Chapter 22

"So where exactly are we going?" Justin asked after they'd been driving for about fifteen minutes. "It's called Briar Lake, it's really pretty, and there won't be many people there, so we can be alone," Maggie replied switching lanes. "Alone," Justin whispered and smiled. Maggie turned to him and raised her eyebrows as Justin gave her a devilish smile. "Guys, can't you ever think of anything else?" Maggie exclaimed rolling her eyes. Justin shrugged innocently.

A few minutes later Justin was playing with the dials on the radio when he stopped on Brian McKnight's new song "Back at One". "Ooh, I love this song!" he exclaimed. Maggie giggled at him. He grabbed one of her hands and sang to her with all his heart. It was so beautiful it brought tears to her eyes. She almost got into five accidents while he was singing to her. Maggie knew right then and there that she was in love with Justin. She knew there were no questions about it, she loved him.

Justin sang his heart out for Maggie, hoping it could show her how much he cared. He thought he was in love with her, but he wasn't positive. He'd never been in love before, so he wasn't exactly sure what it was or how it felt. But if it meant he got butterflies every time he looked at her and he never wanted to be without her, he knew without a doubt he loved her.


About a half hour later Maggie pulled down a country road that led to a huge lake surrounded by tons of trees. "Come on, let's go," she urged Justin once she parked the car. She pulled the picnic basket and the blankets out of the backseat, grabbed his hand, and led the way to the lake.

The sun was just starting to set, and the way it reflected off the water was beautiful. They found the perfect spot, they laid the blanket out, and Maggie pulled out the dinner. "I hope you like it, I spent like all day on it," she explained pulling out a sandwich for Justin. "And there's even chocolate chip cookies I made for dessert," she said handing one to him. "Wow, you didn't have to go to all this trouble, thanks," he replied as he started eating. "Nothing's too much trouble for you," she smiled as Justin blushed. After they were done eating, Justin offered to clean up. "Here, I'll go throw all the trash away," he replied picking up the bags from the sandwiches, chips, and cookies. He was rummaging around in the picnic basket when he pulled out a clear plastic bag.

"What is this?" he asked holding it in front of Maggie. She hid an embarassed smile. "Okay, so I made a quick stop at Subway," she shrugged innocently. Justin shook his head at her. "So you lied to me, that's a big no-no, Maggie girl," he said tackling her on the blanket and tickling her. "I'm..sorry..Justin!" she squealed between laughs. "Nope, not good enough, you're gonna pay," he said picking her up and throwing her over his shoulder. "Justin, put me down!" she shrieked smacking his butt as he carried her towards the lake.

"I don't know Maggie, that was a pretty good dinner, considering you didn't even make it yourself," Justin said once he got to the edge of the dock by the lake. "See, no harm done," she tried to reason with him. "But, you made me think you made it, Mags," he replied. "I said I'm sorry! I will make you a real dinner someday, I promise!" she said. "I don't know," he replied still thinking about it. "I bet you'd be really sorry if you went into the lake," he said moving her in front of him quickly and dangling her over the water. "Justin, NOOOO!" she screamed, waving her arms and legs in the air. "Please no, I said I'm sorry, I'll make it up to you, I'll do whatever you want me to," she said quickly, trying to stop him. Then she thought about what she just said. 'Maybe that wasn't the greatest thing to say,' she thought worried.

Justin suddenly pulled her in closer to him and away from the water. "Anything?" he asked raising his eyebrows at her. He was still holding her as she wrapped her legs around his waist. She took a deep breath. "Yeah," she said quietly. A huge smile formed on his face. "Oh no," she muttered. He simply pointed to his lips. She smiled back at him hoping that was all he wanted. She leaned in and kissed his lips softly, it was so soft he could barely feel it, but it still sent the most incredible feeling through every inch of him. "Forgive me?" she whispered, only about an inch away from his face. She was giving him such an intense stare, he couldn't take it. He nodded slowly as she smiled. "Good," she said slipping her legs down and grabbing his hands.


"Come on, let's go up on that cliff and watch the sunset," she said grabbing one of the blankets. Justin followed her up a dirt path towards the cliff. "This is so pretty Justin, you'll love it," she replied. Once they made it to the top, Justin was amazed. It was one of the most beautiful things he'd ever seen. It wouldn't have been half as beautiful if Maggie wasn't there with him. The cliff overlooked the lake, and you could see some of the city too. Maggie laid the blanket down and sat down. Justin sat behind her and pulled her into his lap as she laid her head back on his chest. He wrapped his arms around her and she rested hers on top of his.

They sat there in silence for probably a half hour, just watching the sunset and loving being there in each other's arms. Justin finally broke the silence. "I haven't felt this free for years, Maggie, thank you," he whispered. "What do you mean?" she asked. "In this crazy business and this crazy life I lead, I never get to go anywhere alone, I never get to go anywhere without being followed. I have practically no freedom. But you give me the freedom I need, and the escape I need from everything. When I'm with you, I don't even think about work at all, it's the furthest thing from my mind. I haven't been able to do that for four years. So thank you, Maggie," he finished.

She had tears in her eyes, she couldn't believe she did all that for him. She turned around and looked him in the eye. "I'm glad I can do all that for you," she said softly. "I want to thank you for everything too," she said. He gave her a questioning look. "You'll never know everything you've done for me, Justin," she said simply, giving him a soft kiss on the lips, turning around, and cuddling closer to him.

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