Chapter 26

Justin got up early the next morning and left for Maggie's house. Even though he apologized, he still felt awful about the way he treated her last night. He barely slept a wink the night before. He got dressed in jeans, a baby blue North Carolina t-shirt, sneakers, threw on a baseball cap, and was on his way.


"Morning, Justin! It's 8:30, what are you doing here so early?" Maggie's mom greeted him. "I just wanted to see Maggie," he said simply. He didn't know how much Maggie filled her mom in on her love life, so he decided to spare her of details. "You're such a sweetheart," she gushed. "She's up in her room, she's probably still asleep," she replied pointing upstairs. "Thanks," Justin replied heading up to her room.

He paused when he got to Maggie's door. He knocked softly on it but received no answer, so he opened the door slowly and peeked around it. Inside was one of the most adorable sites he'd ever seen. Maggie was bundled up in the huge blankets and comforter on her bed, and the morning sunlight shone through the window onto her face, giving her such an angelic glow. Justin walked in further and kneeled down next to the bed on the floor. She was cuddled up to an old, ratty-looking teddy bear, and her hair was pulled up into a high ponytail, with stray pieces falling out everywhere. He felt so bad for waking her up, but he'd already watched her sleep so many times that he'd probably scare her if he did it again.


He brushed his finger against her cheek gently, not wanting to scare her. She jerked a little, repositioned herself a little bit and sighed, but she was still fast asleep. He then pushed the bill of his baseball cap up, then leaned up and brushed his lips against her cheek and kissed it softly. Her eyes opened slowly as she squinted them. Her sleepy, confused eyes stared deep into Justin's, which were now about an inch away from hers. "Is this a dream?" she whispered. "No, although millions of girls do dream of me being in their bedrooms, so you should feel privelaged, but for you my dear, this is not a dream," he replied quietly. She smiled at his humor so early in the morning.

"Then to what do I owe this great honor?" she asked, her face still extremely close to his. He brushed a few curls away from her face. "I just wanted to apologize again for last night, I'm so sorry I acted that way, I had no right," Justin started before Maggie silenced him with a finger on his lips. "Justin, it's okay, I already forgave you," she said softly. He couldn't believe how amazing she was. Most girls would hate him right now, the way he treated her last night, but she was so forgiving. He wondered how she could do that, having been hurt so bad before. "I know, but I still feel awful," he started again. "Justin," Maggie warned him. He nodded, knowing to stop.

"I could never stay mad at you," she smiled, tugging on his shirt and pulling him up on top of her onto the bed. Justin was surprised by how forward she was being. He laid a soft kiss onto her lips as she pulled his baseball cap off his head and ruffled his curls that were beginning to get long. She threw the cap on the floor and tugged on his shirt again, forcing all his weight on her. She lifted her head up and kissed him passionately. Her hands traveled underneath his shirt and onto his bare back as he reached under all the covers, lifted up her tank top, and rested his hands on her bare stomach.

Justin wondered where all of this was coming from out of her, and he really began to wonder when her hands rested on the waist of his jeans as she began to unbutton them. He stopped in mid-kiss and looked down at her in surprise. "Maggie, your parents are downstairs," he whispered with a small laugh. She shrugged and looked up at him innocently. He shook his head at her. "We can't now, Maggie, I would be so worried one of them would walk in or something, and then I'd never be allowed over here again, and," he rambled on. "I guess you're right," she nodded. "And I don't want your dad coming after me with a hunting gun," Justin added. That got a good laugh out of Maggie. "Justin, this may be the midwest, but we are not hicks!" she said between giggles. He felt his cheeks turn red with embarassment. "Sorry," he replied. "That's okay," she finished laughing.

"Come on and get up, sleepyhead, I'll fix you some cereal," Justin said lifting his weight off of her. "Cereal?" Maggie whined. "I was thinking along the lines of French toast, pancakes, maybe some scrambled eggs?" she shrugging her shoulders. "I only do cereal," Justin replied shaking his head. Maggie giggled at him and followed him downstairs.

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