heard your 'I won't have sex with a guy until I really love him' speech before," she explained.

Maggie sat there a minute thinking about the question. Of course she liked Justin, she liked Justin ALOT. But love? That was such a strong word, and she'd only known him a little over a week. It seemed too unbelievable. But whenever she was around him she felt like she'd known him her whole life, and it just felt right.

"I honestly can't answer that question, Nik, I have no idea," Maggie said getting serious. "I haven't loved anyone since Ryan," she mumbled. "Mags, please don't get all scared on me. You know that Justin cares so much about you and would never ever hurt you, you have to know that," Nikki pleaded with her. "Yeah, I know," Maggie whispered. "Mags, honey, please don't think about Ryan, you've been so good since Justin's been in your life," Nikki said taking her hand. Maggie sat there with a blank look on her face before she took a deep breath. "I won't think about Ryan, he's out of my life, and now Justin is in it. I have to forget about it," Maggie said determined. Nikki was amazed, that was the first time she'd ever said she'd forget about Ryan. And it was all because of Justin. "That a girl," Nikki said hugging her friend.


"Well, I'm just gonna go home and go to bed, Justin wants me to stay home tonight to get some rest, I think he wants some too," Maggie said getting up and heading for the door. "You okay to drive?" Nikki asked concerned. "Yeah, I'm fine," she replied. "Okay, you go get some rest, and call me in the morning," Nikki said hugging her goodbye. "Alrighty, will do," Maggie replied walking out the door.


"So how's my little angel feeling?" Justin asked Maggie on the phone later that night. "I'm feeling alright, I came home and told my mom had food poisoning, so she waited on me all day," Maggie bragged. "Must be nice, I tried to talk JC into making me some soup and he made me get it myself," Justin pouted. "Aww, I'm sorry Justy, I'll make you soup sometime," Maggie offered. "Are you gonna feel better to do anything tomorrow?" Justin asked, he'd only been away from her for one day and he couldn't stand it. He didn't know what he was gonna do when he went back to Orlando. "Sure, I'm feeling better already. I know where I want to take you," Maggie offered. "Where, where?!" Justin asked excited. "Well my parents always used to take me to this lake when I was little, it's so pretty, we can go there and have a picnic dinner," Maggie said. "Okay, but no cereal!" Justin laughed. "Okay, no cereal!" she agreed. "I'll see you tomorrow, Sweets," Justin replied. "Okay, Justy," Maggie answered.

She contemplated over throwing a quick "love you" on the end of it, but she decided not to. She didn't want to scare him. Little did she know, Justin was wondering the same thing. "No, not yet, it's too soon," he reasoned in his head.

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