CHapter 24

It was the midle of the movie Justin and Maggie were watching, and Maggie couldn't take it anymore, Justin was driving her nuts. He had been clinging onto her for dear life ever since she got out of the shower at her house. Justin sat with both his arms wrapped around her and he held her so tightly she could barely breathe. She looked to the bodyguard Troy, who was sitting a few rows behind them, for help, but he wasn't paying attention.

She finally eased herself out of his grasp for a second until Justin gave her a hurt look. "What's wrong?" he asked. "Justin, I couldn't breathe!" she complained. "Well you could've told me," he pouted. "Sorry," she rolled her eyes at him. Something was going on, he was acting so weird. He'd always been protective of her before, but he was never this bad.

Justin pouted throughout the rest of the movie, refusing to even hold Maggie's hand. When they got out of the movie he walked about five feet in front of her to his car, so she looked like she was on a date with Troy. When Justin opened his car door he turned to Troy, "I'm just gonna take her home now, I think you can go home too, but thanks for coming," he replied. "No problem, I'll talk to you later," Troy said heading to his own car.

Justin didn't even open Maggie's door for her like he always did. He just hopped in on his side and when she stood at her door and looked at him funny he just mouthed to her, "It's open." She sighed, opened the door, and hopped in.

The ride back to Maggie's house was completely silent, except for the sound of the radio. She hated him being mad at her, but she didn't even understand why he was so mad. Excuse her for wanting to be able to breathe. When he made it to her house he left the car on and waited for her to get out. "Justin, it's only 10:30, don't you want to come in and hang out?" she asked as she got out. He shook his head. "No, I'm kinda tired, I'll just talk to you later," he said coldly.

Tears filled Maggie's eyes. She didn't even know what she did, but Justin was acting like he hated her. He was pulling away from her, and it broke her heart. "Okay," she whispered grabbing her purse and turning around. Justin knew he was hurting her, and it killed him. But he was so confused, he couldn't be with her right now. He needed to talk to JC, he always knew how to help. "Night, Sweets," Justin whispered as Maggie shut the car door. She walked to her house slowly, and Justin could already see the lonely, scared, hurt Maggie he met two weeks ago coming back out. He swallowed hard, trying to ward off the tears that had come to his eyes.

He shifted the car to park, jumped out and ran to her right as she got to the front door. "Maggie, I'm sorry I'm acting like such an asshole, but I just have alot of stuff on my mind right now, so I just need to go home and get some sleep. I'm really not mad at you, it's not your fault," he rattled off at a million miles an hour, holding onto Maggie's shoulders. She looked up into his eyes, they were full of sincerity and concern, and she knew that he was telling the truth.

A small, relieved smile escaped her lips. "Okay, you get some sleep, and I'll call you in the morning," she replied. "Thanks for understanding," he said taking a breath of relief as she nodded. He leaned down and gave her such an intense, breathtaking kiss. When he pulled away she was standing on her tiptoes with her eyes still closed, practically begging him for more. He smiled down at her and almost laughed. She was so innocent, but Justin could tell she had a bad side to her too. "Night, Maggie," he said softly leaning down and giving her one more soft kiss on the lips before walking back to his car. "Night," she whispered, touching her own lips where his had just touched.

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