Chapter 21

"What are your plans for the day?" Nikki asked Maggie the next morning. "I'm gonna take Justin to Briar Lake tonight for a picnic dinner," Maggie replied. "Aww, that's sweet. Lance wants to take me to dinner, like our first real date," Nikki said. "Aww, now that's cute. I think I'm gonna go over to Justin's early and visit with the rest of the guys, I haven't talked to them for awhile," Maggie said. "That's cool, I'm gonna be getting ready all day, my first real date with Lance?! Who would've ever thought that would happen?!" Nikki exclaimed. "I always knew it Nik, and you always said he wouldn't like you, whatever!" Maggie laughed. "Well who knows, but I'm gonna go get ready! Bye!" "Alright, bye!" Maggie said hanging up.

Maggie went and took her shower then went to her closet and contemplated on what to wear for the day. It was a cool day, so she wore a tight-fitting long sleeved white v-neck shirt, a pair of blue jeans, and her white canvas shoes. She put some gel in her curly hair to try and control it, then grabbed a picnic basket, a couple blankets, and headed out the door.


Maggie made her way to the guys' condo and rang the doorbell until Chris came to answer it. "Oh my God, it's Chris from *N Sync! So this really is where the guys are staying! Oh my God, I can't believe it's really you!" she shrieked. "Very funny, Mags," Chris said seriously opening the door wider for her to come in. Maggie laughed at him. "Come on, like no fans have come to the door and done that?" she asked walking in. "Actually, no, it's a secret where we're staying, so don't be telling the teenies," Chris replied. "I don't know, how does $20 for the phone number and $40 for the address sound?" Maggie said acting like she was thinking hard. "Do it and you'll die," Chris groaned. Maggie laughed at him again. "I'm just kidding, Christopher!"

"So this is how the hot guys of *N Sync spend their days?" she asked walking into the living room. Chris, Joey, and JC were lounging around watching Oprah. "Shhh, this is a good one," Joey said putting a finger over his mouth. "Sorry," she whispered. "What's the topic today?" she whispered to JC. "Men who are afraid to get intimate," he whispered, watching the tv intently. Maggie burst out into laughter. "Joey, YOU'RE watching this?" she asked between laughs. He shot her a dirty look. "It happens to be a very good show," he said defensively. "Okay, if you say so," she said trying not to laugh. "I guess it is pretty funny if you think about it," JC said bursting out into laughter with her, right before Chris joined in. "Why does everyone always pick on me?" Joey whined. "You practically ask to be made fun of!" JC laughed. Joey pouted and went back to watching the show.


A few minutes later Lance came downstairs dressed in a blue suit and tie. "Wow Lance, you look nice!" Maggie commented as Lance blushed. "Thank you," he replied shyly. "This boy has been one huge ball of nerves all day long," Justin said walking down behind him. Maggie couldn't help but stare at Justin for a minute. He was wearing baggy jeans, a gray Tommy sweatshirt, and sneakers. "It's okay, so has Nikki," Maggie replied snapping back to reality. "She has?" Lance asked with a sigh of relief. "Yeah, she was going to spend about five hours today getting ready," Maggie laughed. "This one spent about three," Justin said pointing to Lance. "Aww, that's so cute!" Maggie replied.

Justin sat down on the couch and pulled Maggie onto his lap. The two sat there and cuddled while watching tv with the guys. "You guys are making me sick," Chris whined to them about an hour later. "You're just jealous," Justin shot back. "Am not," he pouted. "Hey do you have anymore cute friends you could hook me up with?" JC asked. Maggie thought about it for a minute. "There's my friend Jen, she's my age, she's a huge sweetheart," Maggie replied. "Alright, what's her number?" JC asked eagerly. Maggie laughed at him and gave it to him. "I'll give her a call tomorrow," JC replied. "I'll have to warn her, she'll probably freak out," she said.

"Well we should get going," Maggie replied getting up. "Alright, I'll see you guys later, good luck tonight, Lance," Justin replied. "Thanks," he said nervously. "Don't worry about a thing, Lance, everything will be perfect," Maggie reassured him. "Let's go, my lady," Justin said holding out his arm for Maggie to take. "My pleasure," she replied as they left.

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