Chapter 25

When Justin got back to the condo around 11, he searched the house for JC. He knew Joey, Chris, and Lance went clubbing, but he couldn't find JC anywhere. Then he remembered that he was going out with Maggie's friend Jen tonight. Justin sighed and plopped down in the easy chair in the living room before turning on the tv. He sat up watching infomercials until 12:30 when JC finally sleepily stumbled through the front door.

"JC! You're finally home! I have to talk to you right now, come in here and sit down," Justin said jumping up to greet him in the front hallway. "Justin, I'm so tired, I just want to get some sleep, can't it wait till morning?" JC mumbled. "No, right now," Justin whined. JC knew that Justin would whine until he got his way, so he gave in. "Fine," he sighed laying down on the couch. "And don't fall asleep," Justin warned, sounding like a five year old. "I won't," JC rolled his eyes and chuckled at him being so immature. "Now what's so important?" JC asked resting his hands behind his head.


"Well today I was over at Maggie's, you know, and when I got there she had to go take a shower-" Justin started before JC stopped him. "Please Justin, your sex life is one thing that I would not like to be informed of," JC said sternly. Justin rolled his eyes at him. "We didn't have sex in the shower, JC," Justin sighed angrily. "Okay, sorry, continue," JC replied waving his hand at him. Justin shook his head in disbelief. "Okay, as I was saying," Justin said loudly. "Maggie was in the shower and she left me in her room to hang out while she was gone. Well I was wandering around looking at all her pictures when I saw her old yearbook sitting on her desk," Justin said. "So? Her old yearbook?" JC questioned. "Would you quit interrupting?!" Justin said annoyed. "Sorry!" JC said quickly.

"Okay, well I was glancing through it, and I saw her old boyfriend, Ryan, the one that left her to go to college, the one that broke her heart, the reason she's so scared now," Justin said. JC nodded, signaling him to continue. "And it kind of upset me, and I don't know why. I don't know if it was jealousy, or what, but it kind of hurt to see her with him," Justin said sadly. "Justin, why are you worried? Yeah, her and Ryan obviously must have had something great, but she's not with him now, she's with you, and that's all that matters," JC replied sitting up. "I know, I know, I've been trying to tell myself that all night," Justin sighed.

"So then I'm closing the yearbook and I notice a bunch of writing on the back two pages, you know how people sign each other's yearbooks? Well it fills two whole pages, so I look at the signature and it's Ryan," Justin said. "You didn't," JC whispered shaking his head and closing his eyes. He knew this was only headed for a disaster. "I did," Justin nodded. "I could still hear the shower running, so I figured it wouldn't hurt. JC, I've never read anything as beautiful as what he wrote to her. He loved her more than I could ever even imagine loving someone. Everything he said came straight from his heart, and it was amazing," Justin said sadly. JC looked at him confused.

Justin was shaking his head. "And now I'm the one that's terrified all of a sudden. What if I can't give Maggie that kind of love, what if I'm not as great as Ryan was? And I couldn't help but think of what a great love she had, and he left her, and he hurt her, and it broke my heart. And what if I hurt her like that, JC?" Justin finished his rambling with tears in his eyes. JC studied his young friend, and he had to feel sorry for him. His whole body was full of worry. His usually confident structure looked scared and hunched over, his eyes were full of worry and grief.

"Justin, I can't guarantee that you aren't going to hurt Maggie, I have no idea what the future holds, no one does. I do know that it seems like Maggie and Ryan did have a great love, and I'm sorry they lost it, but what if they were still together? Then you wouldn't have her right now, and you know everything happens for a reason. And Maggie seems to be over Ryan, and you're obviously all she thinks of now. She thinks the world of you, Justin, anyone near you two can see it. You've built a type of chemistry in two weeks that most people can't develop in years. Now it's just up to you to realize that, and to just not worry about the future right now. We have two weeks left in Chicago, and I want you to spend every single possible second with her. I haven't seen you this happy in so long, and you deserve it, Justin. Maybe when we leave for Orlando you and Maggie will forget about each other, or maybe you'll stay together and end up together forever. But that's in the future, and right now you just need to worry about right now. I'm sure there's a very scared girl in Evanston right now that still needs you, and you can't let her down Justin, you can't let her down. I know you won't hurt her as much as Ryan," JC ended his speech simply.

His tone of voice was so soft and comforting, and Justin had a few single tears falling down his cheeks. He would never understand how JC could say stuff like that, it was mind-boggling to him. Justin nodded, taking in everything JC had told him. "You're right, JC, I won't end up like Ryan, I won't," he said determined. The look of worry in his eyes was replaced with a look of fire and determination. "Good for you, now can I go to bed?" JC asked getting up. Justin nodded to him. "Our little Justin's growing up, I think he's falling in love," JC said tenderly patting Justin on the shoulder before calling out, "Night, Curly," and heading upstairs to bed.

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