Chapter 23

"Hey, come on in," Maggie said opening the front door for him to come in. "I missed you," Justin said hugging Maggie and kissing the top of her head. "Justin, it hasn't even been a day!" she laughed heading upstairs to her room. "I know," he pouted, following her. She rolled her eyes and laughed at him. "I'm gonna jump in the shower before we go to the movie, and I take long showers, so just make yourself at home!" she replied cheerily handing him the tv remote. "Alright," he replied plopping down on the bed.

When she left the room he got up and glanced around her room at all the pictures of friends and family she had hanging up everywhere. His eyes landed on a big book sitting on top of a pile of papers on her desk. 'Evanston High School Yearbook-1997' was inscribed on the front. Justin shrugged to himself picking it up and flipping through it. He smiled at all the goofy pictures of students at football games and dances. 'What I wouldn't give to have one of these,' he thought to himself sadly.

Then he landed on a page titled, "Class Favorites". There were categories like, best athlete, best dressed, and most friendly. His eyes landed on a big picture right in the middle titled, "Cutest Couple". There was a picture of Maggie with a tall, dark-haired guy. He looked like the All-American type, with a huge smile, wearing a blue and white football jersey. He held a smiling Maggie in his arms, she had such a bright smile, and her eyes were full of life and love. "Cutest Couple-Maggie Sutton and Ryan Stradford" was the caption underneath. 'So this is Ryan,' Justin wondered to himself.

He stared at the picture sadly for a little while, not accepting the fact that Maggie had loved Ryan before she was with him. Trying to forget about it, he flipped through the rest of the yearbook quickly, and right before he closed it he noticed the two very back pages were full of writing. His curiosity getting the best of him, he tried to read the scribbly, messy handwriting. He looked at the signature at the end. "Love always, Ryan," it read.

Justin looked towards the door. He could still hear the shower running. 'Should I?' he wondered frantically. 'It can't even be that bad, she'll never even know,' he reasoned. His eyes settled on the beginning of the writing as he began to read.


My Dearest Maggie,

That sounds like it came out of a cheesy romance novel, but it's exactly how I feel about you. As I sit down to write this to you, I'm not really sure what to write. I don't think I can possibly put all my feelings for you into words. If I did, I would be sitting here for days writing endlessly. I guess I'll start at the beginning.

When I first heard you had a crush on me at the beginning of my junior year, I admit I thought, "Oh great, a little freshman likes me," but once I got to know you after that first football game, I realized how adorable and lovable you were. I think I fell in love with you instantly, that first night when we sat up talking on the phone until four in the morning. Remember that night? Anyway, that was the night I asked you to Homecoming. I was so nervous, I barely even got it out, and when you said yes I was ecstatic. I couldn't believe I was getting so excited over a freshman.

I was so nervous before the dance, and when you came downstairs from your room, you looked so beautiful and angelic, I couldn't believe you were coming downstairs for me. And that was the night I asked you out, September 25, 1995. Almost two wonderful years ago. That one night changed my life forever, and I'll never forget it as long as I live.

Ever since that night, I have fully realized what love really is. I never thought it was possible to love someone as much as I love you. You're the reason I get up in the morning, and I go to sleep at night so I can dream about you. That's the kind of love I only thought existed in movies. But now I know it really does exist, and that you are the love of my life.

Every experience I've had with you has been amazing and incredible. From every single one of our dates, from just going to the movies, to the summer we went to New York. Every kiss with you has been memorable, and every time we make love it takes me to another world where only you and I exist, together forever.

I know that I'm going to school in Florida next fall to play football, but there won't be one second when my mind is not on you, and don't you ever forget that. You will always be in my heart and on my mind no matter what. Just please always remember that for me. I guess maybe I should end because I'm running out of room, and if I know you, you're probably crying so much by now that you can't even read this anymore! But as I wasn't sure how to begin, I'm not sure how to end either. Just remember I will always love you no matter what, Maggie Leigh Sutton, I love you forever.

Love always, Ryan


Justin couldn't believe what he just read. It was one of the most beautiful things he'd ever seen. He was almost wiping tears from his own eyes. He never imagined Maggie and Ryan had been so close. He now understood why she had been so scared and unsure.

He heard the bathroom door open and he quickly slammed the book shut, put it back on her desk, plopped on the bed and turned on the tv. The second he looked at Maggie as she walked in his heart broke for her. He couldn't believe she had such a powerful love, and she lost it.

"Hey Justy, whatcha watching?" she asked sitting down next to him. "Huh, what?" he asked snapping out of his daze. "Are you ok?" she asked. "Yeah, I'm fine," he covered. "Well are you ready to go to the movie?" she asked standing up and smoothing down her skirt. "Yeah, I'm ready," he said getting up and wrapping his arms around her waist.

He buried his face in her wild curls and held her for dear life. "Justy, Justy, I can't breathe," she whispered, but he apparantly didn't hear her. "I'll never leave you, Maggie," he whispered. Her eyebrows furrowed in confusion. She let it go, and wrapped her arms around his neck as he held her.

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